Of course all the usual warning about this containing "Zoo Sex" and if you don't like.
Then Smeg off
Copyright 2019
This story is taking a huge left turn. While it will still have some nice zoo sex, it's going to get a bit dark.
Part 5.
A couple of years passed, rather quietly on the farm. There wasn't much that could top finding out that, aliens were real and one was an old world god.
Ranger Frank is a super nice guy. Coming by offering to help. The shepherd also gave him some perks. He brought his twin doe girls into the barn during the coldest winter months, to have a warm place to shag 'em. And they'd laugh about how the only black sheep Bill had, really warmed up to the black Park Ranger.
Pan would be gone for a couple months at a time. They knew he had many places to go. Not just here on earth, but the other planets he helped manage. Once he came by with some sort of scanner. Looked like a prop from a sci-fi movie. He said that was intentional in case someone saw it, they'd figure it was a toy or something. He scanned the sheep, the goats, the deer, Frank, and Bill. They were all given shots, except for the deer, Frank was given some pelletized grain to give to the them. And we were all better for it. The sheep were cured of any malady they had. No mater how hard you tried, there was always some ewe that was lame, or a cough. Frank said his shoulder that had been injured playing football was totally healed. As for Bill, well he's middle aged. So he had few stiff joints and some gray hairs. "Had" because they were all gone. Frank and Bill both get packages every few weeks with bottles of ground "Omelet Seasoning". As well as jugs of cider.
Like Frank, Bill acquired a deer friend. She would hang around the back yard and whenever she would see him, she would prance over and look for treats. And quite often she'd turn her toosh towards him. She quickly figured out that they needed to be in a more secluded spot and would wait until were hidden by bushes or even in the barn, before her white tail would come up in a clear invitation.
The two men would frequently sit on Bill's back porch, drinking some beers, watching the sheep out in the pasture grazing, and three deer, and two goats dozing in the shade of the large maple tree. Both were in great shape, thanks to their alien friend. And Frank helped build some simple gym equipment, so they both could, "work on muscle tone". And that also helped them having more stamina for great sex. So life was pretty good for the two men.
The rest of the world, not so much. One didn't have to be a 'doomsday' type to see things were getting really testy around the world. Throughout time, crazy people started wars. But what made things so very different today, is that a lot of these crazies have nuclear bombs.
Bill's family farm had seen blizzards, and been snowed in for weeks at a time. Ice storms and tornadoes that took down trees and power lines, and was without power for over two months once. So it was just common sense to have some supplies on hand.
A couple of the 'out-buildings' were of cement block construction. Meaning they were strong and had metal doors. They were cleaned out and shelves were built. And slowly the two men starting stocking them with food and water. Solar panels were put on the house roof and lithium iron phosphate batteries were stashed in the root cellar. They didn't go, 'full prepper'. No running around the woods in camo and living off bugs and bunnies. But they practice shooting, Bill showed Frank the proper way to sharpen a knife. Frank was well versed on how to properly make a fire ring. And other 'bush craft' that Park Rangers were required to know.
Every time Pan would come by and see the new projects, he simply said, "Good idea". Of course he also said, "Lets fuck some something".
Even without the faun pointing things out, the human started to notice more things that seamed to back up what the alien had been saying. Like how when they go out to the barn and open the gates and stand in view of the sheep grazing out in the pasture. How some will almost immediately start heading for them. And since sheep are herd animals, the rest soon follow. Lambs were running and gambling about, making both, human and alien smile. But when they all get to the barn, that first dozen or so animals will go towards the low platforms, and the rest would head to the hay bunkers to look for food. Some seem to be wanting a different kind of fulfillment...
They were wanting sex.
Rosie was always first on the platform. Her lambs were old enough to not need her continuous attention, so they learned to just hang out close by. Her sheep nether lips were always pushed back into Bill's face when he knelt behind her. While her vulva was small, the folds of flesh around them spoke of it being stretched to allow the passage of lambs. A patch of black short wool like fur surrounded the dark chocolate colored lips. The little 'finger' stuck out at the bottom of the opening. Bill knew that was where her clitoris hid just behind it. And his tongue made sure to give it a good working over.
