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How do you kiss with dogs? - Printable Version

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How do you kiss with dogs? - Eagle - 09-12-2018

1 hour ago, 30-30 said:

You´re wrong, mares do live in monogamy due to the usual herd structure. A harem of mares, but there´s only one stallion.

And as I told before, not a single animal is "kissing" you ; you understand it in human context, the animal doesn´t . It won´t get any more right just because you repeat it. Horses lick humans....but that´s mostly for the salt from the sweat on your skin, this is NOT a sign of deep affection at all. They do it to complete strangers as well as to their owners. Not that my arguments would break your wall of autoillusion here....well, let´s abbreviate this discussion: show me a picture of two animals "kissing human style" and I´ll be silent on that topic...

I've told you over and over that you're stuck in an anthrocentric world.  Its tragic you even attempted to claim science, when you have no friggin clue about the scientific method nor the rigors of empirical research.  Truly comprehending any genuine scientific field is beyond you because you couldn't understand how what we see as 'colors' is such a pathetic and insignificant slice of the electromagnetic spectrum, nor what we consider frigid versus what we consider scorching hot are similarly pathetic and insignificant against the broader spectrum of temperatures in the cosmos, and you most certainly don't have anything resembling a genuine understanding of evolution and the fact that homo sapien possesses almost no completely unique traits, none of our traits were created in a vaccuum.  You establish and re-stablish your trapped-in-a-bubble thinking over and over again, and wallow in your ignorance.

I've been /kissed./  Not mere licks of sweat, but tongue in the mouth ... by dogs, birds and horses, entirely at their initiation.  Each did so as part of an ensemble of affectionate behavior toward me.  You can continue to deny other species are capable of thoughts or emotions familiar to us, but there's nothing to support such outside the bubble you willfully keep yourself stuck in.  You're not a moron, you don't have a lower IQ than mine, you simply let yourself get trapped in a cultural (any by that, I mean popular) construct that is false and artificial.

Given that, you can't truly fathom the prospect a non-human member of the animal kingdom can have feelings or emotions not terribly dissimilar to ours, and by extension should be respected and appreciated as such.  Such concepts are impossible for you, so long as you keep yourself stuck in your pathetic bubble ... and again its not because you lack the IQ, but you waste too much of it trying to re-draw the same conclusion over and over again that humans were created independently of all other species and, thus, to you, ascribing thoughts, behaviors, emotions and intentions to other forms of life seems silly to you because, to you, they're just curious simpletons there for us to slaughter or fuck as we please without a second thought.

How do you kiss with dogs? - 30-30 - 09-12-2018

Well, I´d really like to spend two minutes in your warped mind that makes up so much what I never said, Eagle. Just to satisfy my curiosity regarding mindsets completely disconnected to reality, of course. Oh, Eagle? Where´s the picture of two animals "kissing" , btw? If you have one, then go on and post it...so you don´t have to rely on this incoherent bulk of babble you call an answer. Espüecially funny is your last sentence...yeah, accuse someone who turned veggie some 30 years ago of viewing animals as "simpletons there for us to slaughter", the stupidity of this won´t fall back onto me, but you instead. 

If you only could get it into your thick head that I´m not belittling animals, I am not viewing them as incapable of "thoughts" and emotions at all; the only thing I´m saying is that you obviously completely lost it if you really don´t see the difference between humans, horses, dogs, cattle, sheep, etc...your massive insistence on your point of view reeks of religious zeal, not rational discourse. If it´s sooo cozy for you to anthropomorphise animals, then go on...but zoophilia isn´t where you belong then.

It also would be nice if your way of leading a discussion would take my arguments and dismantle them instead of ranting about how stupid I am and how anthropocentric I seem to you. All your stuff is just "argumentum ad hominem" ad infinitum...hey, you "scientist", where do they teach this? At Loonieversity?

Learn some reading comprehension and also how to avoid laying  statements in my mouth  I never made. Oh, and I highly recommend testing your little thesis on some normal folks and see how they react....just in case you wonder why the overwhelming majority of normals views us zoophiles as total nutjobs...you´re the perfect example, man.   


How do you kiss with dogs? - Alexe - 09-12-2018

Mods just lock this please it only brings drama and i have trouble believing anyone in this thread but 30 to be honest.. it seems that in bf nor zoowg you can have normal discussions

How do you kiss with dogs? - threelegs - 09-12-2018

3 hours ago, 30-30 said:

You´re wrong, mares do live in monogamy due to the usual herd structure. A harem of mares, but there´s only one stallion.


That's not monogamy; it's polygamy.

How do you kiss with dogs? - silverwolf1 - 09-12-2018

Gentlemen, lets be sure to keep this a true debate and on topic. I don't want to see personalities drawn into your replies. If you disagree state why you do so and what you believe to be right. Do not state what you think of the other posters intelligence, behavior or other personal statements. Be sure you are helping to answer the OPs original query. Thank you.

I believe animals displaying "Kissing" behavior among their own species is not something we can understand, but that they do indeed learn to kiss to show affection with us. 

Alexe, I'm sorry the thread has gone to places where personalities have been brought in. I try my best to make this a forum of honest discourse. I will lock the thread if you feel it cannot provide further useful discussion, but would like to give a chance after my warning first.


How do you kiss with dogs? - heavyhorse - 09-12-2018

4 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Average human infections usually don´t jump over to animals

Mostly.  But the influenza virus has proven repeatedly to be quite adept at crossing species lines.



I'm pretty sure my truck caught the flu from me.  How else to explain all those weepy discharges?

How do you kiss with dogs? - 30-30 - 09-12-2018

3 hours ago, Alexe said:

Mods just lock this please it only brings drama and i have trouble believing anyone in this thread but 30 to be honest.. it seems that in bf nor zoowg you can have normal discussions

I really wonder how you can sport comparisons of my contributions in BF...I´m not active in that "zoo" forum since I left some 4-5 years before. And I haven´t posted much on BF while I was a member , so...you obviously must mistake me for someone else...


PS: I don´t see drama in here, I only see a heated debate between me and Eagle who seems to be so entrenched in what he believes is "true" that he starts namecalling and questioning my intelligence instead of giving actual proof of his theories. I´m pretty open for debate and if anyone can give me some actual evidence that supports Eagle´s views, I won´t resist. Sadly, all I got until now is Eagle´s subjective truth without ANY evidence. Convince me. If you can´t , how can anyone expect to convince people outside our little zoo filter bubble? Git Gud...or get rekt.

How do you kiss with dogs? - 30-30 - 09-13-2018

15 hours ago, threelegs said:

That's not monogamy; it's polygamy.

That´s correct for the stallion, but not for the mares. They only have ONE partner. Try to differentiate...and learn what polygamy (póly = many , háe gamé = wife) really means. Funny how we have the focus on the male perspective literally imprinted in our words, innit? 

How do you kiss with dogs? - caikgoch - 09-13-2018

2 hours ago, 30-30 said:

That´s correct for the stallion, but not for the mares. They only have ONE partner. Try to differentiate...and learn what polygamy (póly = many , háe gamé = wife) really means. Funny how we have the focus on the male perspective literally imprinted in our words, innit? 

Non speakers should approach technical discussions of word usage with care.     "Mono" vs "poly" refers to the relationship, not the individual.     The mare may have only one "husband" but she has multiple "wives" unless some evil human limits their access.     

And unless we get too hung up on PC points, there is also "polyandry".    Interestingly, the "poly" both is called "polygamy" so in this context the feminine is dominant.

How do you kiss with dogs? - Alexe - 09-13-2018

30, your reading comprehension is really bad. I was saying I only believe anyone but you.

And then I was talking about how you can't have normal zoo discussions anywhere because theres always someone riling someone else up to get some drama

13 hours ago, 30-30 said:

Git Gud...or get rekt.

How do you do, fellow kids?

You make sense with your arguments but, man, do you make me cringe hard..