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Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Printable Version

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Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Mfkfznfp - 03-07-2018

There is now a 5th bill to ban sex with animals, in Kentucky:


So now there are five bills to ban sex with animals, or make penalties worse, in 2018. No one is doing anything to stop these five bills.

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Hiway - 03-07-2018

Now I'm curious...  (open question)

When it was legal or rather "not illegal", just how many people knew (or did you tell) about your having 'sex with animals' ?

Were you publishing animal sex pornography or producing personal content and sharing / posting it online?


~ ~ ~ ~


So, when these news laws go into affect, how exactly will they affect you? What will you be doing differently to avoid falling fowl of the new laws?

How do you foresee law enforcement catching up with you?

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - littlejohn - 03-07-2018

Not gonna change - staying in the closet except to known zoos.  There are few pics/vid or two floating around.  The participating animals are long gone, the location was one where it 'wasn't illegal' at the time, and there's no identifying the participants.  Today I wouldn't even do that.  So, it ain't gonna affect me.


Lots of new bills in the U.S. - DingoJay - 03-07-2018

 In my state, having sex with an animal was not specifically illegal until very recently.  However, anyone caught in the act would be "creatively" prosecuted.  The charges would typically be "deviant sexual intercourse" or cruelty to animals.  Even if it was a male dog pounding away and clearly enjoying himself.  I expect there are still sodomy laws on the books here, too.  This is an old state and things seldom get repealed unless some special interest group throws a lot of money around.

 In the late 1960s, a girl I sort of knew got caught with a neighbor's (male) dog.  The charge was an obscure one that I had not heard of before or since: "Manifest danger of falling into the ways of vice" or something similar.  I'm no legal expert, but that sounds like they were more worried about her becoming a prostitute than a zoophile.

 I suspect that some of these new laws stem from the fact that many people consider their pets and/or livestock to be surrogate children.  Therefore, having sex with an animal is no different from molesting a child.

 As for me, I don't do much differently than I have in the past.   I am a bit more careful now that more people are aware that such things happen.  I never told anyone about my sexual preferences before, I don't now.  I try my best to keep it out of sight.  I was a bit careless a time or six in the past but got lucky for the most part.

 Be careful, be discreet, keep your mouth shut.  Watch what you post on line.  Don't create media that could be used as evidence against you or let anyone create it for you.  Assume that people are out to get you because they are.

     Don't get caught up in the heat of the moment and let your guard down.  A little common sense goes a long way.

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Mfkfznfp - 03-09-2018

On 3/7/2018 at 9:36 AM, Hiway said:

So, when these new laws go into effect, how exactly will they affect you?

When it's not illegal in a jurisdiction, there's a higher chance that someone who is caught can have charges against them dismissed. With laws that specifically ban sex with animals (the act itself), it becomes much harder to dismiss the charges of someone who is caught. In fact, these new laws specifically say that no harm has to be involved, which shows how unjust these new laws are.

As for why there are now five bills (at the same time), it's probably because of HSUS.

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Hiway - 03-09-2018

On 3/7/2018 at 3:36 AM, Hiway said:


...How do you foresee law enforcement catching up with you?


So, part two of your answer would be?

Using the history of arrest information provided by news outlets worldwide, I would submit to you that a guess-temated 90% of those charged deserved everything they got!

Unethical behavior, carelessness and sheer bloody stupidity led to their demise, in my opinion. 

The other 10%, tough luck, mate. You trusted the wrong person, said the wrong thing! 

There are criminals out there who have evaded capture for decades only to be caught and publicly exposed only after doing something mind-bogingly dumb!

And then there are genuine zoophiles who maintain a love affair with their significant other for a lifetime without a soul knowing about it. (Except maybe other close zoos)


Lots of new bills in the U.S. - caikgoch - 03-09-2018

First, there's a huge sample bias in your "90% deserving" figure.       Remember the "mice coated in Vaseline"?

Second, wrong 10% of the time is WRONG.      The fact that 90% of people survive drive by shootings does not make drive by shootings acceptable behavior.

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Mfkfznfp - 03-10-2018

12 hours ago, caikgoch said:

First, there's a huge sample bias in your "90% deserving" figure.       Remember the "mice coated in Vaseline"?

The news media often exaggerates things and describes things in an anti-zoo way, or in a way that is untrue. For example, if someone is caught having sex with a dog, the news report will say the person "abused" the dog, even if the dog was the one doing the penetrating.


The percentages are probably not 90% & 10%. When someone is caught, it is often due to back luck.

The fact that some people can hide better than others does not determine whether a law is moral or not. These laws are immoral and they should be gotten rid of.

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Cynolove693 - 03-10-2018

17 hours ago, Mfkfznfp said:

The news media often exaggerates things and describes things in an anti-zoo way, or in a way that is untrue. For example, if someone is caught having sex with a dog, the news report will say the person "abused" the dog, even if the dog was the one doing the penetrating.


The percentages are probably not 90% & 10%. When someone is caught, it is often due to back luck.

The fact that some people can hide better than others does not determine whether a law is moral or not. These laws are immoral and they should be gotten rid of.

The news exaggerates a lot of things, and I'll agree these laws are unfair, but I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation; as far as the psychiatric community goes zoophilia is considered a fetish, and in some cases a disorder, not a legitamite orientation, people dont and will never see it any different; I had a zoophilia blog going for 3 days; and was messaged several times to go kill myself; some of them were complaints that I was rebloging regular pictures from other groups; apparently that I was in turn pushing my "perverted fetish" on everyone, was the exact words, I basically was being harrased and descriminated because of my sexuality, so I just said fuck it and gave up; you think that society will ever accept zoophilia?? As far as I've seen its the total opposite, more laws are being made opposing us, everyday, as the hatred grows ever stronger; but far be it from me to crush your niaeve idea of how it should be, reality check is, the odds of zoophilia becoming legal are just as much as Americans getting their pre 911 Rights back; I'd see the latter happening instead, still doubtful..

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Cynolove693 - 03-10-2018

Let me ask you a question mfkfznfp; what happens when these laws are taken away; you know "theoretically" cause its a far fetched dream amoungst our community, but what happens with those few zoosadist out there? You know the ones that actually abuse animals, With sex laws gone it's basically an encouragement for the sadists to hurt animals more; ever think of that? No probably not, think about the bigger picture here; its not even about us, its about protecting animals from people that may harm them; yes sex rarely harms animals; and zoosadism is a rather rare occurrence, but remember these laws do fight animal abuse, that's at least the purpose of them anyway; if zoophiles would stop being idiotic (not trying to offend anyone here) and posting material that outs them, or is identifiable, this all wouldn't be an issue to the zoophile community; fact is we need to stop worrying about these laws; drop the grand illusion that we could possibly have a "rights movement" this isn't the LGBT; we cant just walk down the streets with our animals, holding signs that say let us have the right to bang (unless you want your animals in a shelter and a new home in a jail cell) we're talking about interspecies relationships here, even if animals can enjoy sex, which most zoos know from experience; our voice is still one sided, animals can't fight for a right to be with us, this isn't a simple matter, and unless someone invents some machine that can read animals minds; showing legitimate proof of animals being able to benefit and enjoy interspecies relationships, we will never get our "dream" but you can at least keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best; don't let me tell you what to believe in [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />