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>.> - heavyhorse - 04-01-2018

The "Art" is 55 years experience, a tough thing to put into words.

I would prefer not to give specific examples, as it's entirely possible I could be revealing something about people I've met that they might not want publicly known, and they could be watching me on this site right now.    [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ph34r.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":ph34r:" width="20" />

Most general terms?  How they relate to animals.  How their animals relate to them, and to me.  And I've seen the physical changes in my animals "bits" enough to recognize those changes when I see their animals.

And you notice I described it in percentages; there's no absolutes.  You could absolutely see the most obviously experienced animal that's had sex 1000 times, and the person holding the lead is actually a cop, hater, PETA, HSUS who "rescued" the animal from some hideous animal-fucker, or nearly as bad, the brother/mother/wife/significant other of the zoo, that doesn't know jack about the zoo's activity (and you accidentally out him).   So what you think you see, you might not be seeing.

>.> - Cynolove693 - 04-01-2018

There's really not a solid way on knowing if someone is a zoophile.. 

But a obvious attraction, and liking to animals is one sign.. I'd say

>.> - silverwolf1 - 04-01-2018

The woman who ran the shelter I got Tippy from was an "animal lover", we didn't know the term zoophile back then, but she knew I had a "special love" with Ginger when I met her. No real way to tell, you just feel it about some people.

Welcome to the forum Cat.


>.> - Cat - 04-01-2018

1 hour ago, Saturnine said:

You need to teach me how to tell if someone else is a zoophile.

Is there an art to this?

Do only certain zoos have this ability?

There's actually an art to finding stuff out, it's not just wheter you are zoo or not, it's about many things; since being zoo is something invisible you do depend a lot on instinct to find it out, one trick is that many zoos are furries or have interest in anthro, or whatnot, something that if you do, you do not need to hide from yourself; and usually they would not react crazily if you put the topic on zoophilia.

It is also about being honest and trustworthy, if you reveal a lot of seemingly personal information, say your weaknesses, it's nothing illegal but still, you are likely to get reciprocated, combine and boom; you are pretty certain to find some stuff. That's basically the process of gaining trust, speeded up. And that's something you want to do all the time, with everyone you meet, I mean you want real people in your side, that's how you get the friend you can commit murder with (this is just a way to say it LOL), I've seen people that go so far as to put money nearby, just to see if you take it on day one; for instance I once met a girl, for one week and gave her 450 euros to her bank account, and then asked her to give them to me later; details are hard to explain, nevertheless, most people would say this is a risk, but think again, you have her bank account details, you have proof the money is yours; so there's very little risk, but when you see the big picture, you gain the trust of somebody, I am 90% certain I could tell her I am zoo and she won't react against me, but I won't nevertheless; however, this is the way you build trust.

However there's also lying, lying is an important asset to gain trust, at least for these situations; do you know why, because many people can't lie well, so as a last resort you can always come out with a story in order to move details if someone wants to do something against you, being safe by being a good lier is always a good thing; you can bend the facts of the last uncomfortable question about zoophilia you did in order to check, make up an story, being a good lier brings confidence; and in worse case scenarios, none can prove you are a zoo or that you have x conversation with them, and stuff like that, you might not even know that person the next day, things like that. c: This is why I am Cat here, very generic indeed, but very safe at the same time.

>.> - Cat - 04-01-2018

1 hour ago, Cynolove693 said:

Welcome to the forum Cat! Hope you enjoy your stay here!

As for meeting zoos in person, I've only meet 2, one when I was younger, and another a couple years back, the first one knew I knew about it, he was using my computer and forgot to delete the history, I bring it up and he freaked until I told him chill, that it was cool and I'm zoo as well, sadly our friendship ended because he moved out of state..

The second guy was someone I worked with for a lil bit. And he admitted randomly one day that he hadsex with sheep on his parents farm, I was just like alright and laughed, we didn't really know each other much so I just told him whatever floats your boat

Nice nice, you met someone who had sex with sheep LOL [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> that's hard to come by, I guess farmboy lol.

Damn everyone's from the states.

I've only met one guy that had sex too that way, just remembered him; was a short conversation, but that was a pretty common thing over my hometown, it wasn't even frowned upon, I guess that's how we got such loud "zoos?" (not even sure if to call them that); but that's why they are so loud.

>.> - Cat - 04-01-2018

1 hour ago, Cynolove693 said:

There's really not a solid way on knowing if someone is a zoophile.. 

But a obvious attraction, and liking to animals is one sign.. I'd say

Or you just ask and if they get red hahaha...

That worked once. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />

>.> - Cat - 04-01-2018

1 hour ago, EquusCanis said:

Actually I've been accused of being a zoophile a few times. 

At least two times I was accused of it because of my misanthropy and how much I prefer animals over humans. I also often say I'm not attracted to humans because I consider being attracted to humans very shameful so I don't want to be seen as someone who would fuck a human. 

I guess asexuality really doesn't exist in some human's minds. I'm serious on this one, because my classmates told me ''You would at least want to fuck something.'' 

If you're as honest and open as me, you should really consider being more careful. I haven't been in trouble yet but I guess these are small hints someone is a zoophile?

I've actually been told I seem a lot like a zoophile, once I did a stupid mistake of saying "that horse is so damn hot", I didn't think much, in front of an old friend; he started teasing me about it for weeks [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/mellow.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":|" width="20" /> and at the end I just told him, yes you are right, and he basically said "I knew it", but hey, that's 5 years there.

Problem is that as a kid everyone could figure it out from me, I was basically caught doing something I shouldn't have, and well, walls covered in that specific animal I had interest in, no signs of porn anywhere, and honestly family didn't give a shit, most of them were completely chill with it; only my mother cried, but I think she forgot it already, or not, but considering how they are, them outing me chances are zero.

And well all my boyfriends (experimented) learned it because it was pretty much the reason things didn't work out, which is quite sad, last one was a really good guy, and now he feels a bit down on himself and I really like him a lot, but I can't do much about it. I honestly have no problem to find human partners, and I guess that's why I get so frustrated about being a zoo, I could've had all the sex and relationships of the world, but lottery went wrong; it still pisses me off, being exclusive.

>.> - Cat - 04-01-2018

18 minutes ago, silverwolf1 said:

The woman who ran the shelter I got Tippy from was an "animal lover", we didn't know the term zoophile back then, but she knew I had a "special love" with Ginger when I met her. No real way to tell, you just feel it about some people.

Welcome to the forum Cat.


Wow she was wooooow.... nice...

Oh and btw I know you all are wondering wheter you should trust me, a seemingly new face, I am not that new, probably in this group, I was in reddit for a while before it exploded; but I always use different nicknames, anyway, you can ask amore if you want to confirm; hopefully he'll remember I told him I'd login using this nick.

>.> - Cat - 04-02-2018

21 minutes ago, EquusCanis said:

>zoo exclusive

>human partners


No. Don't let innocent exclusive zoos like me blend in with you.

Imagine if someone said they were homosexual even though they had a female partner. It doesn't work like that and anyone who would hear it would consider you a bisexual, so I don't see why it would be any different for zoos.


Does remind me of the time when I was 13 and made a joke about how I fuck ponies. Don't remember why but it was a dumb response to something.

My name was ''horse'' or ''horsefucker'' with these classmates. Luckily literally everyone else in my class had an unique name made for them. 

Sometimes they told me to fuck my dog. It was mostly jokes but little did they know the actual truth. Kind of aroused me actually.

Heeey [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" /> I had to experiment somehow, how else was I going to be sure?... and well I only had 2 boyfriends, first one went awful so didn't count; and it didn't even last a week; the second one lasted 2 weeks. And in all honesty it all went unexpected, like, well this guy wanna bangs me, should I let him?...

Overall you can be gay and still have tried girls during your teen years, if you understand what I mean; I honestly despise being zoo and tried all what I could not to be one.

HAhaha were you a brony then? no wait was that even a thing then?...

>.> - Saturnine - 04-02-2018

19 minutes ago, Cat said:

I honestly despise being zoo and tried all what I could not to be one.

I know this is going to sound weird, but if I craved human male contact as much as I do with horses, my life would be complete.

I envy those who are able to be in a relationship with a person and still be happy.