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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - silverwolf1 - 07-16-2017

Quote:Now there is two types of animal guides, the ones that exist in the spirit realm, and familiars.. I've already explained what an animal spirit guide is, but never went into depth about familiars..
A familiar is an animal that calls out to you in the physical world, one that chooses you instead of you choosing them.. They can come in the form of a gift, or they come across you as a stray and choose to stay, (a new animal not running of when given the opportunity to could be a good sign) sometimes a familiar can be chosen by you, but it's usually the other way around.
  You also will feel a deeper connection with them than most other animals.. It will feel as if your souls are connected, from the first moment you meet them (similar to how love feels) and you'll almost immediately have a mental link.. They will show an interest in your magickal working as well and aid you by balancing out energy in spell work.. Its just one of those things you'll know, if an animal is linked spirituality to you..
​That is how it was with Tippy, exactly, and that I see her now as a spirit companion just reinforces that. An example of the above: I chose Shadow as a mate, Tippy chose me, from initiating me bringing her home, to  our first kiss, to initiating our first sexual encounter, it was all her choice and her doing. I was almost powerless to reject her.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-16-2017

Odds are she was your familiar.. If she still is a spiritual guide for you, she had a big impact on you, and your souls will always be connected..
Ive had only one lover that was my familiar (but several regular companions that still aided me in Magick) .. The bond we shared was indiscribable.. But I didn't realize he was a partner in magick as well until one day I was casting a circle, and he started scratching at the door..
I let him in and he walked around the circle 3 times and laid down at the point of the star that symbolizes water.. That was his element according to astrology and the time of the year he was born.. That was actually the first time anything sexual happened between us, right in the middle of a pentacle.. The feelings of the air circling around us, and the Magick coming from the altar that night is impossible to explain..
Now my current dog, I believe is also my familiar, as I done a summoning spell before I got him, because for two years I had no luck finding a dog.. One night a couple months after casting the spell; I had a dream that I would be getting a dog, and saw what he looked like, even the name he would have.. And sure enough, a week later I found him in an ad, the same dog I had dreamt of, so I paid the adoption fee and I've had him since August last year..
He has shown a great interest in my Magick, our bond is also very strong, but I have yet to discover if he is my romantic lover as I'm waiting for the right time..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-16-2017

Now I'd like to tell you guys of the story of my wolf spirit guide, I meet her in the spirit world but my body was also in an altered state (having sex while asleep) and it was a crazy experience honestly..
I had a female pit bull years ago.. Her name was Bella.. She slept in bed with me, and we were very close.. So I naturally got accustomed to sleeping naked at night, with her by my side.. one night, before I went to bed, I mediated, with the intent to meet my spirit animal, after several failed attempts.... I closed my eyes and drifted off into a trance..
Next thing I know, I feel as if I was falling, it was a very weird feeling (but all to familiar, as I'd experienced it as a child)... After that, I'm hovering above my body, looking down at myself sleeping.. I looked at my hands and they were transparent, I could see through them, this was all too surreal..
Then all of a sudden everything blurred as if i was moving really fast, similar to looking at a road going down a highway in a car.. This ended shortly and I was at the entrance of a woods somewhere.. I started to walk in, and walked for what seemed miles; until out of nowhere a wolf appeared..
She stood there and stared at me, then walked up and rubbed against me; to my surprise she backed up into me, and I felt my cock slide into her.. I didn't even think it was possible to have sex in the spirit realm, but here I was..
I was having sex with a wolf, very beautiful, pitch black fur, and bright blue eyes.... (I know her name now, and she showed me mine, but that is a secret between me and her; only after I meditated and called out to her again.. She currently visits me all the time in dreams and guides me through the spirit realm when I leave my body).
  I could make out the smell of wet dog, feel the feeling of her fur in my hands.. Even feel the inside of her vagina pulsing on my cock.. It was really detailed, all to real.. . but just as I was having an orgasm, everything went black, and I felt as if I was falling again..
I regained consciousness and noticed Bella was on top of me, my cock inside her, and I was cumming, half aware of what was going on, feeling disoriented..
That's the only time Bella ever tried anything like having sex with me while "asleep" and I'll never forget about the whole experience..
Bella was somehow part of me meeting my spirit animal that night, so im forever grateful to her for that.. Did I mention she wasn't in heat at the time, just did that out of the blue for some reason, to this day I believe she sensed what was going on..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Bear28 - 07-19-2017

I've been drawn to the old ways most of my life. shamans, druids, Wicca, witchcraft,  pagan ways. If studied most and see where they over lap.
Mythology around the world is filled with gods and humans mating with animals. Zues was the most well known. But also look at Loki who changed into a mare to trick a stallion and make a giant lose his bet. Old man coyote from Native American ledgens. 
As a farm kid I have always had a closer connection to nature. Get along better with animals then humans. So it was never a big keep to get drawn to native shamanism. Was an old  medicine man  who told me that I should do the Wiccan great right with a goat after I explained to him where my Wiccan studies had got to. Miss that man we had many talks on difrent aspects of faith from all around the world. 

