Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
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How useful is this forum to you? - silverwolf1 - 08-22-2018

Jed is totally right about the off topic posts. Remember the rules, and make a separate post for what appears to be a subject worthy of debate.


How useful is this forum to you? - heavyhorse - 08-22-2018

7 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Jed is totally right about the off topic posts. Remember the rules, and make a separate post for what appears to be a subject worthy of debate.


Unless it's all about the argument........

How useful is this forum to you? - Jedidiah - 08-22-2018

40 minutes ago, heavyhorse said:

Unless it's all about the argument........

Exactly... couldn’t have said it better.

How useful is this forum to you? - Jedidiah - 08-22-2018

8 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Three suggestions about appearance from the past that have reached me again:

1: A banner- Acteons last submission ( <a data-fileid="2074" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2017_08/Actaeon_ZCF-ZWG_banner_full.png.692d562fbcabc45074dd038c4d225910.png" title="Enlarge image">[Image: Actaeon_ZCF-ZWG_banner_full.png.692d562f...225910.png]</a> )

would be the preferred one to use.

2: A shout box something like the old ZF had.

3: A skin. I would prefer a simple color change to silver and black, but did see a pawprint one I kinda liked. I'll have to look for it again. 

In my mind, advertising the forum is still a priority. The more members we draw in the more we enlighten and the more we learn from each other, be it in prose or debate.


1) A banner is a really good idea, but considering that we were first a Writers Guild and second a Zoo forum, that banner just seems a little out of place.  Especially considering that we don’t even have a “wank section” as someone put it, do we really want a banner with suggestive animals as the image that defines this forum?  Maybe we can go with something a bit more sleek and professional?  That one is also a bit crowded.  As always, the forum has been your department, though, so we can do this if you want.

2) A shoutbox is a great suggestion.  I need to see if it’s been upgraded to support this version of the forum.  I really don’t have time to create one from scratch and last time I checked, the Shoutbox seemed like an abandoned project.

3) Yeah, some skin change would be nice, I agree.  I’ll help you look.  If you find one that is compatible with this version of the forum, we can install it and tweak some of the minor things like paw icons or color sets.

4) Advertizing is something you want to do carefully.  I’m a proponent of it, but I don’t want to open the place to Google or Bing for indexing even though we are SEO’d if you will.  You don’t want the crazies to swarm the place, either.

5) Some people are getting errors trying to upload images?  If somebody can post a screenshot... (just kidding [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> ).  I’ll look into it ASAP.


How useful is this forum to you? - heavyhorse - 08-22-2018

Personal opinion--

I agree with points 1 thru 4 above.  Understated is not necessarily a bad idea.  I don't mind at all being set off from the rest of the sites. 

Although I'm kind of taken with the form of the zeta symbol above.

Completely neutral on a shoutbox.  

What he said on item 4.  Maybe a few dropped hints in appropriate places instead of actual advertisements.  There seems to have been a tendency for people to find the place if they are part of the community; I'm not sure we want all the "The only reason I come here is to see women degraded" (actual quote) crowd here anyway.


If I never see another "wimmen N dawgs" vid again in my life....... 

How useful is this forum to you? - battlecrops - 08-23-2018

I like that banner but yeah I'd rather not have one with straight up animal sex on it.  I do like the other animals on it and I really dig the zeta symbol with the dogs.

How useful is this forum to you? - heavyhorse - 08-25-2018

Well we're back (again);

I guess as a test to see if we miss you while you're gone....

How useful is this forum to you? - Ramseys - 08-25-2018

While I do appreciate Acteons' efforts in creating that banner, I'm going to have to agree it might not be the most appropriate one for this site.

 I too like the zeta, but most of those critters have to go.

On the left side there should be an inkwell and quill, maybe writing on a something.

This will not only let folks know that we are mostly a writers forum, and it might dissuade folks, just looking for porn.

On the right side perhaps some head shots of large dogs and equines.

I know it will be a rare occurrence, but we have to consider a total naive person finding the site.

