I wrote this a couple years ago, using Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" as a template. Very naughty, but at least it's musical.
Once, upon an evening splendid, as another drink I blended
With the mint and sweets intended to renew my bourbon straight,
With the julep fit to guzzle, suddenly I felt a nuzzle
From the soft, insistent muzzle of my hound, who could not wait
One more second for his dinner, one more moment for his fete.
“Well, “I muttered, “That’s just great.”
Truly, I had not forgotten my companion I’d spoiled rotten,
During dinner, finished not an hour ago, I’d shared my plate.
Nonetheless, he sat contritely, eyes upon me shining brightly,
Trying not to beg, politely asking me to contemplate