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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Printable Version

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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-23-2017

See it worked a little differently for me, but it prolly varies for everyone.. I invoked the God and goddess when I done the ritual but didn't channel them into me and the dog involved as we were both males.. I did have a double pentagram drawn in the center, (photo example attached) which symbolizes the joining of the God and goddess, I also put a chalice full of wine at the top point of the altar, with a athame put inside it, another ritualistic symbolization of the joining.. But as I said it worked out tremendously for me.. If I ever had the chance to participate in the great rite again I would..

[Image: il_570xN.252578024.thumb.jpg.60258d17ba2...b46d1e.jpg]

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-25-2017

All the familiars I've had, it's hard to describe; but the sex felt stronger than normal.. the bond also preceeded that of other animals I've loved.. A feeling that went beyond love, it felt as if our souls had bound together after the first sexual act and that feeling always lingered thereafter.. I could sense a difference in myself, my aura, my energy each time, as if I was gaining strength from it..
Even though some may be gone, either passed from age, or they were someone else's animal, that called out to me as a familar, but their owners moved, or some other reason split us apart.. I can feel all of them with me regardless; a part of my soul, sometimes that hurts because I can't be with them physically but I still have them in a sense..
I've had familiars that were a long distance away but I could still channel their energy into Magick no matter how far the distance, but it's only animals I've bonded with on a sexual nature that also have a magical link with me.. Sexual intercourse with a familar is similar to how sex with a spirit guide feels but not the same..
The times I've had sex in the spirit realm was unlike any earthly experience I've ever had.. You know when I mentioned the souls binding experience, imagine as if your souls melt Together into one; the extacy and pleasure from that experience is 10x more powerful than anything you'll experience in the physical world..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-25-2017

I Prolly sound like a ranting schizophrenic to people that don't believe in this stuff but idc, I know what's real [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Rannoch - 07-25-2017

Quote:I Prolly sound like a ranting schizophrenic to people that don't believe in this stuff but idc, I know what's real [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]
​It's real to you.  I think that's fair enough.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-25-2017

Quote:​It's real to you.  I think that's fair enough.a
Right thanks Rannoch, the reason I added that is I've had people claim I'm crazy saying Magick exists, that it's all in my head [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]
Even though I've witnessed first hand accounts like my spell work taking effect.. And have showed people legit proof, that questioned of whether I can conjure spirits, I called someone a friend of mine knew that passed away on a uigja board, they were close and he asked a question only they would know the answer too and when he saw what it spelled out, he took his hands of the planchet.. And told me to stop what I was doing. Scared the living crap out of him..
Also brings to mind an enchanted balefire I had several years ago turning colors that flames should never be; purple, blue, neon green, and black all at once and BTW it was just some oak branches and a paper with a sigil on it.. And while closing a circle the flames have went out by themselves in the order they were supposed too; witnessing things like that happen.. of course I believe in it..
Besides Its also real to others as well, it is esoteric so some may not understand it.. But there is an obvious link between zoophilia and witchcraft, I'm glad to see from this thread I'm not the only one here who believes in Magick [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/happy.png[/img]

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Rannoch - 07-25-2017

For the record I don't really buy into it, but I also don't claim that because I don't understand something, it absolutely cannot be.
That's where I stand pretty much.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Bear28 - 07-26-2017

At least you are being open minded Rannoch. I've had some weird experience myself  there been a few times I've been with friends and we just look at each other going you saw that right. 

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-26-2017

Ive been thinking it over and zoophiles with a witchcraft oriented religion may actually have a good argument towards these bestiality laws..
The first amendment protects our freedom of religion, and to practice it or its beliefs, and sacremental viewpoints.. So in all technicality a sexual ritual between an animal and a human that is part of a practice of religion and getting to a higher state of consciousness is considered a persuement of religion, right?
So in theory wouldn't it be against the constitution to ban someone from doing said practice?
Another loophole that should be mentioned is the Supreme Court ruling Laurence v. Texas that invalidated Sodomy laws nationwide.. The laws that still have the mention of Sodomy are technically unenforceable in court, as they are not valid laws.. Some of the writing to laws in different states still include sex with animals as an act of "sodomy", therefore in all technicality bestiality is not illegal in these states due to the Supreme Court ruling, whether these States like it or not.. But that doesn't stop arrests from happening..
Nonetheless Nobody that's been arrested seems to fight this in court, but I believe it would stand against a jury, easily as it's fact, and hard to bypass as it's a Supreme Court ruling..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-26-2017

Aneither valid argument would be The 14th Amendment's Equal Protection Clause which entititles: No state shall make or enforce any law which shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction equal protection of the laws.
Is that not what's happening to zoosexuals, everyone else is allowed to be in love and have sex without the law getting involved, but as soon as we do it's criminal?
Plus the 14th amendment also entitles No state shall, deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law.
Now is that again not what's happening to zoophiles, that caused no harm with their actions; most of these law enforcement agencies are arresting people without any justifiable reason other than discrimination because our sexual preference is considered taboo.. A big majority of these cases show no harm to the animal being done, yet it's animal cruelty? Doesn't seem like due process to me does it..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Rannoch - 07-27-2017

The "First Church of Zoophilia" tried the "zoo as a religion" thing and failed massively.  I doubt approaching it that way will net you anything, frankly.  We're struggling to get equal protections for Muslims at times right now, let alone little bitty religions.