Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
Attraction to urine? - Printable Version

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Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-03-2018

How bout you go get bent dude, not everything revolves around your opinion.. as you so desperately believe it has to???? Nobody really cares about your narcissistic attempts to discredit everything that everyone says or insult everyone that doesnt conform to your idea of what a "zoo" is [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

Btw I already acknowledged several times it was a fetish.. if you read through my replies, you would see that, there was absolutely no need to tell me what I already admitted, hence the narcissistic personality traits you so blatantly possess; for example beginning an argument with a confirmation of something I said like I never said it, which shows you ignored that fact, and just felt the need to start an argument based off of something I already acknowledged..

Drinking urine can be harmful to humans for one sole reason, the salts in it can cause dehydration rather quickly because they deplete water from your body...

Again and I've said it before your argonance blows my mind, just because you don't experience or relate to something doesn't justify you the right to belittle someone that does, get over your ego dude and that's what it is..

Also I have very deep knowledge of psychology, I know what a fetish is and I may say that you possess many traits of narcissistic personality disorder..

For example you don't agree with something so you shift the actual conversation, into a debate out of sole need to see how I respond to it, all of which wasn't deemed necessary in the first place, to top it off before I even respond you turn it into personal insults, then you suggest the animals I love are somehow against me as well, all to confirm your delirious need to feed off of negativity and to feel your somehow the most superior zoo out there, I'm 100℅ Shure my animals are happy, thank-you very much and I'm entirely sure I'd know if they weren't...

I'm rather concerned that your insults may be a reflection of yourself and you insecurities of zoophilia, they have to come from somewhere, I mean you never fail to say these type of things, that seem anti zoo in a sense, as if your against yourself or other zoos.. I'm unsure at this point, you claim to be zoo, but your opinion on zoosexual matters and the urge to insult other zoos say otherwise..

I'm a zoophile have been all my life, but you don't see me going around the forum, discrediting stuff that relates to zoophilia, and questioning whether people's animals are happy or not, or consenting? No because I'm secure with the reality I live, I know for a fact animals are attracted to me and enjoy me being around (therefore I realize it is a possible occurrence for others as well), I also acknowledge that I have a connection between animals that is a gift really, people have even came to me because they had trouble training their dogs and knew that I had a strong connection with animals (even if you say is just "imagination") to the point I don't feel it necessary to insult others zoos out of pure insecurities.. but if someone personally goes out of their way to do it to me, damn right I'm gonna speak my mind..

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-03-2018

Also adding that "bucket list" to it is rather a lack of empathy and a dead sign of narsacistic idealism, you acknowledge I have cancer yet all you care about is expressing your own opinion, even if it is grounds to try and offend a sick man; btw I hope it kills your ego to know that I could care less about your opinions or insults, I would have to first value what you say and have respect for you, which I don't because you've never gave me a reason too..

Nice try though [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />


Attraction to urine? - Ramseys - 01-03-2018

While I've not intentionally tried urine, I have on occasion got a splash while doing oral on cows.

They are notoriously easy to cause 'em to squirt.

But I must admit to liking the smell of buck goats.

That strong musk from them pissing in their faces is very errotic.

Beyond that, I really don't care for urine.  

Attraction to urine? - silverwolf1 - 01-04-2018

In reference to PMs on this thread:

I'll remind folks that the purpose of a forum IS INDEED to post and express your own opinion, even if at odds with the original posters.

As for complaints about 30-30s reply, I'd recommend those folks re-read it. Seems to be open game to attack his posts regardless. There is rather hard opinion of a posters motives and impetus in the reasons for his enjoyment of urine, but not unfair response and outright flaming of the poster. BTW, there's no special treatment owed any poster here, regardless of any personal situations, by any other poster.We can commiserate with-out stifling our open thought. Honestly, Cynoloves reply to 30-30 comes chock full of personal insult, but no complaints on that... A reminder btw that even if you feel insulted, responding with insult makes you just as wrong.

I'm warning no-one on this thread, but reminding all to keep it on topic.

Y'all claim to be "open-minded" thinkers, so open your minds. A forum of only one opinion would be rather boring, and useless.


