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Calling Bullshit - Printable Version

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Calling Bullshit - 30-30 - 01-22-2018

Rannoch, that´s only because your "superior" viewpoint isn´t doing the job....for more than two decades now. Nice theory, but in praxis, your approach is shit and not at all showing any results. How long will you lose yourself in chasing an idea that has been proven invalid, impractical and , to a certain amount, retarded on a "suck your own dick " level? When do you think it is time to try another approach? One that isn´t so stubbornly insisting on things that have long been proven wrong from the core?

Contrary to you and your views, I am not an ideologue, not interested in trying to verify an ideological concept that hasn´t done us any good in decades, I´m more interested in operational approaches.....if you want to win a piggy calling contest, you have to sing THEIR song...is this really so hard to understand for yo? Well, I always thought of you as one of the more intelligent ones in our community...maybe I was wrong about that, huh? How long will you pursue a strategy that presents our community with defeat after defeat after defeat? And how hard can it be to adjust to that simple reality? Or is this, as I have implied on reddit before, more like a religion....beliefs totally disconnected from any rational thinking and common sense? What is more important to you, "being right" ...or actual changes? I fear it´s the former of those two options, amirite?  That´s the real difference between you and me, Rannoch...you´re the unteachable blockhead chasing ideas regardless of their effectivity and I am operationally thinking...for you, it really seems to be more important to be "right"....for me, the RESULT is way more important. And the fact that your kind has the majority and constantly does that "fake news" routine whenever something emerges that doesn´t fit into their agenda/ideology speaks volumes, my friend....your kind had the helm for more than two decades now.....it´s time to try another approach, to let others steer the ship before it finally hits an iceberg...

Calling Bullshit - Rannoch - 01-22-2018

I've challenged you repeatedly 30-30 to show me how your approach will be magically different.

You have never, ever, answered.

Calling Bullshit - Hiway - 01-22-2018

*cough*  uh hum,

Can we please agree to disagree before this thead also turns into a "he didn't say", "She didn't say either!".


Thanks  :-/

Calling Bullshit - Rannoch - 01-22-2018

4 hours ago, Hiway said:

*cough*  uh hum,

Can we please agree to disagree before this thead also turns into a "he didn't say", "She didn't say either!".


Thanks  :-/

We agreed to disagree a long time ago.  The record just gets tiring.

30-30, I don't have the helm to any "ship" and I haven't steered anything in quite a long time.  I don't even drive.  I'm just trying to manage what's left of my own life and I occasionally call bullshit where I see it.  At any rate, If you are worried about the proverbial ship you're on hitting icebergs, the solution is probably not to jump off.  Jumping off the Titanic before it sank didn't do people much good either.

Calling Bullshit - 30-30 - 01-23-2018

@Rannoch: My own life is proof. The life of my comrades is proof, I even asked one of them to reply in the reddit sub so you can see I´m not fantasising about imaginary friends...and you still refuse to even consider my proposed change of strategy, Rannoch. I guess you just have fallen into the same trap as almost every other ideologically brainwashed person and refuse to acknowledge the evidence just because it doesn´t fit into your narrative and agenda. Look at YOUR life, Rannoch and where YOUR approach has brought you...and compare it to MY life. Any further questions? Or will you still turn a blind eye to what is quite easily perceivable, just because of the convenience not having to shift your perspective, remaining in your self absorbed, convenient self vicitimisation relality tunnel where everything is , of course, only THEIR fault and NEVER even partially YOURS, OURS...? What a handy way to deal with reality....it´s always the others who are to blame...like a fucking 12 year old.


