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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Printable Version

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Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Ramseys - 07-15-2017

I just opened the gate to the pasture, let her in and just waved to him and went back inside.

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Quote:I just opened the gate to the pasture, let her in and just waved to him and went back inside.
[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img] I Wonder what he thought about that..

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

There was one time, I was staying at a friend's house and they found out from the internet history that someone was going on zoo sites, well of course I denied it, and said you have lots of random people using your computer; but they were still suspicious of me, because of how much of a liking their dog had shown towards me; yet they never told anyone and continued to let me live there.. (I started deleting my internet history from then on)
One day everyone was gone and I was chilling with their pit bull, he was so muscular and magnificent really.. I tried to refrain from sex with him, but I ended up giving him handjobs multiple times.. I just couldn't resist it.. He had a sheath that was huge and some balls that hung pretty low.. It was too tempting just seeing how well endowed he looked..
Anyways, we were in the end room of the trailer and I locked the door, and started to give him a handjob, this was the first time I tried anything with him, and he was definitely into it, humped into my hand with incredible speed.. he was so big, probably a good 9 inches or so with a knot the size of a baseball, and he was endlessly spraying cum on the floor, his cock bobbing up and down..
Well he stayed hard for a long time, prolly a good half hour, and that was the problem here.. I heard the front door open then close and someone come in, and I felt like my heart was gonna jump out of my throat..
Footsteps approached and the doorknob started to shake; then my roommate said "hey, why's the door locked?" And I said "I'm changing", then he replied with a "where's my dog at, you better not be in there having sex with him" with a hint of sarcasm in his voice..
I Replied with a "of course not, wow man, he's outside right now"... He replied with an "alright" then I heard him walk away and the bathroom door close.. I opened the door and as quick as I could, got his dog to follow me outside, with a full on erection.. All I could hope is he doesn't come out of the bathroom and see his dog with a hardon..
I Got him outside with luck, his owner didn't find out, and luckily no neighbors saw that his dog was hard.. From then on out, if I gave his dog a handjob I'd either take him for a walk to the woods or wait until late at night when everyone was asleep.. That was my early years of experimenting with my sexuality, and now I have a Lil more self control, and now it's not smart at all to do anything with other peoples animals, it's to risky, and plain rude honesty, but hey we all make mistakes..

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Cynolove693 - 07-16-2017

That brings to mind two other instances that were slightly embarrassing that happened years ago..
I Was living at another friend's house, and we were watching a movie.. Both of us chilling on the sectional couch in his house..
I Was covered in a blanket and his dog was up on the couch with us, laying next to me.. I was preoccupied watching the movie when my friend said "hey man my dog has a boner, and it's out on your blanket" so he didn't get suspicious I told his dog to get down...
Thats when my friend said "have you ever looked at a dog's penis, it looks like a inside out sausage" I laughed and said "no, I mean I have noticed a dog's penis before but haven't really though of it that way and didn't pay much attention to it.." I was blushing at that point and tried to hide it..
Thats when out of the blue, he brought up that one time while he was having sex with his ex his dog came up and started licking his asswhole.. I acted shy about the conversation and he noticed and said "oh sorry man, I didnt mean to make you uncomfortable or anything" and chuckled a little..
Thats when I responded with "man its alright. Your good, I'm gonna have to clean my blanket though, because of your dog" and we both started laughing.. Needless to say I procrastinated on cleaning that blanket for a while..
Another time while living there, we had to keep the dogs separate, cause both of our dogs were male, unfixed and wanted to fight with each other.. We were chilling out in the living room and my dog was in the cage, as we took turns with them being in there..
 His dog was laying in my lap this time and my dog was staring at me and whining, obviously jealous by the fact I was giving another dog attention..
Thats when my friend said something that made my face turn red as a stop sign "look at your dog man, the look in his eyes, you know what that look is?? It's almost as if he has a look of oh no he's cheating on me.." he then laughed, but I sware to this day he was being serious when he said that..
I Was shocked by what he said, and didn't respond at all to it.. He never brought it up again after that point..
One more thing worth mentioning, I was chilling out in my driveway last weekend talking to a friend at her truck, and these people drove by, and started barking out their window.. I'm sure they were just doing it because it's something people think is funny, but I was so paranoid about it, I felt they were doing it cause somehow word got out I was zoo or something..

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Cynolove693 - 07-17-2017

Don't mean to blow up your thread with so many replies but I got one more embarrassing moment I remember..
Bella a dog I owned several years back was in standing heat, we had made love one morning and about an hour later a friend of mine came over..
We were hanging out smoking some pot, and listening to some music, I was petting Bella when she turned around and flagged at me, that's when my friend said "hey what's that white stuff coming out of her kooch?"
I looked and realized it was my cum from earlier seeping out, I responded with "oh I don't know, she is in heat though, could be discharge or something, prolly nothing to worry about" 
My friend changed the conversation, and didn't act suspicious about it, we chilled for awhile until she said she had to get going, had to wake up early the next day for work, but to this day I wonder if she caught onto the fact it was my cum.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/unsure.png[/img]

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Dane layer - 07-17-2017

Thats all right, thats the point of it just [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Cynolove693 - 07-17-2017

Quote:Thats all right, thats the point of it just [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Actaeon - 07-18-2017

I thought of another incident, with one of my own dogs. My parents (who knew I was zoo) and some relatives (who didn't) came to visit me shortly after I moved into my own place. It was the first time I'd had non-zoo company in a long time, so I wasn't used to keeping everything G-rated. My female dog was laying on her back on the couch, splayed out and fully exposed. Her head was in my lap, and her other end was right next to where one of my relatives was sitting. While absentmindedly rubbing the dog's belly, my fingertips strayed down to her vulva, stroking her sex twice. I quickly realized what I was doing, however, and moved my hand back to her stomach. If anyone saw anything, they said nothing. : )

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Cynolove693 - 07-18-2017

Quote:I thought of another incident, with one of my own dogs. My parents (who knew I was zoo) and some relatives (who didn't) came to visit me shortly after I moved into my own place. It was the first time I'd had non-zoo company in a long time, so I wasn't used to keeping everything G-rated. My female dog was laying on her back on the couch, splayed out and fully exposed. Her head was in my lap, and her other end was right next to where one of my relatives was sitting. While absentmindedly rubbing the dog's belly, my fingertips strayed down to her vulva, stroking her sex twice. I quickly realized what I was doing, however, and moved my hand back to her stomach. If anyone saw anything, they said nothing. : )
  If anyone did see you do that, you have some very understanding relatives.. Lucky you, you said that your parents know your zoo?? That's surprising they except it.. Most people aren't so open minded...

Funny/embarrasing moments with your critters - Actaeon - 07-18-2017

Yes, I came out a couple years after I started meeting other zoos in person, because I was having trouble keeping my stories straight. My parents raised me to be honest, so I never really learned how to lie effectively.
When I told them the neighbor's dog and I were "an item" (an exact quote), my mother laughed, not out of judgement, but because she honestly thought I was kidding. We all had an offbeat sense of humor and could joke about things like that. My father was more stoic; about the only thing he said was, "I don't *ever* want to catch you doing it." That was fine with me, of course. My father and I never spoke about zoophilia after that, but our relationship never suffered: he and I remained just as close as ever, right up until he passed away. My mother still expresses concern from time to time, but keeps an open mind and accepts me as I am; she and I also remain very close.
I've heard a lot of horror stories about what happens when people come out as zoo; I'm just one of the lucky ones. I don't recommend it to everyone; mine is a special case.