Perhaps having the legend: 'Zoophilia ~ The love of animals'.

Large dogs, because we don't want anyone to get a mental image of some guy trying to rape a poodle .

And leaving off my beloved cloven hoofed critters... Well that's just too much of a 'stereotype' to have sheep up there. 

Same thing with any feathered critters. I know there are some cases one can truly love birds, but let's work up to that slowly.

Donkeys also suffer the same fate. When someone thinks, "Donkeys and Sex" at the same time it's usually either Tejano, or that film they made in Colombia.

So basically, No Farm Animals. 

Just my free advice... Remember you get what you pay for.

How useful is this forum to you? - silverwolf1 - 08-25-2018

Heh, glad to see so many folks like the zeta symbol. I created that [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />  Anyone with a banner idea can post it here or in the "Banner" thread under announcements. It MUST include my zeta somewhere on it, and the quill & inkwell.

46 minutes ago, Ramseys said:


I know it will be a rare occurrence, but we have to consider a total naive person finding the site.

Perhaps having the legend: 'Zoophilia ~ The love of animals'.


Not a bad idea, as long as it doesn't crowd out the forum names. I'll give a couple weeks for better banner ideas before going with what I've got.

On advertising: Folks looking for beat-off material won't stay as a rule, but we might just change the minds of the few that do...


How useful is this forum to you? - 30-30 - 08-25-2018

Zoophiles: "No, you misunderstand zoophilia, it´s only around 5% about sex, but 95% about deep mutual love!"

Also zoophiles: "Let´s see...we need a banner; what are we gonna place on it? Oh, I know...animals fucking each other, sure!" [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> 

Well, joking aside and let´s get serious: I would highly recommend to become a bit more "artsy" with the banner. Redesign it, keep it simple and abstract...and yes, delete the mating animals. `Cause I don´t need a daily reminder what zoophilia is about and I believe no one else in this "game" for more than just 2 hours needs one at all. Choose ONE motive, a motive that posesses more symbolic value than animals humping or just some pictures of animals. Zoophilia is mostly about deep emotional love, or at least we usually claim that...so why don´t we use a symbolic motive that can transport this message? Human and animal kissing , for example...or holding "hands"? Something like that logo showing a raised human fist silhouette right beside a raised dog paw silhouette of the ALF, with a simple and clean message?

Especially if you want to do some advertising for this hp, I would opt for a less explicit and more sophisticated appearance to keep off the predictable huge wave of porn fiends and other toxic elements. I know you cannot keep them off 100%, but the lesser incentives they have to assume zoowg is about animal porn, the fewer will appear in here.  And that will hugely benefit the quality of discussions about serious issues in here as well as it would create a better environment for mutual support. Let me just throw in a little anecdote here: my cow loving farmer zoo friend had his first experience with a sow. When she died, he reached out for emotional support in BF and wrote a long story about all that happened....guess what kind of personal messages he got after creating this thread? "Wow, dude....do you have pictures of her pussy?" and " Hey, you´re a farmer, right? Can you help me fuck a sow, too?".....just to bring up two of them. Sure, an extreme example, but always keep in mind that even zoowg is only a few unfavourable decisions away from BF if we all don´t keep an eye on the type of folks that come in, Silverwolf. I hope you can keep a healthy and reasonable balance between staying an obscure "special interest" forum visited by but a few and a "Beastforum 2.0".

Now for the zeta: I guess you know how I think about the zeta, SW...use it or don´t, it really doesn´t matter anymore to me as the symbol lost its true meaning decades ago. I even see the zeta as a powerful symbol of our own community´s failure by now as it clearly got corrupted because of our own apathy and misunderstood tolerance, but I digress...if I had to create a banner, I wouldn´t use the zeta. What we need is a new "Bildsprache" ("picture language"), we need to modernise and actualise our symbols, adapt them to what we learned (if we learned anything at all, that is...) in the last two decades. Welll...luckily I don´t have to make a banner and you do you [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />