I realize this is off topic, but hope its welcome. I recently found this video, and I think its interesting. I know there are zoos whom are TG, and unfortunately I know some whom are anti-TG. I wonder if there's a neuro-biological element specific to zoophilia?
The biology (specifically neuro-biology) of transgenderism.
TLDR: Brains of transgendered people, whether pre- or post-op, are wired differently. Effects of the hormonal alterations involved have been ruled out as being the cause, by non-transgendered persons undergoing hormonal therapies such as testosterone boosts for women and estrogen boosts for men not showing any link to the brain effects documented in transgendered persons.
TLDR: Brains of transgendered people, whether pre- or post-op, are wired differently. Effects of the hormonal alterations involved have been ruled out as being the cause, by non-transgendered persons undergoing hormonal therapies such as testosterone boosts for women and estrogen boosts for men not showing any link to the brain effects documented in transgendered persons.