Attraction to urine? - 30-30 - 01-05-2018

Nevermind, Silverwolf...I guess it won´t change a thing in all those "openminded" folks. Indeed it´s me who´s to blame, the zoophile who isn´t out there for cheap "explanations" and even cheaper excuses, but solely for the TRUTH about zoophilia, who´s stirring the pot of preconditioned beliefs and dearly held convictions. I don´t want all this fishing for justification of zoophilia, I don´t want this cadre mentality, I want the truth. I guess this in here is just another fine example of "Learn who you´re not allowed to criticise and you´ll find the ones that suppress you"....dogmata, "unorthodox orthodoxy", faith based "justifications" and so on...

Basically, this whole shabangabang about my replies in this thread only shows how deep this toxic mindset of "don´t criticise a zoo or else you´re a traitor" has been embedded in our community. Openmindedness does NOT mean keeping an open mind, it means "obey the dogma, don´t criticise" in this special case. And all of that simply because I dare pointing at the obvious flaws in cynolove´s weltbild. To be completely frank, I don´t give a shit about cynolove taking a dive into a swimmingpool filled with dog piss every morning, I don´t care about him rubbing his face with dog feces or whatever ...but what I care about is the public image of zoophiles. And exactly this image gets massively distorted from fetishistic actions, society already sees us as sick animal fuckers and I really wonder why anyone could even remotely think that adding excrement fetishes or other far out kinks to the already undigestible "zoo menu" will help us as a community in any way with society and Joe Average. 

But anyway, I´ve already buried any hope for our worldwide community despite seeing a relatively easy way to change things in our favour....but this way would include changes WE have to make in order to reach changes. Nobody wants to hear about it, because change is something you can easily demand from others, the "evil" society...but when it comes to each and every single individual of our community, proposing fundamental changes in us is considered an affront. Am I really the only one seeing this? Are your egoes, your self absorbance so blown up to bar you from actually percieving reality as it is...and not as you want it to be?

Cynolove, I find it rather amusing that you accuse me of being an insecure, narcisisstic guy....well, at least I am NOT the one spamming a blog with all the rubbish "justifications" for zoophilia...none of that crap has changed anything for us zoophiles, not now, not in the past. Most of what you wrote in your blog is , with different wording of course, out there for ages now, yet nothing has changed. And that´s a fact...so, what exactly is your purpose to hack this stuff into your keyboard, what else than the subconscious desire for something you´re not as secure with as you want to make us and yourself believe. What else than this would make you post your "debunk texts" in a ZOO forum rather than a "normal" , non zoo forum? Or do you think anyone in here needs this kind of education? If you really want to come across as the hardcore zoo totally secure about himself, you should post your stuff on reddit or any other non zoo site...and see why your texts are far from "proving" anything in an instant. Fact is, these texts and quite a lot of what you´re contributing here is nothing else than sucking your own dick , feeling good about your "accomplishment" afterwards. Mind you, I haven´t insulted you in any way other than challenging your dearly held beliefs here...pointed out the massive loopholes in your way of thinking and percieving the problems revolving around zoophilia and hinted at the illusionary "moral" high horse you consider yourself sitting on as a "noble zoo" who´s far above "the unjust society".  

So, forgive me, cynolove, forgive me for being the disillusioned zoo veteran pointing out all the flaws and faults in "our struggle" that is, as I have learned over the years, completely pointless. I´m the one standing in the background of a 1st may demonstration, asking myself if smashing shop windows is actually "stopping global capitalism", I´m the one standing there, wondering about the inhumane attitude of those "ACAB" youngsters fighting the police, dehumanising the "enemy" willingly and in a way that would perfectly suit those all the "anticapitalist" fighters are saying they are fighting. Where are the ideals? Where have they gone? When was the moment we completely lost them? When has the good struggle deteriorated into an ego theatre? So, have I ceased to be a leftist anarchist then? And I´m basically facing the same kind of doubts when I look into what is called the zoo community...where have our ideals gone? When has the zoo become more important than the animal involved?

Rotten to the core, that is what´s my community is today. And I´m the one desperately searching for a way out of this dead end, this self absorbance, this voluntary blindness. Yeah, I upsetted you with my replies because all you really want is a safe space. But I want renewal, I want a real revolution , or , as Nietzsche called it "die Umwertung aller Werte". We´re stuck with our ways for ages now...when will there be a point in history when more people realise this? Is this narcisisstic? To want a real change? Not having to read these bogus "justifications" anymore, to work on solving the problem with zoophilia WITH society rather than creating a bubble that´s totally shut off from any signal reality might send? Do you really think this is about me, a guy who probably NEVER will get into trouble for sleeping with one of his mares...on his own farm, without any possible snitch spying on me, without any miniscule chance of getting caught in flagranti? Well, cynolove, let me teel you something: I can live my life in total bliss and all I am writing in forums like this isn´t helping me in any way. I don´t do this for becoming the "zoo prophet" leading all of you into the promised land of animal fuckery. I can live without that. Do you still believe this is about me and displaying how much I´m "better " than anyone else in here?

I believe in love and compromises; love being the only true justification for zoophilia and compromises with society being the way out of our dilemma. Without love, zoophilia is nothing more than just another kink, another fetish...and without compromises with society, zoophilia is nothing more than an ego trip of some perverts desperately trying to crush their stubborn heads through the massive concrete wall of public disapproval of zoophilia. I´ve taught my method to about 15 other zoos...and all of them are living a rather pleasant life with their animal partner, some even in plain sight of other , non zoo folks who surprisingly don´t seem to show the same hysteria as usual when confronted with the whole "sex with animals" issue. I myself had to live with my mare in public boarding stables for more than two decades and thus I think I do indeed have a slight advantage over many others in our community...I LIVED at the frontline, I know how it is to be in the open. All I can do is offering my front reports....how is this narcissistic for you? But nevermind...I guess comfortably sitting in the dead end this scene has maneuvered itself into is kinda soothing for you guys. Keep on howling at the moon, thinking you can make it disappear with your regurgitating sounds...I´m not even mad anymore, an endless sadness has replaced my anger. With this attitude of yours, things never gonna change....  


Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-05-2018

18 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Nevermind, Silverwolf...I guess it won´t change a thing in all those "openminded" folks. Indeed it´s me who´s to blame, the zoophile who isn´t out there for cheap "explanations" and even cheaper excuses, but solely for the TRUTH about zoophilia, who´s stirring the pot of preconditioned beliefs and dearly held convictions. I don´t want all this fishing for justification of zoophilia, I don´t want this cadre mentality, I want the truth. I guess this in here is just another fine example of "Learn who you´re not allowed to criticise and you´ll find the ones that suppress you"....dogmata, "unorthodox orthodoxy", faith based "justifications" and so on...

Basically, this whole shabangabang about my replies in this thread only shows how deep this toxic mindset of "don´t criticise a zoo or else you´re a traitor" has been embedded in our community. Openmindedness does NOT mean keeping an open mind, it means "obey the dogma, don´t criticise" in this special case. And all of that simply because I dare pointing at the obvious flaws in cynolove´s weltbild. To be completely frank, I don´t give a shit about cynolove taking a dive into a swimmingpool filled with dog piss every morning, I don´t care about him rubbing his face with dog feces or whatever ...but what I care about is the public image of zoophiles. And exactly this image gets massively distorted from fetishistic actions, society already sees us as sick animal fuckers and I really wonder why anyone could even remotely think that adding excrement fetishes or other far out kinks to the already undigestible "zoo menu" will help us as a community in any way with society and Joe Average. 

But anyway, I´ve already buried any hope for our worldwide community despite seeing a relatively easy way to change things in our favour....but this way would include changes WE have to make in order to reach changes. Nobody wants to hear about it, because change is something you can easily demand from others, the "evil" society...but when it comes to each and every single individual of our community, proposing fundamental changes in us is considered an affront. Am I really the only one seeing this? Are your egoes, your self absorbance so blown up to bar you from actually percieving reality as it is...and not as you want it to be?

Cynolove, I find it rather amusing that you accuse me of being an insecure, narcisisstic guy....well, at least I am NOT the one spamming a blog with all the rubbish "justifications" for zoophilia...none of that crap has changed anything for us zoophiles, not now, not in the past. Most of what you wrote in your blog is , with different wording of course, out there for ages now, yet nothing has changed. And that´s a fact...so, what exactly is your purpose to hack this stuff into your keyboard, what else than the subconscious desire for something you´re not as secure with as you want to make us and yourself believe. What else than this would make you post your "debunk texts" in a ZOO forum rather than a "normal" , non zoo forum? Or do you think anyone in here needs this kind of education? If you really want to come across as the hardcore zoo totally secure about himself, you should post your stuff on reddit or any other non zoo site...and see why your texts are far from "proving" anything in an instant. Fact is, these texts and quite a lot of what you´re contributing here is nothing else than sucking your own dick , feeling good about your "accomplishment" afterwards. Mind you, I haven´t insulted you in any way other than challenging your dearly held beliefs here...pointed out the massive loopholes in your way of thinking and percieving the problems revolving around zoophilia and hinted at the illusionary "moral" high horse you consider yourself sitting on as a "noble zoo" who´s far above "the unjust society".  

So, forgive me, cynolove, forgive me for being the disillusioned zoo veteran pointing out all the flaws and faults in "our struggle" that is, as I have learned over the years, completely pointless. I´m the one standing in the background of a 1st may demonstration, asking myself if smashing shop windows is actually "stopping global capitalism", I´m the one standing there, wondering about the inhumane attitude of those "ACAB" youngsters fighting the police, dehumanising the "enemy" willingly and in a way that would perfectly suit those all the "anticapitalist" fighters are saying they are fighting. Where are the ideals? Where have they gone? When was the moment we completely lost them? When has the good struggle deteriorated into an ego theatre? So, have I ceased to be a leftist anarchist then? And I´m basically facing the same kind of doubts when I look into what is called the zoo community...where have our ideals gone? When has the zoo become more important than the animal involved?

Rotten to the core, that is what´s my community is today. And I´m the one desperately searching for a way out of this dead end, this self absorbance, this voluntary blindness. Yeah, I upsetted you with my replies because all you really want is a safe space. But I want renewal, I want a real revolution , or , as Nietzsche called it "die Umwertung aller Werte". We´re stuck with our ways for ages now...when will there be a point in history when more people realise this? Is this narcisisstic? To want a real change? Not having to read these bogus "justifications" anymore, to work on solving the problem with zoophilia WITH society rather than creating a bubble that´s totally shut off from any signal reality might send? Do you really think this is about me, a guy who probably NEVER will get into trouble for sleeping with one of his mares...on his own farm, without any possible snitch spying on me, without any miniscule chance of getting caught in flagranti? Well, cynolove, let me teel you something: I can live my life in total bliss and all I am writing in forums like this isn´t helping me in any way. I don´t do this for becoming the "zoo prophet" leading all of you into the promised land of animal fuckery. I can live without that. Do you still believe this is about me and displaying how much I´m "better " than anyone else in here?

I believe in love and compromises; love being the only true justification for zoophilia and compromises with society being the way out of our dilemma. Without love, zoophilia is nothing more than just another kink, another fetish...and without compromises with society, zoophilia is nothing more than an ego trip of some perverts desperately trying to crush their stubborn heads through the massive concrete wall of public disapproval of zoophilia. I´ve taught my method to about 15 other zoos...and all of them are living a rather pleasant life with their animal partner, some even in plain sight of other , non zoo folks who surprisingly don´t seem to show the same hysteria as usual when confronted with the whole "sex with animals" issue. I myself had to live with my mare in public boarding stables for more than two decades and thus I think I do indeed have a slight advantage over many others in our community...I LIVED at the frontline, I know how it is to be in the open. All I can do is offering my front reports....how is this narcissistic for you? But nevermind...I guess comfortably sitting in the dead end this scene has maneuvered itself into is kinda soothing for you guys. Keep on howling at the moon, thinking you can make it disappear with your regurgitating sounds...I´m not even mad anymore, an endless sadness has replaced my anger. With this attitude of yours, things never

To be honest 30:30 I really don't care what you think about me, or how flawed you "think" I am, you could keep responding against me for days and it would get us nowhere.. the simple truth is just because I have a fetish, does not mean that it's what I base all my sexual feelings on; I was attracted to animals long before I realized the fetish I had towards pee.. and also I wouldn't rub shit on my face so I have no idea why your even suggesting I would, and a fetish doesn't entitle that I love animals any less, or that I'm any less of a zoophile, so say what you will If it reassures you that I; one person out of a big "minority" of zoophiles is gonna ruin it for the rest when in reality, us putting our penises in animals or vice versa is the real problem in the eyes of the norms..

