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Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Printable Version

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Peoples thoughts on body traits? - threelegs - 01-16-2018

I'm afraid I might wrinkle up the paper on that one. ;-)

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - 30-30 - 01-16-2018

You folks seem to be rather stuck onto body traits....I´m not. To me, the character traits of a mare are a lot more erotic to me than any body feature, I don´t care for legs, hips , fur colour and/or pattern. A self confident mare with bright and curious eyes and I´m lost...my Hannover mare was a very well defined dressage horse with superb exterieur, the Tinker mare I´m with now is the exact opposite of her...they literally have nothing in common when it comes to body traits. But their characters match just perfectly, both of them fearless, self confident, maybe a bit dominant mares with bright eyes, a wake mind and that very special kind of nosey curiosity. I don´t care about colour or race. My Hannover mare had a slim body with well defined muscles, my Tinker is rather "round", my Hannover mare was dark brown in winter and had some lighter brown dots in summer, my Tinker has the Splash gene and therefor is completely white and pink (if you know what I mean [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> ). The only body trait that counts for me is size/height...I simply don´t feel attracted to ponies....and also have a complete lack of attraction to oversized mares like clydesdales...you know, the "throwing a salami into a hallway" problem...;) 

Oh, sorry I lied to you, there´s one other body trait that serves as a quick working "anti-viagra", overly convex or concave head shape. I absolutely despise those ram´s head shapes some horse races have, like many Lusitanos for example. I also don´t like the typical Asil Arab head shapes ´cause the horses always look like they have been running into a wrecking ball...just terrible IMHO. Sleeping with a mare that has one of those two head shapes to me is like sleeping with Quasimodo of Notre Dame...;)

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Rannoch - 01-16-2018

25 minutes ago, 30-30 said:

You folks seem to be rather stuck onto body traits....I´m not.

Could be the threads subject man...  you know?


I'm not thinking they are stuck on it as much as thinking about it due to the subject matter.

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - 30-30 - 01-17-2018

Oh, Rannoch, where did you get the Masters degree in advanced and intentional misunderstanding my posts? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

Look, man, the fact this thread exists is what my criticism was aimed at, not the replies within this very thread. Why I criticise that? Because it undoubtedly has some kind of fetishistic undertone to it if you exchange certain body traits of animals that excite you...the "pars pro toto" effect (taking a part of it for the whole). For me, this thread eerily mirrors the usual "what do you like the most in women?" threads in "normal" sex forums, with comparable cringy results. I don´t love my mare´s body, I love her entire personality which the body is but a small part of. That´s what I wanted to throw in here before this thread completely degenerates into a pseudo-fetishistic circlejerk. Can you get behind that, Rannoch? Animals are personalities and any zoo should love them for exactly that, not some sexually triggering body traits and features. That´s what I wanted to express. 

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - caikgoch - 01-17-2018

@ 30-30,  If he's a master, you're definitely "Piled Higher & Deeper".    There are already threads around just as you described with answers just as you described.     In fact, my answer to the "favorite part of the horse" question has been "the part with the horse in it" for about 50 years now.     This thread is an attempt to break out of that mold and provide us with a bit of variety.

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-17-2018

On 1/16/2018 at 0:57 AM, 30-30 said:

You folks seem to be rather stuck onto body traits....I´m not.

Good for you, oh mister wise one [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/rolleyes.gif[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="9_9" width="20" />

I mean it is the discussion of this thread, and there's more to animals than just personality, pointing out something you like about certain breeds may not even be sexual for some but just pure interest or preference, so what if it is though!..

And remind me how it is fetishism to find certain markings or body build attractive? A fetish is a sexual attraction to an inanimate object; a non living one; so therefore what your suggesting doesn't even make sense!!! Did I once mention sex at all relating to certain body traits?? No man I didn't! But it in all reality it can be part of ones attractions; there's nothing fetishistic about that! Again The animal itself isn't  a inanimate object, and there's nothing wrong with finding certain body traits sexually attractive, if one does! Some people may just find certain breeds sexy, so what man.. it doesn't entitle they love animals any less than you do.  

For example on a sexual note, I like when a dog has big balls, and is well endowed, or the sight of a dogs vagina swollen in heat turns me on , is that fetishism? No because it's just sexual attraction to the anatomy of a living being, I find certain breeds more sexier than other breeds due to looks, is that a fetish? no it's plain attraction to certain characteristics! before you make false assumptions, I'd research what the definition of a fetish really is.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />  

I created this thread to see others personal opinion on what traits or looks of animals are attractive to them, wether it be sexual or not, how in the holy hell did you get fetishism undertone from that? So you must not find your mares body attractive at all if you find it so fetishistic? Man your sex must be rather boring then [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />  

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-17-2018

May I also mention that there is actually a scientific reason behind attraction to specific body traits.. humans are biologically wired to be attracted to certain traits of other humans; it can vary from person to person and the reason can be sexual but that isn't considered a fetish.

OK you take zoos, who obviously have an attraction to a different species, you think the biological urge to be attracted to certain traits is gonna disappear? No it's channelled to the species your attracted to! I find your response rather hypocritical as you even admitted that certain looks are unattractive to you, right after you called everyone out for it [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/huh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="o.O" width="20" />

Your hotdog down a hallway comment also shows that your out casting certain breeds just because their vagina is to loose, and then you go about saying it's all about personality (you seriously need to do some self reflection on the things you say, no that's not an insult, it's friendly advice), yes people should love their animal for their personality, I do agree, but there's more to relationships, and attraction than that, you really need to lighten up man, and stop jumping to conclusions about the intention of every thread I create [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

Not once did I suggest that just because a animal isn't as attractive as another breed that they are less important, or don't deserve to be loved, ive owned several different breeds, and loved them all, i was just plainly stating traits I find attractive over others and was curious of others views on the subject.. 

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Rannoch - 01-17-2018

3 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Oh, Rannoch, where did you get the Masters degree in advanced and intentional misunderstanding my posts?

From you, apparently.


I'll be sure and put it on the empty wall to the right of me.


Sadly, I think it's not recognized in my home state, but I'll treat it with care all the same.

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-17-2018

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/378-30-30/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="378" href="<___base_url___>/profile/378-30-30/">@30-30</a> you may want to read this closely

Fetish: an object or bodily part whose real or fantasized presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression.


Truth is none of these things are a "roadmap to me having sex", nope if that was the case I wouldn't have had sex a couple dozen times with various breeds, before I first got peed on, or several times after, without the need for it to happen again, (I'm plainly attracted to animals in general, there isn't a trigger or specific requirement involved for me to have sexual attraction to them other than the animal expressing that they enjoy being involved in the act itself) not everything I say or do is a fetish, I see your still not over the last thread, huh?

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-17-2018

It's called knowing the difference between a fetish and a preference:

<p style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#333333;font-size:14px;padding:0px;">
The difference between

<ul style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#333333;font-size:14px;padding:0px;"><li style="padding:0px;">
fetish & preference,
</ul><p style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#333333;font-size:14px;padding:0px;">
is the difference between

<ul style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#333333;font-size:14px;padding:0px;"><li style="padding:0px;">
must-have & would-like.
</ul><p style="padding:0px;">

<p style="padding:0px;">
Sexual fetishes are defined by a obsessive need for something, normally inanimate, but not always, the main characterization of a fetish is entitlement that you care more about that specific sexual trigger than the sexual partners themselves, that is common knowledge, look it up

<p style="padding:0px;">
A preference on the other hand is just traits that you enjoy over others but are not required for your involvement in a relationship