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Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Printable Version

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Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-17-2018

I prefer specific looks, but they aren't a requirement and yes when a bitch is in heat, I will sometimes let her pee on me, and also like to preform oral on her after she pees, because yes I enjoy the taste, but it's not a requirement or obsession.. maybe I should have been more specific in the previous thread because it obviously gave you wrong ideas about me

I've had sex plenty of other times without the urge to taste pee, or get peed on, I will say there is a sexual turn on when it does happen, or when she intentionally goes out of her way to do it, but it's not necessary for my sexual gratification; Altough its a very minor part of my sexual preference when bitches are in heat, its not every time though, it's up to what the specific dog wants really

I may have certain preferences but they are not the main or only reason I have sex with animals; and are far from habitual or obsessive, the biggest utmost reason is that I love them, and want to express it in a physical way 

Anyways let's try to get back on topic

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - farellfoxx - 01-18-2018

I guess I just like certain breeds of dog, but I'm not that picky. If it's a mare; probably just small enough rump so I can actually achieve penetration.

Don't get me wrong, I'd take anything right now,  I'm so pent up.

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-19-2018

On 1/18/2018 at 0:09 AM, farellfoxx said:

I guess I just like certain breeds of dog, but I'm not that picky. If it's a mare; probably just small enough rump so I can actually achieve penetration.

Don't get me wrong, I'd take anything right now,  I'm so pent up.

I can relate; my dog has been showing zero interest in sex lately; (I know because last time I made a move he growled, he does the same if I try to cuddle with him) so we haven't been doing anything sexual since,  I respect his wishes and love him, so obviously I dropped the matter..

On top of that he doesn't want to have anything to do with being affectionate, and his personality Is  rather aggressive and he's supposed to be a ESA [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dry.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="¬¬" width="20" />, I love him, but it's hard to say I'm in love with him, because my romantic feelings for him are far from being mutual.. 

To be honest though, since being abstinent I've been having a lot more sexual dreams, I've been craving sex alot more, but i have no means at all to release built up sexual energy, it's rather annoying honestly, masturbation alone just isn't enough..,

It's to the point if I was alone with the next nearest willing female or male dog, I would let them take me or top them, probably won't happen tough and I'll continue to be stuck with watchin porn and beating off, along with feeling unloved, atleast I'll be dead soon, always remember that someone out there has it worse than you...



Peoples thoughts on body traits? - farellfoxx - 01-19-2018

2 hours ago, Cynolove693 said:

It's to the point if I was alone with the next nearest willing female or male dog, I would let them take me or top them, probably won't happen tough and I'll continue to be stuck with watchin porn and beating off, along with feeling unloved, at least I'll be dead soon, always remember that someone out there has it worse than you...

That's literally what I'm feeling right now. Dead and Unloved, We actually have similar lives right now.

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-19-2018

2 hours ago, farellfoxx said:

That's literally what I'm feeling right now. Dead and Unloved, We actually have similar lives right now.

Right that may be true, but in my case I'm actually dieing; my point is try to be grateful you'll have more chances to love and be happy, and as long as your still around, never give up on what u want, u still have a chance, don't pass it up,.. some of us aren't so lucky, anyway if you want to talk sometime feel free to pm me

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-19-2018

Back on topic, figured a drop a rottie pic here, such a beautiful   breed [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wub.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":x" width="20" />  

<a class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2018_01/5a61df492c806_Rottweileringrass.jpg.e5a79c401eb940fc3407f336ad80fd4d.jpg" data-fileid="3047">[Image: 5a61df492c806_Rottweileringrass.jpg.e5a7...80fd4d.jpg]</a>

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - ikanon - 01-20-2018

I must confess that i find docked tails and cropped ears visual attractive. A powerful black body, like a greyhound or a dobermann is really beautiful. Visually i must admit to also find the males of these breeds attractiv if they are neutered and have that kinda withered "pencil dick". A well shped shepherd without the extreme and weak rounded back is also a nice view.. It makes me sad to se extreme breed dogs, like st Berhards that former strong rescue dog that must must now use 105% of its strength, just to be able to walk, or shepherds with hind legs that behabe just as  defective wheels on a shopping cart. 

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - battlecrops - 01-21-2018

Greyhounds kinda have natural "pencil dicks" lol, gotta stay aerodynamic.  I've seen lots of intact racing and coursing greyhounds and they all look like that.

Long fur is a huge turn off for me, I just can't find it attractive except on cats.  With dogs I like short sleek coats and a muscular build.  I don't really like the look of overweight dogs, which is sadly how most people keep their pets.  Working dogs are where it's at.  Sighthounds, bull breeds, molossers, and terriers are the most attractive dog types to me.  With all other species pretty much anything goes lol except the long fur.

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - Cynolove693 - 01-22-2018

On 1/20/2018 at 3:09 AM, ikanon said:

Visually i must admit to also find the males of these breeds attractiv if they are neutered and have that kinda withered "pencil dick".

Huh can't say I've ever really paid close attention to that, I've always been around intact dogs though, other than the one time I gave a handjob to a neutered pit, while he obviously enjoyed the attention (he humped into my hand with hard thrusts and even sprayed just slight amounts of liquid) his penis wasn't any different from an intact dogs though

Peoples thoughts on body traits? - battlecrops - 01-23-2018

6 hours ago, Cynolove693 said:

Huh can't say I've ever really paid close attention to that, I've always been around intact dogs though, other than the one time I gave a handjob to a neutered pit, while he obviously enjoyed the attention (he humped into my hand with hard thrusts and even sprayed just slight amounts of liquid) his penis wasn't any different from an intact dogs though

It can depend on when they were neutered.  Dogs neutered before six-ish months usually have very small genitals since the testosterone was removed from their system before they were far along enough in maturity for their genitals to start developing.  Dogs neutered between 7 months and maturity (1-2 years is the ideal amount of time to wait if you must neuter though, for the record) or anytime later usually have more development.