Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
Hello - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Hello (/showthread.php?tid=233)

Pages: 1 2

Hello - wildone - 09-28-2019

I am so glad this forum is here

I wd feel really lonely otherwise but it makes me feel like I am sort of normal when I read posts on here

So thank u to everyone

Hello - heavyhorse - 09-28-2019

1 hour ago, wildone said:

I am so glad this forum is here

I wd feel really lonely otherwise but it makes me feel like I am sort of normal when I read posts on here

So thank u to everyone

You, me, the rest of us here, I'm pretty sure we're the normal ones.  We love critters.  Their loss.

Hello - WinterGreenWolf - 09-28-2019

On 9/27/2019 at 7:41 AM, caikgoch said:

Get snacks and drinks.  Just read the forum for a while.

You are very far from the first.   Start by making decisions based on how it affects you and your dog.   Guilt is mostly someone else's problems intruding into your life.

Good luck.

This, also: welcome to the forum. 


Hello - shortleash - 11-02-2019

hello again...********************.oh sorry we are not supposed to say that here...

Hello - Ramseys - 11-03-2019

They haven't been back in a month.

I hope they do. 

Hello - heavyhorse - 11-04-2019

5 hours ago, Ramseys said:

They haven't been back in a month.

I hope they do. 

Just never know.  

Sometimes, past, some "women with dogs" have been, well, trolls.   Maybe he got tired of it..... 

Hello - silverwolf1 - 11-04-2019

Maybe they just found the answers they were looking for. Maybe not, and they'll return. We'll see. Or we won't. It is though hard to openly admit to being female in this community, even here, and the user may have been driven off as well. I hope not, but we may never know. There are a world of possibilities. My hope is for all who enter here to stay, and to find answers, friendships, or entertainment if that is what they seek or need. But most of all to understand that though different even among each other here, they can be here and know that they are not alone.


Hello - Oregon - 11-04-2019

I like to think they were genuine and have found what they were looking for. Maybe sometime they will come back to let us know. Maybe not. I wish them all the best all the same.