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Are we our own worst enemy? - Printable Version

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Are we our own worst enemy? - 30-30 - 11-17-2018

"Exceptionally bad activists" in the zoo scene is equal to "activists"... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Name just one good "activist"...

Are we our own worst enemy? - WinterGreenWolf - 11-18-2018

Though I didn't sort through and pick apart every piece of text 30-30, I have to agree more with Silverwolf on this one. The big thing I'll point out to you is that what I mentioned would be nice luxuries: but they don't change a damn thing for me.

Activism would be nice, lesser punishments would be nice if there's a fuck-up, stricter animal cruelty laws would be nice, especially with evidence of harm being present. But -none- of thoes things will stop me from loving my canines, none will stop me from possibly having a mate again. Not a one, because I'm not an idiot.

As for religion, do *not* even get me started on the hypocrisy, outright stupidity, idiocy and personal hate someone can harbor due to that fucking thousand year old story book. I'm not even going to discuss it at all, other than to say I myself have been attacked,  called sinner, liar, and non-believer *personally*, by people I've known a lot of years because I don't buy their bullshit.

I know we're the 'pattern' ape too: I also know there's a lot we nor anyone else knows about animals. WHat I was driving at is the sheer stupidity everyone has on the subject, and that view will -not- change. Out of all people 30 *you* should know better than that, you're an exclusive, have worked with Equines for years, and have a lover: you should know they're much more dynamic, have deeper perspectives, and understandings than given credit for.

I'm sick of people not using their logic, brain power, and sense of questioning: not to mention the follow-along mentality, that's why I don't 'fight to be zoo' anymore, much like SIlverwolf. It's as if a lot of people's greatest evolutionary traits, their brains: the -one- thing that seperates them from chimps, the evolutionary 'perk' that went astray, just shuts off all a sudden.

Have you seen the pseudo-science shit people fall for? Food scanners that can tell you everything about a mean using Infrared, vacuum-trains that replace subways and bring the difficulty of space-travel to earth? Come on people, Jesus Christ use your brains!

Now *deep breath*, I will give you the point about animal mating habits, to an extend: the thing is though even humans have a 'heat cycle', and all animals have the capability to have sex out of season (mammals, of course...). Why some do and some don't? Who knows! There's still a lot of understanding in general that needs to be learned about animals, not just from a Zoo Perspective.

Also to Covfefelake, you are right, our 'activism' scene is *bloody* fucking awful! We have no one with level head and steady hand to speak for us, or even get the basics straight. Hell even the exclusives disagree on definitions!

I know 30's views are distorted, much the same ways mine are: and I can understand why, it's not a mystery either. So I can see why he's not pushing, that being said I *myself* would like some change, or at least for the lynch mentality to go down somewhat.

The 'Kero Case' (that archive, is beyond horrid by the way, do NOT look at it...... If you value your sanity....) has also pretty much fucked us for another long while as well. 

Oh well, least I don't have too much to worry over, yet and hopefully never..


Are we our own worst enemy? - covfefelake - 11-19-2018

On 11/17/2018 at 3:56 PM, 30-30 said:

"Exceptionally bad activists" in the zoo scene is equal to "activists"... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Name just one good "activist"...

In general or in zoophilia?  There are plenty of good activists I could name but none from your community and that was kind of my point.  It's not that it's impossible.  It's that you've yet to progress to the point where you can get there, I'd wager.

Rannoch may be an example of what could've been a good activist.  Maybe, given time.  He made several mistakes (as we all do) but seemed to learn from them.  He didn't have time though and he was quite keenly aware of that.

Are we our own worst enemy? - caikgoch - 11-19-2018

2 minutes ago, covfefelake said:

In general or in zoophilia?  There are plenty of good activists I could name but none from your community and that was kind of my point.  It's not that it's impossible.  It's that you've yet to progress to the point where you can get there, I'd wager.

Rannoch may be an example of what could've been a good activist.  Maybe, given time.  He didn't have time though and he was quite keenly aware of that.

D B Spink made a good contact with Jesse Bering.     Sometimes the message is more important than the messenger.

Are we our own worst enemy? - 30-30 - 11-19-2018

If this is Spink´s only plus, with all the other bullshit he pulled off, you know what time it is, ain´t it? 

Are we our own worst enemy? - WinterGreenWolf - 11-19-2018

3 hours ago, caikgoch said:

D B Spink made a good contact with Jesse Bering.     Sometimes the message is more important than the messenger.

Don't know much about Spink, unfortunately I think 'good contact' is going to be very hard to come by. At least under normal circumstances. I've been 'sort of' reaching out through friends and whatnot to see if anyone is interested in talking to me about the subject.

There's a problem though, I'd basically need to make 'scrap accounts' to whatever service was deemed to be used for the purposes, get a couple hours of free time, and set up my VPN, Kill switch, and TOR to keep any IP, DNS, and unencrypted traffic from being leaked during the 'contact'. 

Like I said: with 'accusations of Zoophilia! OMG!!!' and other bullshit from 'Kero the Wolf's fuck up (possible fuck up? Nah, from the logs he does seem to have fucked up...) we're going to have to play activism a little more careful.

I do check places like Reddit from time to time too: see if there's any new threads on the subject or even start an AMA, I may start one regardless, problem is Reddit is so hive-minded and full of trolls I doubt it'd go anywhere.


Are we our own worst enemy? - caikgoch - 11-19-2018

1 hour ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Don't know much about Spink, unfortunately I think 'good contact' is going to be very hard to come by. At least under normal circumstances. I've been 'sort of' reaching out through friends and whatnot to see if anyone is interested in talking to me about the subject.

