Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
How useful is this forum to you? - Printable Version

+- Zoo Community & Writer's Guild (https://zoowg.org)
+-- Forum: Zoophilia discussions (https://zoowg.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=6)
+--- Forum: General Zoo discourse (https://zoowg.org/forumdisplay.php?fid=42)
+--- Thread: How useful is this forum to you? (/showthread.php?tid=415)

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How useful is this forum to you? - heavyhorse - 08-26-2018

I would absolutely go with the pen and inkwell, in some form.

And that zeta symbol is brilliant.

Also on board with a horse and a Great Dane.


I'd pass on the "Zoophilia ~ The love of animals".   That's going to carry some unwanted baggage in some quarters.  Those we want will "get" the graphics.  Others don't need it called out.


My 2 cents worth. 

How useful is this forum to you? - shortleash - 08-26-2018

like i said both this site and the pictures site are good the way they are...anyrhing can always be improved except sex and food soo....

How useful is this forum to you? - heavyhorse - 08-26-2018

4 hours ago, shortleash said:

anyrhing can always be improved except sex and food soo....

You've never known of improvements to sex or food?

1)  Welcome to the American Pharmaceutical Industry!

2)  Welcome to Kentucky Fried Critter Bits!

How useful is this forum to you? - AmoreBestia - 09-21-2018

On 7/18/2018 at 0:17 AM, 30-30 said:

Battlecrops, that´s not entirely correct, Zoowg indeed is the last forum that´s open for literally anyone willing to make an account. I know of at least two other forums where you cannot simply apply for membership, you have to be invited to join by a trusted member. I guess some really learned from prior "zoo forums" and now favour this "crowd control" approach.

For me, Zoowg is a nice thing to have, but I wouldn´t describe it as "important". I´ve lived nearly a decade without zoo forum activity after I bought my mare and I hardly can say I missed anything during that "online zoo forum celibacy". But I surely would be a bit sad if Zoowg would be gone...I like to write a bit every now and then, sometimes I like hearing from others and how they get along with their orientation.  Even if there´s only little activity in here, Zoowg still is far superior to BF; I´d prefer a few , but dedicated users/members over the 1.5 mil sex maniacs, "weekend zoos", storytellers and fantasisers, porn fiends and animal rapists on BF anytime. I frenetically applaud SW´s decision to not jump aboard the animal porn train with Zoowg. I can hardly remember the last time I visited a "zoo forum" without a "wank section" . 

I'm late to the party here but there is one other forum that people are free to access. It's not the most active, granted, but there are accessible alternatives.

How useful is this forum to you? - silverwolf1 - 09-21-2018

2 hours ago, AmoreBestia said:

I'm late to the party here but there is one other forum that people are free to access. It's not the most active, granted, but there are accessible alternatives.

Have you posted a link to it in the "Zoo Links" sub-forum? Folks might appreciate it.


How useful is this forum to you? - covfefelake - 09-21-2018

On 8/25/2018 at 6:33 AM, Ramseys said:

I know it will be a rare occurrence, but we have to consider a total naive person finding the site.

Thanks for remembering me.

How useful is this forum to you? - heavyhorse - 04-10-2019

I see the banner is up!


Personally, I'd rather it didn't show before logging in.  People randomly happening onto the site don't need to know what it's about.   Just the generic sign-in page maybe gets us less haters and trolls.


How useful is this forum to you? - doge1 - 04-11-2019

14 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

I see the banner is up!


Personally, I'd rather it didn't show before logging in.  People randomly happening onto the site don't need to know what it's about.   Just the generic sign-in page maybe gets us less haters and trolls.


Don't think there's away for me to adjust that, sadly. 

How useful is this forum to you? - silverwolf1 - 04-11-2019

I'm fine with it the way it is. I'd rather folks know what it is before entering.


How useful is this forum to you? - Adolpha - 05-03-2019

may be off topic  how about a wolf sec would be nice to see other forms hade one