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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Printable Version

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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - silverwolf1 - 07-15-2017

Many things aren't as they seem.
Is this real or but a dream?
In dark of night does Silver-wolf prowl,
And with his love again doest howl!
Poems aside, I believe strongly in Majik, and KNOW shape-shifting exists because I've done it! I'm not silverwolf by whim of an online author, but am Silver-wolf after naming by an Onondaga shaman (or Medicine Man to some) in my mothers Turtle Clan after a Spirit Quest. In this quest I learned my true name, Adanogsha or wolf of the silver mists, and true self, harvester of souls. I became this wolf, and keep him now as my Spirit Guide. Many nights, in Dream Sleep, I become him again, to roam the ancient worlds of the Iriquois. My love, Tippy, does indeed join me at times. These are not dreams, taking warriors to the great sky, they are as real to me as sitting here.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Interesting silverwolf1; thank you for sharing your story; glad to see a fellow pagan among us.. when you shape-shifted was it in the physical world or in a state of Astral projection??.. Because i should have been more specific, I don't believe it's possible to shape-shift in the physical realm, but every time I leave my body i take the form of a wolf and it's how I've meet all of my animal spirit guides, and got my spiritual name as well.. (I can't mention it here because it's to identifying, several close friends and family know it) so in a sense I do believe our souls are capable of changing form, just not our physical bodies..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Can u remove that Pic, it just popped up in the thread randomly and it won't let me delete it off of here??
(Done. sw)

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Quote:(Done. sw)
Thank you and btw I like the poetry you used in your last reply [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - silverwolf1 - 07-15-2017

Quote:Interesting silverwolf1; thank you for sharing your story; glad to see a fellow pagan among us.. when you shape-shifted was it in the physical world or in a state of Astral projection??.. Because i should have been more specific, I don't believe it's possible to shape-shift in the physical realm, but every time I leave my body i take the form of a wolf and it's how I've meet all of my animal spirit guides, and got my spiritual name as well.. (I can't mention it here because it's to identifying, several close friends and family know it) so in a sense I do believe our souls are capable of changing form, just not our physical bodies..
​It was as real to me as sitting before this computer. I could touch, feel, taste, change back and have sex with Tippy again, everything. There are more than just this reality that are real, but I change here in my bed and then travel there and many other places.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Yes I believe you 100% precent; that would be Astral projection, your basically leaving this dimension and entering into another in a different form or as yourself; theirs many names for it, the spirit realm, the bridge between worlds, all that is for certain is it exists..
Some people have the ability to intentionally go there, yet there are some it just happens naturally to, sometimes both.. Most of the time when people expirence the other realms, it is a joyful experience for them, as they are able to communicate with the dead, as if they are alive again.. but it's not always pleasant..
 People diagnosed with night terrors at a young age are actually leaving their body.. Yet mankind will always try and reason with what they don't understand.. Hence the label night terrors was created..
At times it can seem terrifying, especially since evil does exist in different dimensions, as well as our own (I had night terrors in my youth, and it wasn't until I discovered my path in Magick, that I truly understood what was going on).. But it's honestly a rare gift as you have an ability that most people don't...

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Dane layer - 07-16-2017

I used to get them, but not anymore they just stopped happening. It is truly a wonder what your mind body and spirite are capable of if you just let it happen. I have to say do envy you, would love to know if i have a spirite animal and what it is.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-16-2017

Quote:I used to get them, but not anymore they just stopped happening. It is truly a wonder what your mind body and spirite are capable of if you just let it happen. I have to say do envy you, would love to know if i have a spirite animal and what it is.
Everyone has a spirit animal, they will sometimes call out to you in the physical realm, if you keep on seeing the same animal following you, even if it's not there physically, (like constantly seeing pictures of the same animal, pop up where ever you go, or just not being able to get your mind off of a specific wild animal) it could be a sign that specific animal is calling out to you because you are connected spirituality; if you have a recurring dream of a specific type of animal, your spirit animal could be trying to reach you in a dream state..
Nonetheless the best way to find your spirit animal is to go into deep meditation and astral project into the spirit realm.. It can be achieved if you've done it before in the past, but triggering it intentionally can be difficult.. It took me years to figure it out..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-16-2017

Now there is two types of animal guides, the ones that exist in the spirit realm, and familiars.. I've already explained what an animal spirit guide is, but never went into depth about familiars..
A familiar is an animal that calls out to you in the physical world, one that chooses you instead of you choosing them.. They can come in the form of a gift, or they come across you as a stray and choose to stay, (a new animal not running of when given the opportunity to could be a good sign) sometimes a familiar can be chosen by you, but it's usually the other way around.
  You also will feel a deeper connection with them than most other animals.. It will feel as if your souls are connected, from the first moment you meet them (similar to how love feels) and you'll almost immediately have a mental link.. They will show an interest in your magickal working as well and aid you by balancing out energy in spell work.. Its just one of those things you'll know, if an animal is linked spirituality to you..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-16-2017

Most of the old gods and goddesses had familiars, like Pan and his goat, and Hecate and her dogs; the tradition of having an animal that is spiritually linked to you, and a fellow companion that aids in your Magick was passed down generations..
So just think about it; even if you don't practice Magick, you could have a familiar and not even realize it.. (if you've never looked for the signs)