@Hiway: Nevermind, Rannoch already is a lost cause completely entrenched in his ideology without any hint that being Rannoch does NOT secure being right about stuff. He has made bad decisions in his life, but still refuses to see that and is keeping blaming others instead for all his shortcomings. It´s always the others´ fault...how convenient. Sadly, Rannoch is not alone in his self absorbance , he has the quantitative upper hand in our community...and that´s exactly why our community is so static in approaching the issues...and so ineffective. Hiway, I honestly couldn´t care less about our community, my life is pleasant and I could easily live without hacking text into my keyboard. But sadly , I still care enough about my own "scene" to keep trying and get it out of the dead end it maneuvered itself into. Maybe that´s my weakness, not being able to stoicly watch those fools accelerating towards the abyss, yelling "Hooray! Zoo Rights!!!".  Lost causes...like Rannoch who demands "proof" of my approach while the last 25 years is a total and undeniable proof that his favoured approach is a total failure and will never get things done for us. That´s the kind of blockheadry I have to deal with here....and sometimes I even wonder if all of this stubbornness is done on purpose because some individuals actually LIKE to suffer, LIKE to be the "underdog", LIKE to be the "persecuted minority"...it makes their boring lives much more exciting, I guess. And that´s why the predominant narrative must never be broken, must never be altered and compromises with society are a sacrilege and "of Satan". Why giving an alternative to a already provably failed strategy is seen as an immediate threat. Actually, I think Rannoch is frightened I could be right...this would probably remove the last bits of self value from him. He doesn´t (like many others in our community) even consider my proposals, he doesn´t even try to see the evidence that my approach could be working, he doesn´t even consider straying from his ideological path for a couple of miles and test what I have to offer..."There is no society, all is splintered in small groups of interest and everybody is fighting for themselves"....partisanship and inability to find compromises with society is what fanatics and ideologues cherish so much. "either we have it MY way...or we won´t have anything at all".....and beliefs are more important than actual results.

I turned 46 a couple of weeks ago...and when I started being part of the zoo community back in the 80´s, I swore to myself that I will end all activities when I reach my 50´s...so, it´s only 4 more years for Rannoch and his sycophants to endure me until the have all of the (then probably completely destroyed) terrain for themselves. I honestly hope he will find his peace of mind ruling over a barren wasteland then...

Calling Bullshit - Hiway - 01-23-2018

Come on guys... i don't want to lock the bloody thread!  Just quit bitchin' at each other!

I've been on here since 1996, The talkers, ATB, ASB, etc. etc.  I've seen it all. Means nothing to me. 

All those new laws in every damn State mean absolutely nothing to me. I'm still doing what i've always done...

"Behind closed doors, no cameras, no spectators and no bragging about it on forums! "(much)  lol

End of story.

Calling Bullshit - Rannoch - 01-23-2018

1 hour ago, 30-30 said:

Any further questions?

Yeah, got anything besides personal anecdotes?  Frankly, they hold no weight in debate for good reason.

1 hour ago, Hiway said:

All those new laws in every damn State mean absolutely nothing to me. I'm still doing what i've always done...


HiWay, do what you got to do.  I call bullshit, it's what I do.

Calling Bullshit - caikgoch - 01-25-2018

On 1/23/2018 at 0:13 AM, Rannoch said:

 I call bullshit, it's what I do.

In this case there's really not much need.     I pointed out a physical fact.     Anyone who has ever watched any animal eat a rat has seen exactly what I speak of.     They might poison, or suffocate, or crush, or perforate the rat but they make very sure that even if it is a small bite to them, it is dead before it makes contact with soft inner parts.    Wanting or imagining anything else won't work and insisting that it might is just stupid.     Let the troll lay out his weakness for all to see.      He seems quite eager to do so.

Calling Bullshit - Rannoch - 01-26-2018

12 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Let the troll lay out his weakness for all to see.      He seems quite eager to do so.

I'm allergic to bullshit.  I don't think I could just sit and watch it fester like that without breaking out in hives.

Calling Bullshit - caikgoch - 01-26-2018

5 hours ago, Rannoch said:

I'm allergic to bullshit.  I don't think I could just sit and watch it fester like that without breaking out in hives.

Just understand that nothing hurts him more than being ignored.