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-19-2017

 [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img] Thanks for the input Bear28..
The story of Loki and the mare is honestly one of my favorites. I remember the first time I heard that one.. Years ago
Ive also lived on farms, only a couple years of my life, I honestly miss it.. Oh and your the first person in a while I've heard bring up the great rite..
Its my understanding a ancient ritual of sex right (or at least the general derivative of it has been around for ages..), and done on Beltane? I've never participated in it with a goat, but have done several rituals were sex was involved with a familiar..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Bear28 - 07-19-2017

Yep the great right is sexual. As it represents the power of creation by the goddess and god. And yes it's commonly done at Beltane. I've heard of it done with other animals, I just happened to have a goat when I did it.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-20-2017

Quote:Yep the great right is sexual. As it represents the power of creation by the goddess and god. And yes it's commonly done at Beltane. I've heard of it done with other animals, I just happened to have a goat when I did it.
Im curious to hear your experience of the great rite?? If you don't mind, it would give to viewers of the thread a general understanding of the ritual..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Bear28 - 07-22-2017

Been meaning to get back to your request for a bit now. Been a long week at work and most of the time when I get home I end up napping longer then I mean to. 
Anyway. The Great Right also called the Great Marrige is the conscumation of the Goddess and the God. Dependent on what tradition one fallows. But in all of them it is the power of creation the blinding of the powers of both god and goddess. The sacred feminine with sacred masculine. 
When i I did it as a solartay practionor I did the right as a way to tie myself more to the powers of the  natural world. To become a conduit for the ebbs and flows of creation and nature. 
I cast the circle, called the guardens, stated my intentions, then channeled the goddess into the goat, the god into myself, and let the power build, then moved into the right of creation by mating with the goat. I release that power into the land and sky around me at the climax. Then restated my intentions before dismissing everything.
Not the best great right but it worked for me. 

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-22-2017

OK I'll explain the ritual then, the great rite is a celebration of the fertility God and goddess, it is done between the spring and summer equinox, normally on Beltane though... For a long time it has been tradition to have sexual intercoruse at this time, In a ritualistic manner..
The way the ritual is practiced nowadays differs from the old ways.., now Neo-pagan covens have their high priest and priestess engage in sex, as it's believed to bring immense power to the covens magickal workings..
The great rite isn't always literal sex, as there is symbolic ways to preform the ritual, but the general belief is actual sex Magick is more powerful, especially inbetween spring and summer when the world is coming back to life.. Only consensual sex is allowed in this ritual, as in order for the Magick to be most powerful, both parties must get to an altered state of mind, hence have an orgasm..
Now in the days of the old, animals did participate in the ritual, because of the ties between animals and the God himself; being lord of animals.. Normally a goat would be the animal of choice to be part of the ritual, but not always..
I Can confirm that the closest I've ever felt to nature, and the most powerful Magick I've ever casted was on the day of the Sabbat.. I preformed it several years ago, with a canine.. He happened to be a familiar to me, so we already had a magickal link..
I Cast a circle, as he followed me around the circle, adding power to it.. Then we started the ritual, I was already naked as I do all ritualistic workings that way.. I called to the God and goddess and asked them to bless the rite, and expressed my honor for them on that day..
Then I dropped down on all fours and he mounted, thrust in and we tied, I was facing the earth point of the altar, and he stepped off facing the direction of water, butt to butt yet he was slightly facing on an angle.. Neither of us moved or left the circle, the whole tie, both facing our element, the feelings I had that day, were unlike anything I can describe..
Ive never in my life felt sex to the detail I did in that circle, and have never had orgasms so intense as those were.. Never.. not to mention the swirling breeze that went around us, and the way the candles were dancing and slowly reaching higher, and higher.. I could feel tingling energy flow between us through where we connected.. feel it being pushed into the altar, down through my hands, at the same time the energy was coming back up through my feet.. I know this all sounds crazy, whether you believe this or not is up to you.. Regardless the spellwork I cast after building up the energy, that night worked the very next day, the results were incredible..
That is the great rite.. Basically having sex for ritualistic energy, and to honor the deities..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-22-2017

Quote:Been meaning to get back to your request for a bit now. Been a long week at work and most of the time when I get home I end up napping longer then I mean to. 
Anyway. The Great Right also called the Great Marrige is the conscumation of the Goddess and the God. Dependent on what tradition one fallows. But in all of them it is the power of creation the blinding of the powers of both god and goddess. The sacred feminine with sacred masculine. 
When i I did it as a solartay practionor I did the right as a way to tie myself more to the powers of the  natural world. To become a conduit for the ebbs and flows of creation and nature. 
I cast the circle, called the guardens, stated my intentions, then channeled the goddess into the goat, the god into myself, and let the power build, then moved into the right of creation by mating with the goat. I release that power into the land and sky around me at the climax. Then restated my intentions before dismissing everything.
Not the best great right but it worked for me. 
Thanks for sharing your experience of the ritual, I think you were typing this as I was writing my reply out, yep there is only a 2 minute time difference between the posts.. that's ironic [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]