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How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Printable Version

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How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-24-2018

2 minutes ago, caikgoch said:

Convince me the drama will end one way or another.        And a sincere answer to my question wold help.

The drama would do more than end. It would be like I dropped off the face of the earth, never to be heard from in the zoo community again.

And yes, I have considered this as a lifestyle choice. But my physical health limits this considerably.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Guest - 03-24-2018

See? That's what I mean, others gave you advice and you just shat on them. Oh but it's only advice when it sounds reasonable to you. So desperate yet so ungrateful, which is the true reason you deserve your eternal fate.

I wouldn't listen to someone who just tells me to leave, but I'll make an exception for my own sanity. But I won't leave without having the true last word.


You constantly say ''It's not going to happen anyway.'' yet you still cry to others for help (that you refuse afterwards). In that case there is literally no single reason to cry about it at all. This here is the evidence all you is try to get attention that will get you nowhere.

You keep blaming others for everything and I'm also a victim of that. You're very lucky others even try to help you. ...And then you try to say ''nobvody undrstands me!!11!!!!one!1!!eleven!1''.

And one last thing... You truly lose your virginity when you have sex with a creature that you gained the love and trust of, and also while both of you are enjoying the moment. Having a ONS without love or fun involved is nothing.

Are you truly feeling any better because of what you did? I know that you will lie about the answer.

If you ever get old and think of this, you will realize that you've made a lot of mistakes and that they are mostly your fault.


If anyone planning to help him reads this, this already happened a few months ago before. History repeats itself and you are dealing with someone who refuses to be helped.

And all the things I said in this thread are evidence you shouldn't even attempt to help him. But if you want to waste your own time and sanity, go ahead. He's stuck in the same loop for eternity, so I don't have to worry about the fact that he will get something he doesn't deserve.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-24-2018

You are insane and when you are ever disabled in the next life, I hope you know exactly how it feels to be powerless in everything that you do.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - caikgoch - 03-24-2018

8 minutes ago, Saturnine said:

The drama would do more than end. It would be like I dropped off the face of the earth, never to be heard from in the zoo community again.

And yes, I have considered this as a lifestyle choice. But my physical health limits this considerably.

My physical health limits me too.     Everyone's does.       That just dictates how you help.        Consider the present post as an example.

Contact HLSR     Every year on the day before the show starts they bring in handicapped and invalids to see and touch the animals and meet the cowboys.      They even have a mini rodeo for the children.


How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-24-2018

That wasn't helpful at all. Why should I be surprised?

Would a mod just lock this thread already?

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - silverwolf1 - 03-24-2018

This is NOT a forum for infighting by any members, no matter who you are or think others are. Nor is it a forum for name calling of any sort. Both members involved have been warned. BTW, I and I alone decide when a thread is or should be locked or removed. This is my forum.


How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-24-2018

I guess the next poor soul who suffers this fate can always look here and see that they are screwed.

Having contact with a horse, even briefly, is only for people who aren't like me.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Saturnine - 03-25-2018

What hurts is that nobody even tries to empathize with this. You all seem to think this is funny. This means the world to me, yet none of you have tried to take this seriously. And you claim that you're helping? It's just a bunch of lies.

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - Hiway - 03-25-2018

Just now, Saturnine said:

... none of you have tried to take this seriously.

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WHAT ???  I'm so confused! (not nearly as much as you it seems)

How to deal with lack of contact with horses? - 30-30 - 03-25-2018

Nevermind, Hiway, we´ve been through exactly this in the reddit zoo sub. Same story, same outcome....and "Darkspirit/Saturnine" doesn´t even get that the only one who´s turning it into a joke is himself by constantly finding all kinds of lame excuse for not taking his fate in his own hands, expecting others to sort everything out for him.

I still stand by my diagnosis I did in the reddit sub where I said that all his "I only want to touch a horse once" is nothing more than simple projection and nothing will magically change in his life once he had what he wants...his problems go deeper and I even believe his "zoophilia" being just a symptom of these deeper issues he has.