All the world problems faded away as the human slowly slid into the ewe. Her slick, wet, warmth, made everything else just melt away. "Damn I love this", was all Bill thought, as he started fucking the animal.
Rosie must have also enjoyed it. For she not only held still, but was even pushing back to meet every inward thrust of the human. She could feel her clit press up against the underside of Bill's cock, sending raw exhilaration through out her woolen body.
After two years of the herbs, cider, and whatever was in the twice yearly shots Pan gave him. (Again the alien said it was stuff found here on earth and not some alien goo.) Bill's body felt more like twenty five and not his fifty five real age would. His cock was hard and throbbing.... It even measured longer... It's full length was being pistoned into Rosie's vagina with strong, steady strokes... The ewe's cunt lips clung to his shaft as he pulled it out of her sex. Only to seemingly gobble it back up when he shoved it back in... Along with everything else, his nerve endings felt more sensitive, sending his lust to rise quickly, as his fucked the animal... Bill fucking sped up, his groin bumped into the ewe's rump with soft 'paff' sounds. Time froze, as the shepherd stroked his cock repeatedly into the animal... The snug, warm tunnel of her sex, flowed over and around his penis, bathing it in pure ecstasy. Finally this serene love making reached it's peak when Bill exclaimed...
"FUCK! Rosie... You feel sooooo fucking good".
Bill's hips shook as his slammed into the ewe one last time. His groin was held tight against her black furred twat. His cock swelled as it belched forth the first volley of white human cum. The sticky translucent jizz coated deep into the animal's cunt... A second wave sent it even deeper to coat her cervix with the sperm rich fluid... Again and again the orgasmic contractions flooded the human's senses as his loins delivered up more and more cum to be pumped into the ewe filling her to overflowing.
Breathing slowed, as Bill stood, penis still firmly rooted in the ewe's sex as the afterglow spread through them both. Finally Rosie stepped foreword, pulling her sheep cunt off the human's cock, thick streamers of cum connected them briefly. She then hopped off the platform to go check on her twin lambs. The shepherd watch as his abundant issue flowed from Rosie's cunt.
The human heard a similar heavy breathing just a few feet away, where the Old World God was also blasting his load of cum into a ewe. His goat hips allowed the alien to bend in such a way, he was much closer to her back. His arms were able to reach father foreword, his fingers laced together in front of the ewe's chest. One could see that he was pulling her tight into his groin. Pan's short goat tail flicked up and down as the alien pumped the animal full of his jizz.
While Rosie was almost always first, Suzie Ewe had become the second. Bill didn't have long to watch Pan, before there was a clatter of hooves in front of the human as the ewe mounted the platform. Since she was a show sheep, like Rosie, Suzie had almost no tail, letting the human see that her vulva was already moist. With a motion that was automatic, Bill got some lube on his fingers and rubbed them over her pliant lips. Grasping his shaft, that was still coated with the mixture of fluids from his earlier fucking, the shepherd plowed into another member of his flock. Pulling back on Suzie's hip, the animal stepped back, making Bill's dick fully hilt into her cunt. The human had just started his fuck thrusts into the ewe, when her twin lambs caught up with their mom and started to nurse. Stepping their front hoofs onto the platform so they could reach the raised udder, the two quickly resumed their feeding. Looking down and seeing the lambs nursing on either side of the ewe he was fucking, was even more erotic then just fucking her cunt. Between the feel of her sex on his cock, and the image of her lambs sucking her teats, Bill was soon blasting out his second orgasm of the afternoon.
Bill stepped over to his insulated water bottle, and got a drink of cider. His cock had softened a bit, but would soon be ready to another round, when he noticed Pan wasn't fucking a ewe. But was standing a over by the far wall talking on a cell phone. The human had never seen the alien do that. He didn't even know Pan had a cell phone. Well like all the other tech he showed up with, Bill was sure it only looked like one, it could probably call the next galaxy over.
Pan, noting the human had finished with the ewe, came over to him.
"Hate to cut this session short, but we need to go inside".
Bill put his cargo shorts and t-shirt back on and followed along.
"Leave the sheep in the barn, we might make it back later".
