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Good news and bad news re BF - Printable Version

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Good news and bad news re BF - Adolpha - 02-14-2019

I hope they come back


Good news and bad news re BF - Adolpha - 02-14-2019

Now bf is R.I.P  LAST SITE

Good news and bad news re BF - ferritlove - 02-14-2019

Yep, they are totally gone.  I was a member of BF for 14 years but only checked in occasionally... Its still an unfortunate loss.  Hope this site and all you guys stick around for a while.

Good news and bad news re BF - heavyhorse - 02-14-2019

2 hours ago, ferritlove said:

Yep, they are totally gone.  I was a member of BF for 14 years but only checked in occasionally... Its still an unfortunate loss.  Hope this site and all you guys stick around for a while.

Yeah had a lurker account there for decade +.  

Wonderful thing is, user data is now part of site rips that will appear various places as data dumps, according to rippers.  Those not savvy enough to have used VPN and encryption instead of phones or ISP email can now wait and wonder about the next knock on their door.

Good news and bad news re BF - WinterGreenWolf - 02-14-2019

Can confirm, BF and all associated sites are totally gone. R.I.P.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> They now redirect to something called 'Stripchat'...

I've had a lurker account there for about fifteen years or so.. I do sort of understand and feel the loss from the site going down.. But I can't feel -too- bad for that place after seeing what it's become. Hopefully we get some new, dedicated community members from this.

As far as data breaches.. The IPs would be the least of my worries.. It's the PMs / DMs, the forum posts and the profiles that contain locations or meetup details that's going to get people in deep shit creek without a paddle.  I was smart enough to not put that sort of info out there on BF, on top of the fact that my old username there didn't appear anywhere else for me online.


Good news and bad news re BF - Thunder-Bay-Syd - 02-14-2019

I watched the timer tick down to zero this morning and refreshed to see it disappear. As I was there to see the birth of that version of BF I felt the need to see the end. It was a sad moment. I have no shortage of bad things I could say about the admin and mods there but despite them there was a community there - even towards the end. It is a great shame to see such history wiped suddenly from existence. If we are a people then BF was part of our culture and its loss is worth mourning.

Good news and bad news re BF - silverwolf1 - 02-15-2019

1 hour ago, Thunder-Bay-Syd said:

I watched the timer tick down to zero this morning and refreshed to see it disappear. As I was there to see the birth of that version of BF I felt the need to see the end. It was a sad moment. I have no shortage of bad things I could say about the admin and mods there but despite them there was a community there - even towards the end. It is a great shame to see such history wiped suddenly from existence. If we are a people then BF was part of our culture and its loss is worth mourning.

Agreed. I also want to remind folks here of my attitude toward bashing of other forums. Our purpose is not to judge the fault in others but to improve those in our self. "Worlds" come and go. Even this one will pass in it's time. Each serve it's purpose, either to remind us what to be or not to be. Let's work to make our passing be remembered as the best example we can.


Good news and bad news re BF - WinterGreenWolf - 02-15-2019

1 hour ago, silverwolf1 said:

Agreed. I also want to remind folks here of my attitude toward bashing of other forums. Our purpose is not to judge the fault in others but to improve those in our self. "Worlds" come and go. Even this one will pass in it's time. Each serve it's purpose, either to remind us what to be or not to be. Let's work to make our passing be remembered as the best example we can.

Agreed, I may be a bit heavy-handed on BF at times.. But towards the end it was a lot of the things I don't want to see *our* community become.. I merely told people to avoid at all costs or tread very, very carefully there.. 

Much as I hate to say it, this forum, and my / my friend's Discord will all have their time.. We just need to work on providing GOOD information, advice, and a place that our very limited, restricted orientation can call home.

I did learn some things, and see some pretty incredible things and people on BF, things I never even thought possible. I do feel loss, especially with all the time that has passed with them being up and actually having some useful info.


Good news and bad news re BF - Equilibera - 02-18-2019

I'm in agreement with a lot of the sentiment in this thread.

Imagine a stone tower, built up bit by bit by the new people who arrive to visit. When it grows, its foundation and supports begin to crack and buckle, and as it ages, it begins to become painfully obvious that it was, perhaps, built for a different time, for a different purpose. When that tower inevitably falls, it is sad that all the work that went into building it has come undone. But all the rubble left behind is an opportunity. All of it is material to build a new tower: a better one, more organized, one more free of essential flaws, one built for a new zeitgeist and a new purpose.

It will happen eventually. It's just a matter of time. I just hope whatever takes BF's place as a center of the zoo community ultimately reflects some of the growth in maturity that has happened in us over the years.

Good news and bad news re BF - WinterGreenWolf - 02-18-2019

A very surreal, and truthful way to put it Equilibera, couldn't have said it better myself or agree more.

It's like I said above, in the end BFwas what I didn't want to see us, or any 'Zoo community' turn to.. We can hope to learn and grow from our mistakes and the mistakes of people like Mr. Hands.. The most tragic thing is that case was completely, totally, and utterly preventable right from the start by avoiding the booze on Ken's part.