RE: On the return of the forum and the forums history.


Staff member
In response to an old post by Silverwolf.
There is still no information on what happened with Silverwolf.
I stepped in during some time with the forums existance to help out with keeping it running. Of course there were some hiccups along the way, and the forum ran on old forum software.
I've still tried to keep the life of the forum going, with some hopes Silverwolf may make a return; Though as mentioned there is still no word on what happened with him.

I decided I'll try my best to keep the site going, and had it moved to a new forum software and hope Writer's Guild can make a come back. I know MyBB did not give it the greatest impression, nor worked well on mobile which was a really bad look when I actually viewed the site via my phone.

I personally have gone through a couple of different names. Before was doge, and d0g mostly on telegram.

For context on this reply post, see the one linked below from Silverwolf
Thank You! Very much!

I had a hideous time trying to navigate the previous format, all but giving up.
This seems quite a bit better-- Thanks.