When they got to the house, the alien asked for Bill to please sit for a moment, he need to make another 'phone call'. Stepping out of the room the human's mind spun with possibilities. That "we might make it back later", echoed in Bill's mind. "Might". He knew Pan had spoke another language, he had heard it when his daughter or another faun had been with him. But it was clearly English he shouted, just before coming back into the room.
"Fucking idiots"! His cloven hooves sounded like gun shots as he stormed back in to stand before Bill. "You and Frank have been practicing 'bugging out' scenarios"?
"Yeah... living this close to a pile of fire wood, we talked about if I'd have to flee a forest fire. Of course he would stay and fight it, but would probably bring his stuff over for me to take it away to someplace safe".
"Excellent". Pan seemed happy at his answer. "Call him and tell him to do just that... Tell him to figure that he's probably never coming back".
"Just do it, I'll explain as we go, but you and he need to start getting your shit together for a bug-out".
Bill called Frank. Fortunately he finished his shift and had just taken a shower, he was figuring on heading over soon. Pan heard Bill explain about three times. He nearly shouted into the phone. "I don't know what it's about, but I've never seen him this dead serous".
Holding back a thousand questions, Bill only asked one. He wanted to know if the sheep were going to be ok. When the alien assured him that they would be just fine, he set about loading his life into the back of his pick up truck.
Bill had made a spot that when he backed up where the bed of the truck would be level with the back porch. Using a hand dolly, he wheeled out MRE type food, square containers of water that stacked, army surplus ammo cans, some filed with ammo, other with gold and silver. The cans were placed in a row down the middle of this bed to help distribute the load. The pick up had a half seat behind the two regular ones. Into that area Bill loaded his laptop, with several storage drives, power cords and other peripherals. Going into his bed room he pulled out army surplus duffel bags and stuffed towels, blankets, winter coats, jackets, hats and gloves. And in the other he filled it with his work clothes. T-shirts, cargo shorts, a new pair of boots. Finally he took out the suitcase he use when he flew, and put his nice clothes in it. Along with his case that held all his watches. Some had been handed down from his great-great-grandfathers. And lastly, carefully wrapped in towels, a brace of Colt single action army revolvers.
Pan had remained silent, but did help carry out stuff once Bill had closed them. Grabbing a big plastic bin from the store room, the human put is favorite pots and pans, the continents of the 'silverware' drawer and spice rack were unceremoniously dumped in. A quick wrap of duct tape around the knife block, and it was added. Some of the food boxes he had already been loaded had sugar, flower, rice and other food stocks. Oh and mustn't forget the tin with the goats treats.
Frank got there with his little pick up with a topper, filled. And helped Bill with the last few things. He noted the park ranger was wearing his gun. So Bill figured that might be a good idea, since they still didn't know what the fuck was going on. Long gun cases and several hand gun cases went into the back seat area. Last thing was to put a portable solar panel across the top of the pile in the back of the pick up. It would be useful to recharge the power cells. Bill took one last trip through the house and stopped in the living room. Taking a large, coffee table sized, book off the shelf. A pastoral scene of sheep grazing in some vibrant green pasture, graced the cover. He took the book and put it on the end table, and started taking down what few photos were on the wall. Photos of his dad and his first prize winning ram. A family photo taken a little while before his mom passed away. Both were carefully taken from their frames and slipped into the book.
Frank and Bill stood on the back porch looking Pan, clearly wanting some answers. The alien had once again been talking to someone on his phone.
"You remember how I told you that everyone was pissed at the ape family for bringing religion here".
Both men nodded.
"Well since you humans developed nuclear weapons the other families demanded that they keep a tight leash on the ones that had control of them... But the religion things came back to bite 'em on the ass. And they lost control of the fanatics and they got their hands on the bomb... So they've been watching them very, very closely. They knew what these guys were going to have for lunch before they did... After years of planning and getting just the right people into the right military positions... They are planning to do a first strike. Kill the Infidels and all that crap".
The alien looked at the two men. The perpetual smirk was gone. He looked like someone that had eight hundred years of experience, and was at a loss as to what to say to his two friends.