There was a conversation through the SA website involving some str8s and several Zoos.      Doug's history was brought up and dismissed as separate from the issues being debated.     

I've had several such conversations through the years even including a prosecutor seeking information regarding a rather sensational accusation.       Most humans are sane and rational.      The problems stem from drama queens and profiteers on both sides of the argument.       Prior to the internet they had no outlet and no chance to leverage emotion for personal gain.      In some years from now the rest of the world will be acclimated to them and they will be powerless again.      The adventure is keeping safe until then.

Are we our own worst enemy? - littlejohn - 11-19-2018

Spink's running off at the mouth/keyboard was responsible for a couple or three folks getting arrested.  One is still On Paper.  I'm waiting for the people he rolled over on to get Out, and we will shortly be rid of his ass.



Are we our own worst enemy? - 30-30 - 11-19-2018

13 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Don't know much about Spink, unfortunately I think 'good contact' is going to be very hard to come by. At least under normal circumstances. I've been 'sort of' reaching out through friends and whatnot to see if anyone is interested in talking to me about the subject.

There's a problem though, I'd basically need to make 'scrap accounts' to whatever service was deemed to be used for the purposes, get a couple hours of free time, and set up my VPN, Kill switch, and TOR to keep any IP, DNS, and unencrypted traffic from being leaked during the 'contact'. 

Like I said: with 'accusations of Zoophilia! OMG!!!' and other bullshit from 'Kero the Wolf's fuck up (possible fuck up? Nah, from the logs he does seem to have fucked up...) we're going to have to play activism a little more careful.

I do check places like Reddit from time to time too: see if there's any new threads on the subject or even start an AMA, I may start one regardless, problem is Reddit is so hive-minded and full of trolls I doubt it'd go anywhere.


For info on Spink, a quick google search will work wonders. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> No, seriously, just search for "Doug Spink" and you´ll be able to choose from all kinds of sources, more biased ones like his entry in the Encyclopedia dramatica and legit journalistic articles about the smuggling of more than 370 pounds of cocaine, his ownership of lots of bestiality porn websites and a few "zoo" blogs, his strange connections to the Enumclaw "posse" that made him call in to the Tennessee authorities in order to back up Tait, the one who was the owner of some property (not a farm!) where the Enumclaw "club" occasionally gathered to "zoophiliate" random animals (he was sued and convicted of trespassing, another strong hint that the Enumclaw case checked many boxes of a literal "zoo" brothel -esque type of modus operandi). If you survived the Kero shitfest, Spink is harmless in comparison, so don´t be afraid to do some internet research.

On reddit: well, you´re surely right about reddit being an utter hiveminded bubble, and I´d strongly advise against doing stuff like AMAs there. Funny you have the same habit of browsing reddit, I also do it with the relevant keywords from time to time to stay updated. As I said before, social media is not the right "weapon" to equip when it comes to zoophilia. You´ll get one, maybe two folks who are open for debate, the rest will just pour their prejudices over you without any restraint or respect.If you really want to do something meaningful for our orientation, focus on science instead. Contact sexologists, for example. On the ZETA hp, there was a guy summarising what we really should be heading for. He said that it´s not a matter of another Miletski, another Beetz et al. , he said that we´re missing first and foremost actual scientifically validated data regarding zoophilia. Data that can be reproduced, data that cannot be discussed away. All we have ´til now is anecdotal "evidence" that massively suffers from lack of validation , yet it has been presented as validated because Miletski befriended her study subjects more than it´s good in the sense of unbiased scientific work.If there is something that can be done about zoophilia´s reception in society , then it has to be standing on hard scientific facts, not wishywashy "studies" and unvalidated hearsay. Get a scientist interested , get him/her to do actual research, with measurable and reproducable evidence. If anything external will change anything , then it´s this. 

Are we our own worst enemy? - WinterGreenWolf - 11-20-2018

21 hours ago, caikgoch said:

There was a conversation through the SA website involving some str8s and several Zoos.      Doug's history was brought up and dismissed as separate from the issues being debated.     

I've had several such conversations through the years even including a prosecutor seeking information regarding a rather sensational accusation.       Most humans are sane and rational.      The problems stem from drama queens and profiteers on both sides of the argument.       Prior to the internet they had no outlet and no chance to leverage emotion for personal gain.      In some years from now the rest of the world will be acclimated to them and they will be powerless again.      The adventure is keeping safe until then.

Fair points Caikgoch.

I am thinking very heavily about an 'outreach' strat at the moment, this thread kind of renewed the idea for me. Though, I'm thinking of waiting until the Kero thing cools off / the investigation is finished first.

The main reason being of course: the buzzword 'Zoophilia' has been thrown around a -lot- in regard to that case. So even telling someone you are is the same as tying up a dog in bondage gear and raping it as far as most are concerned.

Again, I don't think we're out own 'worst enemy', but (as much as I'm angry as hell at him, another thread, don't ask...) 30-30 is right -to a degree- that we've hurt ourselves a lot, and as him and SW have said we can't just 'open-arm' everyone who uses the word Zoophile. We do need 'natural selection' and to get our own heads straight on how things are worded and accepted in the community hangouts though.

The Number-one thing for me: *ZERO*, and I mean zero tolerance for anything that could even hint at abuse.

Sadly, the 'giants' like BF have kind of made that sort of content, along with degradation and 'animal dick pics' a norm.. For a lot of places..


Not to mention, basically a hangout for Voyeurs...