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Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - Printable Version

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Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - silverwolf1 - 08-20-2020

23 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Wow.  Deer seem to be some kind of weird "third rail".  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/blink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="O.o" width="20" />

Unfortunately, I can recount too many similar stories with too many other lovers involved for that to be true. So, is making porn the 'third rail'? Or the human/ animal/ human love triangle? Or just being 'zoo'? True, they don't all end in suicide, but they almost all end badly for at least one of the lovers involved. I don't know the answer. There is always some kind of threat, and in my experience that threat is usually found from with-in while most zoo's are busy looking for it from outside the community. The outside element you can protect against, fairly easily. The other, though?

You'd have to be a total 'zoo' hermit like me, which for me is easy since I'm anti-social anyway but would suck for most zoos. The problem is most of us, including me, are empathic by nature. That's why we're so in tune to other species, and except for rare weirdos like yer Admin, also kinda in tune to and want companionship of our own as well. That's actually one of the reasons we make and share home-made porn believe it or not. It's why we join forums. It's why we reach out on apps like telegram & skype. It's why many cannot find themselves in a zoo exclusive relationship. It's more than just that we are naturally 'herd' animals, we are the peak of the term. We feel too much.

So, you just continue to feel, and you remember that anger & hatred are feelings too. You just hope the zoos you socialize with don't have them in their heart. 


Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - heavyhorse - 08-20-2020

26 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:

Or the human/ animal/ human love triangle?

<span> .....they almost all end badly for at least one of the lovers involved.</span>

I think this is the thing.   Human relationships sour, someone gets vindictive or revengeful, someone gets burned to the ground.  "Hell has no fury like a lover scorned".  Then if you can't honestly say "Bugger off" and move on, and let it send you into a downward spiral of depression,....  

26 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:

You'd have to be a total 'zoo' hermit like me, which for me is easy since I'm anti-social anyway

Join the club.  It's called "zoo exclusive".  And if I had to list one and only one reason why I am, it would be the wonderful open-arms-on-top-of-the-mountain freedom from human DRAMA.  Gawd that will drag you down if you can't find a way to distance yourself from it.  

Critters.  Even non-sex critters.  Sitting on a bucket while the baby lambs come and try to eat your buttons........ 


Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - HeartBeatOfTheBeast - 08-21-2020

12 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Join the club.  It's called "zoo exclusive"

I might be zoo exclusive but still have my brother as a room-mate in the future

Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - cervids - 10-25-2020

On 8/19/2020 at 4:38 AM, silverwolf1 said:

There was another zoo, he met a deer once and fell in love. He made no porn, never had sex with her that he mentioned, and never forgot her. He spoke of her with me often in between our private debates. He too killed himself. I suspect to this day it was as much a melancholy over her as it was a depression that drove him to it..

If you are talking about the one I think you are, one of the things he posted to reddit was that he had found her remains at one point, I think about 2-4 years before he vanished completely.  His posts got dark around then, as did his writing.  He even began to tell people a timeframe...   he "wasn't going to make it out of this decade" I believe was the wording.  Of course, it wasn't just that.  He suffered from both admitted medication issues, and aparently (not-confirmed) non-admitted to substance abuse issues.  Regardless, when that day hit, I feel he never really came back from that.  I'm not sure he could.  I'm not sure I could either.  It's part of the reason I have decided I am probably going to remain abstinent.

*pats FBI-agent reading this thread*

See there?  Now you can close my file.

At any rate, said user and how I know so much is he was big respected name on reddit /r/zoophilia, which was big with the younger zoo crowd.  Was up for moderatorship at one point even IIRC, but that was after he had already taken a turn for the worse and he basically told the mods to find someone else, is my understanding.

Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - heavyhorse - 10-25-2020

Well, the thing is this:  pretty much all the reasonable, possible critters (i.e., not tortoises or elephants) live a tiny fraction of the human lifespan.  It is absolutely inevitable that they will go, and some will leave a hole that can never be filled by another.  But the alternative is to have never known them at all.  So what then?  Never know them?  Never try?  Or have several special years, then crash and burn?  Or try to move on, stay busy, let other critters partly fill in?  Go a different direction with a different species?  Get chemical help?    Not helpful I suppose.  Personally, I have to keep occupied.  I'm old enough to have seen a lot of them come and go.  I'm a bit OCD anyway, crap will eat me alive if I don't crowd it out of my head.  Build stuff.  Rebuild/restore stuff.  Plant stuff, clear brush.  Write, stories, tech advice, an antique vehicle forum.  Help someone get something done.  Thinking about stuff too long will kill you.  Sorry, that's all I got. 



Are we off-topic yet?  

Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - cervids - 10-25-2020

1 hour ago, heavyhorse said:

Well, the thing is this:  pretty much all the reasonable, possible critters (i.e., not tortoises or elephants) live a tiny fraction of the human lifespan.  It is absolutely inevitable that they will go, and some will leave a hole that can never be filled by another.  But the alternative is to have never known them at all.  So what then?  Never know them?  Never try?  Or have several special years, then crash and burn?

No choice is right, it's what's right for you.  It doesn't change my love for animals, I just don't want to have any personally for quite a few reasons, for their welfare as much as my own.

And yes, we are off topic.

Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - silverwolf1 - 10-27-2020

We're well off topic. It doesn't matter I guess.

On 10/25/2020 at 0:24 AM, heavyhorse said:

Well, the thing is this:  pretty much all the reasonable, possible critters (i.e., not tortoises or elephants) live a tiny fraction of the human lifespan.  It is absolutely inevitable that they will go, and some will leave a hole that can never be filled by another.  But the alternative is to have never known them at all.  So what then?


On 10/25/2020 at 2:13 AM, cervids said:

No choice is right, it's what's right for you.


On 10/24/2020 at 9:40 PM, cervids said:

I feel he never really came back from that.  I'm not sure he could.  I'm not sure I could either

Sometimes you just exist through it, day after day, and life goes on. Life's gonna go on anyway, it always does. It did for the last one, who you loved so much she could never be replaced, in your life, your bed, your daily routine. Yet she was, even if she wasn't replaced in your heart, but joined there by the next.

Until one day it stops. But by then you won't hurt so much as you will just wait...


Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - cervids - 11-09-2020

FWIW re zooville,

The creator there has been peddling conspiracy theories as fact for some time straight out of 4chan, which was the orgin of the OpBeast antibestiality movement.

It leaves me with seriously bad vibes.  He doesn't even try to hide it.  Some of the images he posts still have their imagery on them.

Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - heavyhorse - 11-09-2020

Um, yeah.  This is the major thing re: ZV.  At least for me.

Pretty much all the people that made “the world’s largest” a complete and total Dumpster Fire are over there.  Most of the staff of the old site are there (with one notable exception unless it’s escaped me).  The same “sacred cow” protected people who made the gut-N-snuff videos on the 3 or 4 dark-web sites but you got banned and doxxed if you even alluded to.  The same zooier-than-thou convicted pedophile people and their defenders.  The old 8chan crowd.  All under the lovely protective umbrella with a new and shiny whitewash of “novo ethics”.  

*Reaches for airsick bag*  

Zooville & privately created Porn, do they steal it from you like past forums? - cervids - 11-09-2020

Yeah.  That's kind of the vibe I was getting.  Sounds like we have a rotten applecore here.