"They are fueling rockets as we speak... They are going to start world war three in just a few hours".
"Can't you stop them"?
"No... Home world had forbade direct intervention. Anything that would reveal us to your world... They see this as the error that was made all those eons ago... fixing itself".
"So that's it? What did you have us load our trucks up for? You talked like we were going some where".
"You are. In a few minutes, as soon as the sun is completely down, a cloaked cargo ship will land in that open meadow. You, your sheep, Frank and his deer, will all be herded onto it".
In the last rays of the day, the two men could just make out a tiny airplane weaving over the tree tops, slowly getting closer. "One of those ultra-lights" noted Frank. "I wonder what he's doing out this late"? As if to answer Park Rangers question, deer started to wonder out from the wood. Then a few more... And more... Then a wave of brown animals, all headed towards the sheep ranch. They didn't act panicked, it was just like they all decided to go to Bill's farm. Bill and Frank opened the gates that led from the meadow. Frank's twins were among the first to reach them. Along with "Doe Eyes", the one that's been hanging around Bill. Fawns to old mature doe. Spike bucks and bucks with monster racks. They all walked quickly and quietly, filing into the barn lot. So many that some went though the gate and out into the sheep pasture. The little flyer landed the a faun hopped out. With a touch of a button, the plane folded itself to a package not much bigger then Bill's hand dolly, complete with wheels.
Pan looked at his phone screen... "Ship will be here in 10 minutes... " The alien then looked at the two men. "I almost forgot. Do you guys even want to be taken off this world? And do you Bill consent to having your goats and sheep also taken away with the deer"?
Bill was the first to speak up. "Well if a tenth of what you say is going to happen, happens. Then hell yes I want to leave with my sheep. At the bare minimum we'll end up in some nuclear winter hell".
"Yea I agree with Bill, if the deer go, I'm going too".
There wasn't even that slight shimmer cloaked ships have in sci-fi movies. There was just suddenly a big ramp leading up into a massive cargo hold, not fifty feet out from the open gates, just seem to appear. Dozens of faun ran down the ramp and with some kind of flashlight like device, which they aimed at the deer, they started herding the surprisingly calm animals up the ramp and into the bowels of the ship. Next came the sheep and two goats. Now that the crew was freed up from herding duties, they took large floating platforms and went to the hay barn and loaded about all the hay onto them. Next a smaller one emptied out the feed room of the several sacks of grain that Bill had custom ground at the feed mill. He even noted they took the tool box with the electric shears, the fold up shearing stands he used for shows, the small refrigerator that had all the sheep's medications. And finally the pump bottle that held his lube and the gallon jugs to refill it.
"Well you humans are next. Get your trucks up the ramps, they'll show you where to park inside".
That was the last time the two men ever set foot on earth.
Pan had followed them inside. When the two men got out of their trucks, The alien told them..
"Just hang out here, your animals are fine. The 'calming' lights do just that, calms them down and nothing else. They'll suffer no ill effects. We've been using those for centuries". The faun then went to the side of the ship, they were parked next to, and touch some control. Suddenly a large view port opened and they could see the outside world as if it were mid-day. "We need to make another pick up, so everyone is going to be busy for a few.". And with that he trotted off.
Frank went to the back of his truck, opened the topper's swing up door, reached inside and took out two folding chairs. Going back to the front of Bill's truck, he opened the chairs and sat in one. Bill was just closing the door on his truck and went to where Frank was sitting. Handing the black man a party sized plastic cup, filled to about a third full of a amber liquid. "I think we both could use a drink about now". Bill sat in the other chair and the two humans 'clinked' plastic cups and had a good large swig out of their cups.
The "other pick up", turned out to be at the same dairy goat farm that Bill had gotten Lora and Nora from.
