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How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Printable Version

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How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Guest - 03-24-2018

In reality, I've only had 3 humans on my side. Only 1 of them truly wanted to help me and the other 2 didn't try to help me as much.

And you're not purposely ignored. This place is dead and only the regulars keep it just a little active from time to time.There's plenty of others who came to your thread (even though they shouldn't have). Even back in the day you got a lot of attention.

And I was just saying it was funny. It was just so nonsensical, pathetic and unnecessary to do what you did.

Seems like you've lied in the past then, or did your doggy attraction just dissapear? Well I guess I can relate to that in a certain way. And this is not how attraction even works... My canid and equid attraction are almost equal, so what am I then? Do you know what ''both'' means?

By the way, you just hunger after a mare too much. I'd actually love to have a more exotic animal like a fox or zebra in my bed, but it's not like I wish they'd replace my girl. Seems like if you had a dog you'd leave them for a horse. You make me wonder, are you even capable of love at all? Hell, you've never even met a horse ever in your life so it could be solely a physical attraction. I wonder what happens when you finally get to meet one and you dislike them for what they actually are. Especially with your impatience... Impatience doesn't mix well with animals and that's definitely not an exception for horses. ...Yes, I'm bringing it up again: You had sex with a human only to lose your virginity. Gee, it's almost like you're starving from all that lust, huh?

And because of that... You kind of deserve this. Especially because you are purposely standing in your own way.

''It's just not going to happen. It wouldn't be a wise choice.''

Looks like it's settled, then! Let's wipe away those tears and call it a day. You were done with this thread anyway. C'ya around kid, there's a girl waiting for me right now.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - zemlya - 03-24-2018

"After giving this some more thought, I can begin to see the insanity that belies this problem. How do you deal with something like this?"

Hearing what others have to say.  Seriously, it's not possible to experience everything in life to learn from first hand experiences everything you want to know.  Sometimes the best you can do is hear about it from others.  That goes for everything in life.  The bucket list here has more on it than just playing with a whole ark full of animaldix, most of it non-sexual and having nothing to do with animals, in fact.

It feels like an unscratchable itch at times, until you realize there is no time to "try everything".  That's something you learn when you get up in your years.  As for having someone else let you satisfy your desires for an animal in that way, well, it really doesn't happen that way for a long list of reasons, even among zoophiles.  It is much easier to get into a situation where you can do "normal things" with a horse.  If somehow you get to experience more, then, it sounds like you'd enjoy it, but if not, it's best to accept your situation in life, even though that may not be what you desire now.

Satisfying a dream is not always as satisfying as it was thought to be, sometimes it is somewhat of a let down after it happens and it's all over, or leaves you with desires to satisfy other much more difficult to accomplish dreams.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Guest - 03-24-2018

You kidding me, right? Right as I was about to post you already made another comment.

And telling me to get off your thread? I sure will... Because like I just said, there's a beautiful girl waiting for me.

A beautiful black, furry shepherd girl which walks so elegant with me, despite being so clumsy...

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-24-2018

2 minutes ago, EquusCanis said:

In reality, I've only had 3 humans on my side.

That's exactly 3 more than I've ever had.

Just now, EquusCanis said:

You kidding me, right? Right as I was about to post you already made another comment.

And telling me to get off your thread? I sure will... Because like I just said, there's a beautiful girl waiting for me.

A beautiful black, furry shepherd girl which walks so elegant with me, despite being so clumsy...

Good, I'm tired of reading your asshole comments.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Guest - 03-24-2018

I'm not gone for good, you know. We're back from our lovely evening walk.

And no, many humans did try to help you but you just refuse to accept it. In this very thread others are trying to help. You ran away from AmoreBestia even though he was helping you.

You lust after so many things... Sex, sympathy, attention, etc. It's the same thing that happened back in /r/zoophilia.

You still haven't answered many important questions.

Why are you still here if according to you no one cares or will ever care about you?

Why are you still here if you came to the conclusion you will never meet a horse?

Why are you still here if you refuse to acknowledge a lot of things others say?

You've just proven that you're only here to annoy others and waste their times. If no one will do anything about it I guess I'll go in frontier justice mode and purposely try to do the same thing to you. I'm new here but I don't think too much drama happened here until you appeared.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-24-2018

Jesus, the only thing I wanted to do was touch a horse. You're turning this into something that is entirely unrelated. This has nothing to do with sex. When did I ever say "I want to bang a mare and that's it"? Are you capable of distinguishing between sexual and nonsexual contact?

I'm not starting any drama, you are by turning this thread into something that it was never supposed to be. I just don't want to be on my death bed and regret never having fulfilled this dream. You couldn't possibly understand this because you can just take a walk and see a horse whenever you feel like it.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - caikgoch - 03-24-2018

OK, end the drama and BS and I will tell you exactly how to get close to a horse.       You can even do it from a hospital bed so no handicap will prevent you.

BTW, I can say conclusively that I have helped more than have helped me.     Have you ever considered this as a lifestyle?

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Guest - 03-24-2018

''Unrelated.'' my ass, I've already told you why I think this. Your translator is malfunctioning again, it seems.

And yeah, you're starting drama. You constantly ask for attention and endlessly whine.

You've already came to the conclusion nothing will change, yet you are here. I've repeated it countless of times.

This right here is just straight up sad. You now act innocent, try to put the blame on me, and say I don't understand because I've came in contact with horses in my life.

Logic obviously isn't your strongest point, is it? Should've realized that longer ago.



How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-24-2018

Just now, caikgoch said:

OK, end the drama and BS and I will tell you exactly how to get close to a horse.       You can even do it from a hospital bed so no handicap will prevent you.

BTW, I can say conclusively that I have helped more than have helped me.     Have you ever considered this as a lifestyle?

Is someone actually going to offer sensible advice? Am I dreaming?

Just now, EquusCanis said:

''Unrelated.'' my ass, I've already told you why I think this. Your translator is malfunctioning again, it seems.

And yeah, you're starting drama. You constantly ask for attention and endlessly whine.

You've already came to the conclusion nothing will change, yet you are here. I've repeated it countless of times.

This right here is just straight up sad. You now act innocent, try to put the blame on me, and say I don't understand because I've came in contact with horses in my life.

Logic obviously isn't your strongest point, is it? Should've realized that longer ago.



Please go away.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - caikgoch - 03-24-2018

Convince me the drama will end one way or another.        And a sincere answer to my question wold help.