
Handful of haiku; Written a long time ago; Found on my hard drive. I wrote these for a contest on a long-gone forum, around 1999-ish.  They are all in the traditional 5-7-5 form. Some Zooish Haiku  by Dingo Jay       Best friend and lover   Soft fur against my bare skin   She lives to please me.                 ____   He sits before me   Pink delight peeks from his sheath   Awaiting my touch.                 ____   Cold nose,  amber eyes   Half-wild to her last breath   My dangerous mate!                 ____   His past a nightmare   Flinching under a caress   He learns to trust me.                 ____   Busy herding dog   Coat matted with dust and muck   Hides the love within.                 ____   Junkyard Doberman   Enjoys...
Every trot you take Every neigh you make Every carrot you intake Every fart you make I'll be watching you Every bit of hay Every swish you make Every hair you shake Every breath you take I'll be stalking you Oh, can't you see? You make me horny Oh, my sweaty hands quake With every booty shake Every trot you take Every neigh you make Every treat you stake Every single day I'll be watching you Since I've cum, you've been lost without a trace I dream at night I can only suck your face I look around, but you're the mare I can't replace I feel so hot, and I long for your embrace I keep crying, "Can I touch you please?" Every bit of hay Every swish you make Every breath you...
I wrote this a couple years ago, using Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" as a template. Very naughty, but at least it's musical. Once, upon an evening splendid, as another drink I blended With the mint and sweets intended to renew my bourbon straight, With the julep fit to guzzle, suddenly I felt a nuzzle From the soft, insistent muzzle of my hound, who could not wait One more second for his dinner, one more moment for his fete. “Well, “I muttered, “That’s just great.” Truly, I had not forgotten my companion I’d spoiled rotten, During dinner, finished not an hour ago, I’d shared my plate. Nonetheless, he sat contritely, eyes upon me shining brightly, Trying not to beg, politely asking me to contemplate Feeding...
<p align="left"> <font color="#000000"><font face="Courier New"><font size="2" style="font-size:11pt;"><span><span>The Stallions' Dance</span></font></font></span></font> <font face="Courier New"><font size="2" style="font-size:11pt;">====================</font></font> <font color="#000000"><font face="Courier New"><font size="2" style="font-size:11pt;"><span><span>The tranquility of dusk</span></font></font></span></font> <font color="#000000"><font face="Courier New"><font size="2" style="font-size:11pt;"><span><span> Relieving a waried sun</span></font></font></span></font> <font color="#000000"><font face="Courier New"><font size="2" style="font-size:11pt;"><span><span>Simmering equine musk</span></font></font></span></font> <font...
<b><span>      The Execution of Thomas Granger</span></b> <span>         (1625? – September 8, 1642 RIP) </span>   To explain this tale, I must regale, some little-known history. Tom Granger you see, was first to be, executed so very bestialy.   Every child knows, how the story goes, about the Plymouth Colony. That pious lot, whom religion got, and wanted to worship free.   A Godly bunch, they played a hunch And bought themselves a boat. The only fault that the Speedwell had, was that it wouldn’t reliably float.   They prayed a lot and providence brought, A ship that might just pass. And off they sailed, though someone failed, To...
Riding over their dead, the troop still charged ahead; Every horse and man obeyed though the earth was turning red. They knew no reason why, for that hill they were sent to die; Yet through the storm of hate, “charge!” was the only cry.   Cast violently aground, as hooves thrashed all around; He didn’t know, nor did he care, who won that worthless mound. In what was left of thought, he cared not why they’d fought. He only wondered to what end his only friend was brought.   Born the unwanted spore of the camp’s meanest whore, he never dreamt that his death might bring him more. As early as he was able, he had cleaned the troop’s old stable And there he found his only love...
<p align="center" style="text-align:center;"> <b>The Horse on the Hill</b> <b></b> <b></b> <p align="center" style="text-align:center;"> <b></b> <b>by Old Zoo </b> <b></b> The warm spring breeze seemed to heal my knees As I strode easily toward the hill It seemed rather strange that its slopes should range Where had been a ravine dark and chill   Verdant and green, it was a blissful scene And I sensed something waited there With lively step, I almost leapt As I climbed upward without a care   As I neared the crest, I felt in my chest A warmth where I had long been cold It was apparent to me and I had come to see It was the price of...
Songs of the dead fill up my head, as shadows of past lovers fill my bed. What was felt, was never said, now leave my eyes in tears and burnin' red. And I wish, that I were dead, like the shadow of my lover on my bed. It'll soon be light, but I'm burnin' night, My mind fightin' to keep you in its sight. And what was said was never right, giving succor to my heartless blight. And I wish that I were dead, like my shadow love that once lay on my bed. Dark shadow of my past lovers on my bed, 'Till night herself is dead,  I'll chase the shadows of my lover in my head, on our old bed.  
Sweet mare, standing over there, would you allow me to canter with you? I can't resist a nibblegroom on your mane, and I can't imagine a day not hearing your nicker. I feel Epona's warm sunshine on the snowiest day when I catch your scent. You're always on my mind, mare, and I'll be damned if the thunder of your hooves doesn't pound my heart. Sweet mare, cantering beside me, shall we race? You invigorate me and I want to gallop through the fields with you. I know a patch of sweet clover, ever green in a shady hidden grove, would you like to share it with me? All my secrets are yours, mare, you've got a spell over me. You're always on my mind, mare, and I'll be damned if I can't think of a future without you. Sweet mare...
Now I lay me down to sleep My weapons stashed within their keep The day's turmoil has come and ended Within my home, I am defended   Her fangs are sharp, her senses keen One eye glows red, the other green Her growl is low, like rolling thunder Those unwelcomed, she'll put six foot under   Her warmth enough to keep me calm Through chaos and darkness, I slumber on I have no fear, I have no fright She is my guardian of the night   Lyc
<p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">Whose mares these are I think I know </span> <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">His house is in the village though; </span> <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">He will not see me stopping here </span> <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">To watch their tails twitch to and fro </span> <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;"> </span>   <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">The passers bye must think it queer </span> <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">I stop without a driveway near </span> <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">But raging lust, my caution forsake </span> <p style="margin-bottom:.0001pt;">This first warm evening of the year </span> <p...
(Mare sings) All I want is a stall somewhere Far away from the cold night air With a man who can please a mare Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?   Lots of sweet feed for me to eat Lots of fondlin’ stokin’ up my heat Warm hands, warm nose, how sweet! Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?   Someone's chest resting on my rump Warm and tender he would start to hump Then like a stallion he would slam and bump Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?   Oh, so lovely standin' abso-bloomin'-lutely still I would never budge till I clamped, moaned and gave him a terrific thrill Oh, wouldn't it be loverly? Loverly, loverly, loverly...
  Old horse barns have their secret yarns about the men who once lurked there Their musty smell tells of souls who fell neath the charms of a wanton mare   The evening loon by the summer moon sings tales that make sinners blush About the fatal lure that has no cure Of desire that turns brains to mush   It was in such a place that I lost all grace and fornicated all that night That mare’s great rump I had to hump Though lose my soul I might   I had long taken care of her mane so fair That flowed o’er her neck like a veil I might’ve saved my soul and been left whole Had I just not looked under her tail...
Start new top (see footnotes at bottom) I stopped long ago jacking off  That no longer gave me satisfaction  And I made friends with a Bragada<span></span> Mare, slow and pot bellied  With a crack in her pussy  Which measured more than a league   Totally it is depending on taste  In this big world without borders  How much the climbing china Seiúda vine and good hip hide the Secret that cannot be explained  It does not have the taste of cock In the narrow channel of the filly   How many times when piazote  Just to see the bottom of this hole Undermining<span><span style="font-family:Verdana...
Tree In long passed youth I knew a favorite tree Whose branches I would climb upon and rest In leafy shade, surveying all around.   I'd smoke a stolen cigarette, and pee; The free air on my penis felt the best. I'd skip the wetted branches going down. -------------------------------- Ewe Upon a lazy summer's day With insects buzzing close above the water I felt the urge to have myself a lay, So first I screwed a ewe, and then her daughter! ------------------------------------------- Warm spring night Awake upon a warm spring night, I stepped outside, The world was quiet, clean--I caught a scent And followed in bare feet on dew-wet grass...
Tippys on my bed Scents fill my head Sense fills my emotion Welling up from an ocean Fur brushes my skin Seek the flesh with-in Thrust into love Pull back from above Roll with me to find A different design Of love to be had For good or for bad If it should begin We'll try it again Though if it should fail I'll quick lift her tail And entering fast Find one that will last Till shakiness ending We part remembering Another look For the book   sw  
As my flesh pressed her fur I though not much of her My pleasure my own desire Lit the awful fire A lust, a full taboo To gain a shock from you This was my only goal The thing that'd make me whole   But soft, she gazed at me And what we soon would be Till soft as well was I With shudder and with sigh Her soul I found had mine With-in her intertwined As lay we coupling My heart itself did sing   Now I'll not tell to you The lovemaking we do Though it would shock you more Than if I'd bed a whore For her love is a gift That saved my heart adrift As I think too much of her As my flesh presses fur   sw
Song lyrics are a form of poetry, so here's one titled "My Lady In White", from my Zoo story-in-progress, "Sandey". Presented in the story as being written by Bertram (Cap'n Bert) Atwater, it is a lament for his lost love. Because the character speaks in a maritime fashion and has a speech impediment, due to old wartime injuries, the off-spelling is deliberate, and reflects those factors. This is the "long" version, where he is later singing it to himself, and the end is overheard, with a single-word penultimate line added. This fuller version is never heard or presented in its entirety, except here. I have a melody for it also, but I cannot write music. However, if you have ever heard the song "Maiden Wine" from the Star...
Dedicated to the one I miss so much..     I close my eyes, an echo of our memories revive .. As neverending dreams flood my unconscious mind; I feel undeniably alive The feeling of your touch, your breath on my skin, the longness to be with you again.. The look in your eyes, the way they meet with mine, A love that is forever and engrained.. These feelings of love can't be denied, my biggest wish is you to be at my side.. For all I can do is hold you in my dreams, until fate says otherwise...
<font color="#FFFFFF" style="background-color:#550033;font-size:x-large;"> Mare </font> <font color="#FFAAFF" style="background-color:#550033;font-size:x-large;"> sweetly standing, </font> <font color="#FF55FF" style="background-color:#550033;font-size:x-large;"> gracefully grazing clover, </font> <font color="#FF00FF" style="background-color:#550033;font-size:x-large;"> eyes glistening, gazing, enticing, </font> <font color="#DD00DD" style="background-color:#550033;font-size:x-large;"> mane and tail streaming in the breeze, </font> <font color="#BB00BB" style="background-color:#550033;font-size:x-large;"> bold spirit, irresistible form, sensuous touch, </font> <font color="#AA0077"...