The cargo ship was large, but not endless. The two hundred plus goat herd would have made for some crowded conditions, so the fauns lowered a large square of metal from the ceiling. When it got lower enough, big metal walls folded up and were attached to the ceiling, making a large hanging second storage area. Then a wide ramp, it too had sides, was placed from the main ramp to the second floor. Goats started streaming up the ramp. Jim drove his huge dully pick-up, up the ramp to the main floor, pulling his massive stock trailer. One could see there were no goats in it, just the portable milking equipment they took to fairs and show. Fold up stanchions and other equipment. He was parked against the wall opposite from Bill and Frank. Then the flow of goats were switched and they started filling in the lower main floor of the cargo bay. What little room was left was filled with large rolls of hay that were arranged along the floor just in front of the ramp. There were even some place on the ramp itself, that you could see once the ramp lifted to take off position.
Once the ramp was closed, Bill and Frank turned to look out of the window again and were shocked to see the moon go by. The ship slowed when it got out to about the orbit of Mars. But since it was on the far side of the sun to them they didn't get to see the red planet. What they did see was something that looked like some gigantic erector set. In between the frame work they could see dozens of ships nestled there. The two men figured the ship they were on probably looked like all the other ships. And soon they too were sliding sideways into a berth.
Suddenly a view screen came to life. The back of the cargo ship was filled with the image of that blue marble, earth. The Americas happened to be the side that they saw. But there was no mistaking the flashes that lit up the atmosphere from the far side of the world. "Somebody just got it". Franks voice cracked a bit. "There's another". Bill's voice too was strained. Then Chicago blew. That's it, the big boys are in it now". This time Bill's voice sounded dead. The men watched as streamers of exhaust plumes rose up from the western half of the United States. Out in the oceans, from under the surface came even more trails of death reaching to the sky.
Bill went and got the bottle of Bourbon from the cab of the truck. Both men turned their chairs to look out at space and the other cargo ships that still hung out there waiting their turn to find a birth. They drank in silence. Nether felt like offering up a toast to the earth.
"Pan was right". Bill said. "About what"? What he said when he first learned that they were planing on blowing the place up... He said "Fucking Idiots"!
Ancient Greek for
"Vu.va.los". Bill had just stepped out onto his back porch. He made it a point to, everyday, say out loud the name of the planet he now called home. The Bovidae family owned it. And since the first animals they released onto the plains was buffalo, that's what they called the planet.
The earth men had a bit of a culture shock. They had known of the 'Old Fucks' propensity to shag anything on four legs. But hadn't much of an idea beyond that. They were rather surprised to see such extensive preparations had been made for their arrival. Many hundreds of acres had been cleared, pastures planted, fences erected, waterers, grain feeders, barns, and even houses.
Landing close to a hay barn, faun with long metal rods went up to the large round hay bales that were blocking the ramp, slid them into the middle of the bale, leaving what looked like a bicycle handle sticking out. Grabbing the handle, the faun picked up the massive hay bales and walked down the ramp and to the barn. Once all the hay was removed, the ship lifted and turned so the ramp was now next to a gate. The goats streamed down the ramp and run out into the pasture. The ramp from the second level was removed and Jim started his big pick up and drove down the ramp and headed towards the barn.
Then it was Bill's turn. Again the ship moved and all his hay was off loaded to a hay barn. The sheep let out into a pasture, and Bill drove down the ramp towards the house. By the time he got there, the ship had moved again and deer were streaming out and into the forest. Franks truck disappeared through a gap in the trees, on a little road to his own house in the woods.
That day and the next were all a bit of a blur. What with all the faun, male and female, running around putting things away, being shown the Info/entertainment/communication unit. It took up most of one wall. Speaking of walls, the house was pretty close to his old home. Bedroom with door that opened to the back deck. They did add a large 'pet door' that was big enough for full sized goats. King sized bed, and a master bath with a urinal for when he had 'morning wood'. Living room was nice and large, with two big recliners facing the TV screen. A book case with a few useful books. And his own book was there, and the photos had been found and frames acquired. They now hung on the wall next to the TV. His data drives had been down loaded into the unit, so every photo, every video, every story, every song, and piece of art, he had ever saved was available on the TV. Not far away on the book shelf, sat a slim unit that would play any disk he had. Most of which had already been stacked neatly next to it. The kitchen looked like something out of one of those 'House and Garden' type magazine. Stainless Steel everything. The refrigerator even had food, milk, eggs, and a some bottled beers in it. And his laptop had been set up on a small desk in the corner with a large monitor, standard keyboard and mouse hooked up to it.
On top of all this, Bill would go outside every fifteen minutes to check on the sheep.
Then they all left. Pan had asked if the human needed anything, and got a blank stare. Handing Bill his phone. "I added myself to your contact list, if you need something". Bill looked at the alien and just asked, "How"?
"Everyone's cell phone works here, and so does the Internet. So have fun, and I'll check back in a week or so". And then, Bill was standing alone on the back deck, looking down at his phone.
If the first two days went by in a blur, the second two seemed to stretch on forever.... Bill sat, looking out at his sheep. They seemed happy. Grass was tasty, at least they eagerly ate it. The weather was pleasant. That was due to this world not having as much tilt as earth did. The human had sat through several hours of videos explaining the solar system. (Twelve planets) That they were on the forth one. Average weather for the area he was in. How it took millions of years to get the biosphere worked out. Getting the oxygen and other gasses to stop fluctuating. By that time the plants had been here for more then ten million years. They got the forests where they wanted them, the grasslands, the swamps, rain forests, and a dozen more areas. And then they let everything set for around ten thousand years, just to let everything settle in. Since this was the first planet to use only birds for pollination instead of insects, they wanted to make sure that was working.
He also found out what his job was. He was a caretaker. Since this is one of the 'Old Fucks' pleasure planets, he was here to take care of the livestock. As Pan once told him, "We made this world so we'd have something to fuck... Lots of something's to fuck... Talk about feeling like a god... We took this world... And stocked it with a myriad of delightful, fuckable animals..."
So in exchange for not being blown up during 'Armageddon' he would continue to do exactly the same thing he had been doing back on earth. Taking care of a flock of sheep. Everything provided, if he needed any help, or anything, just ask.
And if he ever got tired of this, he could go and become, anything he wanted. All thanks to the Ape family. Since they were responsible for the humans having to be evacuated from Earth.
On the fifth day, he called Frank and invited him over, if he felt like it. No pressure.
The black man took the offered brown bottle of beer. "Thanks".
"How are the deer"?
"Good... I think sometimes they know something is different... But don't seem to mind".
"The sheep too like the place... at least I haven't had any complaints".
Frank gave a slight chuckle.
Bill gave an all encompassing wave of his beer bottle. "I sometimes get the feeling that this is a movie set, or one of those historical reenactment village... I guess it's the twenty nine hour days".
Frank thought for a moment. "What was that line from that movie, Men in Black... You ether adjust or have a psychotic event".
It was Bill's turn to give a chuckle. "I keep expecting to see some of those aliens from that movie to start walking around here".
The former Forest Ranger took a long swig from his beer and pointed the neck at the shepherd. "You know... We're the aliens now".
"Been watching your TV"? Asked Bill.
"Yea, some pretty interesting stuff on there. That 'Intro to Voúvalos' was really good. These guys really know how to play the 'long game'".
"I guess that stuff is still going on. Thousands of planets in various stages of being transformed".
Frank looked at Bill with a big grin. "You find the porn"?
"Oh hell yes! That some fantastic stuff. Just the porn from the past thousand years or so... Haven't gotten into the really old stuff".
"We'll have to swap, 'best of' lists".
But mostly the two just sat quietly. The tranquil scene of the sheep grazing out in the pasture was calming. The 'Old ones' knew that the humans would need time to grieve. Either for family and friends or the planet in general. Bill had found files of where they had sent probes into the black clouds that covered most of the face of Earth. He saw the forest burning and the smoking remains of his house and barn. He looked at a few of the cities he had visited over the years. Wasn't like in the movies with buildings looking black broken jagged teeth. No the bombs were so large there was nothing, all the way out to the suburbs. He could only look at that for a short while... Bill figured after seeing that, no one would blame him to want to see some porn. Pan had said that some of his people don't become faun, they stay human like. Well mostly human like, some had opted for massive cocks. He saw guys fucking draft mares with cocks that no earth human could have wielded.
On the tenth day Bill awoke with a major case of 'morning wood'.
"I guess it's time to start living again".
Lora and Nora had been sleeping with the human most nights in his large bed.
Coming out of the bathroom, the sight of the twin goats made his dick throb. Finding the bottle of lube on the night stand, Bill climbed back into bed. Carefully rolled Lora onto her back. Kneeling on the bed, he lowered his face down to rub it on her soft hairy udder. In turn, each teat was softly suckled. Moving forward, he again rubbed his face on black hairs that ran down the middle of her large ruminate belly. Looking up at her face, eyes closed as she enjoyed the attention from the human. Getting a pump of lube, he asked the doe. "Are you ready Ms. Goaty Goat"? Bill slathered the lube over the head of his cock and over the nether lips of the doe's cunt. Grabbing her muscular thighs, he rolled her toosh up so her sex was in line with his penis. Moving his knees forward, his glans pushed through the fleshy lips. Bill didn't even have to use his hands to aim, he was that hard. "Oh Fuck you are so warm"... The human continued to slide into the animal. The purple helmet pushed the velvety soft flesh aside, making a warm channel into her sex. Moist vaginal walls clung to his shaft as he pushed slowly in... Since he was much thicker then a goat buck's dick would be, his shaft rubbed her clit, sending waves of pleasure through out the animal's body... Bill began to slowly fuck the goat under him... His hips rose and fell on a steady rhythm... The lust, dormant for over a week, sparked quickly to flare within the human. He fucked the animal faster, sending his cock again and again, plowing into her depths... The rebounding of the mattress drove his penis ever deeper into Lora's pussy... Warm goat flesh surrounded his manhood, each time his hilted fully into the goat's sex. Stroke after stroke, one thrust followed the last, as the human fucked his cock into the willing animal... Leaning over the doe, hands on the mattress on either side of her deep chest, to keep his weight off her belly... Looking up, the human saw the goat still had her eyes closed and her lips moved slightly, as she moaned softly... Lora's cunt felt even wetter. His cock fairly squished as it pistoned in and out of her wet hole...
Bill's voice was a horse whisper. "Oh FUCK Lora", was all he was able to say, as a week overdue orgasm racked his body. He came so hard it was nearly painful... He almost expected to see his cum shoot from the doe's nose. Blast after blast filled the animal's vagina to overflowing...
Once his breathing slowed. He sat back up on his heels. Looking down, with the joy of the after glow still in his eyes, he rubbed his hands over her round belly... He then carefully lifted her hind legs so her hooves were next to his face. He rubbed his morning stubble over the cool hard toes. Using his index finger on each hand, he slowly worked it between her hind toes and rubbed the scent gland that was hidden there. The goat suddenly tightened her cunt around Bill's still leaking cock and she gave out a louder moan... He let go of her legs and she slowly folded them back into a relaxed position... Looking down the human saw one blessed out goat. Head still on pillow, breathing slowly... Just then her sister decided to get up and step off the bed and headed out through the 'doggie door'... Her eyes opened and watched her sister leave. Moving her legs was her sign that she wanted to get up. Bill rolled her onto her side. Feeling her cunt rotate around his cock was exquisite. But she kept rolling as was soon up and following her twin out the door.
The shepherd watch through the window as the twin goat girls bounced out into the back yard. Sitting farther back on his heels, he let his shoulders slump. He just wanted to stay like this a while longer. He penis was still pretty hard, it was sticking up at about a forty five degree angle. He was hoping it would go down soon, so his could get off the bed and change the sheets. The twins stopped at the same time and squatted to piss. Then one headed to the water and the other, Nora, headed back to the house. Stepping through the doggie door, she stood looking at the human.
Bill wished he could 'read' them like Pan. "What'cha want pretty girl"? His voice seemed to spur her to action and she hopped up on the bed. Turning her rear toward him, it became abundantly clear what she wanted. The human leaned foreword, sitting as he was, he was just at the right height to pleasure the animal with his tongue. Putting both hands on her hips, he lathered her pussy lips. The tip of his tongue slipping deeper into her vulva. Down at the bottom his tongue detected the slender spear of turgid flesh that was her clitoris... Every time he flicked over it, her hips would twitch. After plumbing the depths, as far as his tongue would reach, the human returned to her swollen clit... Twitching became sinking. Her beautiful rump began to lower... Finally it was too low for him to oral her... She sat like a big dog would. Folding her hind legs. As she sank, her nether lips leaving a wet trail down the bare skin of the human's chest. Reaching under her, Bill grabbed his very hard dick and aimed it at the descending goat pussy. The shepherd figured the wily goat knew exactly what she was doing, for she didn't slow her decent when his purple glans poked through her wet vulva. She slid all the way down his shaft until she was sitting on his lap.