But alright shift the blame onto me its exactly what a narcissist does when their beliefs or ego is threatened by the opinion of someone else.. no that's not a personal attack just a psychology fact for you anyways, its only fair just because I have a fixation with pee and you see it as flawed, when in all reality, the act of having sex with animals alone is not natural for humans, and a flawed behavior in itself (and I know me saying that is gonna piss people off, but we are not biologically wired to have sex with animals, we are supposed to procreate with other humans, that's what nature intended, someone who deviates from this is considered characterized by a weakness or imperfection; flawed) but no it's going overboard if a zoophile has an interest in the pee that comes from an animal, nope truth is it just becomes offensive because it goes against your opinion and the opinion of others [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-05-2018

30:30 I'm just saying opinions can be expressed without the urge to insult or state that someone else's acts are a problem to all zoos, no harm comes from a fetish such as attraction to urine; you basically insulted me, discriminated against me, and questioned wether my animals were happy.., read it, it's in your second reply to this thread...

You stated your opinion but made it grounds to try and be offensive which I may state is a rather common occurrence, that is the main reason I responded the way I did, it wasn't and isnt necessary, but whatever man

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-06-2018

I'm not responding to this thread anymore; in all honesty nothing I ever say will make a difference or have any impact when I'm gone, so what's the point

Attraction to urine? - 30-30 - 01-06-2018

Text comprehension...you should really give it a try, cynolove....it helps tremendously and also keeps you from embarrassing yourself with your totally unfounded accusations. I explained to you why fetishism in zoophilia is bad from an outsider´s view, but I guess in all your furor, you missed out on that detail...

Funny though how you really believe discussing will make no difference, just because you will be gone (if that cancer story is true , what I somehow doubt)...you really think the world and everything is revolving around you, huh? And I am the narcissist.... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Yeah, right....thank you for that textbook example of self centeredness, cynolove. Even if it makes no difference for YOU to discuss fetishism in zoophilia, it might make a difference for others who are reading this thread...but I guess they´re not important, zoophilia is not important, only you are...amirite?

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-06-2018

17 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Text comprehension...you should really give it a try, cynolove....it helps tremendously and also keeps you from embarrassing yourself with your totally unfounded accusations. I explained to you why fetishism in zoophilia is bad from an outsider´s view, but I guess in all your furor, you missed out on that detail...

Funny though how you really believe discussing will make no difference, just because you will be gone (if that cancer story is true , what I somehow doubt)...you really think the world and everything is revolving around you, huh? And I am the narcissist.... [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Yeah, right....thank you for that textbook example of self centeredness, cynolove. Even if it makes no difference for YOU to discuss fetishism in zoophilia, it might make a difference for others who are reading this thread...but I guess they´re not important, zoophilia is not important, only you are...amirite?

30:30, Nope your far from it! me acknowledging that what I say or do is gonna have little effect has nothing to do with narcissism/being self absorbed, if anything itd be the opposite, I know the world doesn't revolve around me, in fact I know I'm insignificant when it comes to my views, I said it out of the mere fact that once someone's gone, what they say or do is usually forgotten..

You can continue with the personal insults all you wish, (even if you deny they are personal insults, which has me dumbfounded because you've even admitted in another thread you regularly use criticism) until your hearts content, your not hurting my feelings, I've been treated way worse in the past.. 

If only you being doubtful I have cancer would miraculously stop the spreading of it to my lympnodes.. or make it any less real, reality is its there and not leaving, you can call me a liar, like I said what ever makes you feel good about yourself, but again with the personal attacks are they necessary at this point if the meaning of this thread is really to help others??.  

So let me ask you a question how is your responses to the thread gonna make others feel that have a pee fetish? Which was the original meaning of this thread; people responding to it with their views, and to help people feel less outcasted, until you derailed it, solely because I stood up for another member here; cant see that??, look at what I said that you targeted in your second response.. which I may add wasn't even directed to you, but you still felt the need to respond to it, and justify your reasoning, with you've never felt the urge to do it, so it has to be flawed; blatantly admitting your inability to relate to others and their emotions and I'm self centered????

With that being said I do think of others, I'm not as self centered as you claim.. (I just don't care for opinions of someone that inadvertently or directly insults me, even if it is amoung details to seem less offensive, which I may say bravo, you have reverse psychology down to a tee, to the point you even fooled the admin)

I bet they would feel insulted, discriminated against, because of your close-mindedness when it comes to fetishism.. how are you contributing to helping others? What helping others feel bad about themselves? Helping others feel as if they are an outcast?? 

To answer your questions yes zoophilia is important, yes other zoophile's are important; as for me being important, I'm no more or less important than anyone else; i have known that for a long time, but maybe you should do some self reflection on your own questions [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

Especially if you feel a need to argue with me any further