Nora rolled her hips so her toosh could settle even farther into Bill's lap. His penis pushed even deeper into her moist sex. Giving a soft groan, the human leaned forward and wrapper his arms around the goat. One arm around her deeply vee'd chest and the other around her ruminate belly. He hugged her close and buried his face into the black fur of her dorsal stripe inhaling her animal scent. All of which made his cock throb harder and his hips to buck his groin against the doe's rump. Lifting her slightly, he was able to pull about an inch of dick out of her cunt... Letting her back down drove the hard shaft back in to full insertion. Again and again the short stroke sent waves of erotic joy through both human and animal. Suddenly the thing Frank said the other day sprang into Bill's mind. "We're the aliens now". Bill hugged the goat a little tighter as his continued to thrust his cock up, into the doe's warm, wet cunt. "Just a couple of Earthlings Fucking", the human whispered to the goat.
The springiness of the mattress helped Bill keep up his pace. The two creatures bounced up and down... The human's breathing was labored as he continued to rut the doe. "Oh FUCK", was all Bill could croak out as a volcano of white erupted up into the goat's cunt. Human cum spewed deep into the Nora's vagina... Another wave of translucent jizz shot upwards, pushing the human's semen ever deeper into the animal. Then another... More and more of his cum flowed into the goat. As if his body was making up for lost time, his thick seed flooded the doe's cunt. He filled her and continued to pump more, making the sticky stuff flow back along his cock, and out to coat his balls with the overflow.
As the afterglow of his orgasms faded, Bill realized that he was still hugging the doe pretty firmly... He was quite amazed that she had made no struggle to get free. Seemed she like the embrace. The human did let the animal go, and her front hooves sank back into the mattress. But she made no move to get up, off Bill's still ridged penis. Using both hands, he petted her gray furred body. Soft strokes brought another shifting of hips, making her cunt slide around the human's greasy pole.
finally Nora did stand. Long strings of cum stretched from cunt to cock. The streamers broke as she jumped off the bed. The last of his cum left with her as goat's puffy twat went out the doggie door. Getting off the bed, Bill looked at the two puddles of cooling semen. Pulling the sheet from the bed, he used it to wipe himself. Going out the back door, he went along the deck to the utility room door. Going in he shoved the sheet into the washer and left to get himself a shower.
A couple weeks had passed and Bill was suddenly surprised by a knock on the front door.
"Hi, I have a letter for you". A cute young faun stood on his porch with letter in hand. Well if you call one hundred and forty 'young'. Bill asked the faun if she would like something to drink, and she said she would. They both went inside, the human was distracted by the letter he had been handed, when he felt his cargo shorts being undone and falling to the floor. Looking down he saw the dark brown goat hair that covered the delivery faun's head. Her short horns were already bobbing back and forth as her mouth glided up and down his rapidly hardening shaft. Bill was at a loss as to what to say, when he figured she was doing exactly what she wanted. So he opened the letter.
It was on a business letter head. "The Apple Family Farm Goat Milk Soap and Lotions". Bill knew the farm, he had even bought soap from their little road side stand. It had been run by the son, "Mac" for the past 8 years. Seems his parents had gone to one of those 'sweat lodge' retreats. Whatever was making the smoke malfunctioned and killed something like 9 people. Including Mac's mother and father.
The letter was inviting everyone to a 'meet and greet' at the gazebo...
Since this was only his second blow-job, ever. Bill didn't last long. The way she wrapped her tongue around his balls... And she 'deep throated' him... Whew!
The faun stood up and cheerfully said, "Well I have to more deliveries". Bill watched that little goat tail wiggle as she trotted down the steps and turned up the road to Frank's place.