Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - Printable Version

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Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - silverwolf1 - 08-04-2015


<p align="center"><font size="5"><b>Meet Silverwolf</b></font>
<i>by: Silverwolf</i>

<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">Silverwolf, a pen-name, is a loose translation of the Onodaga Iriquois name given this author by a member of the wolf clan of that tribe. </font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">A long time writer of poetry and military non-fiction, I began writing zoophilic poems and short stories 2 years ago after discovering the internet. My first publicised effort, "Tippy's first time", posted on the old Pet Lovers Forum, was well recieved there. It was quickly followed by the poem "Images of You". </font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">Given encouragement by such notable 'zoo' authors as Big Al, Old Horse and Breath, I unburdened my soul producing a total of 97 poems and short stories, and one serial titled "The Camping Trip". These are all archived on my site.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">I decided, after further encouragement, to try my hand at fiction. Thus began the unfinished Zoo SF "Offworld", which I am currently attempting to refine and complete, as well as two yet o be posted works, "The case of the missing Doll" a novella best described as an homage to Dashill Hammett and Earl Stanley Gardner, and a crime novella tentatively titled "Tippy, K9 cop". Both, though not 'zoo' stories, are heavily zoo influenced with Tippy as a prime charecture.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">In a more mainstream bent, I am also producing several short stories for local and regional magazines of the 'pet' and 'outdoors' or wildlife type. I am also working on three novels, covering historical and military subjects.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">My best advice to prospective writers is to know your subject. For instance, "Tippy", the main charecture in most of my zoo and mainstream writings, was my mate and companion for 10 years prior to her death on July 17, 1998. My world revolved around her, and she remains today my muse and inspiration. I write  still of Tippy, and of many other subjects. Most of my recent work is in zoo fiction today.</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">I am also a retired veteran of 21 years in the US Army Special Forces and reserves, and have degrees in Wildlife Management and Ethology, and these influences also colour many of my works. </font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">Even when embarking on a subject close to your experience however, research is your best and most needed tool. </font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">Happy writings,</font>
<font face="Comic Sans MS" size="2">silverwolf</font>

<p align="center"> 

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - Kynophile - 08-05-2015

Good day. I go by the pen name Arlo Kilpatrick (after my first love, sadly now deceased). My experiences as far as writing goes are limited creatively: until a couple years ago, I pretty much only wrote code and technical stuff, and had no real experience in the humanities. My horizons have since broadened such that I think writing zoo stuff may be helpful, both for myself emotionally and for attempting to convey how I feel and think to the world at large. 
Much of my writing thus far has been either slightly embellished nonfiction accounts of my experiences or essays of rational argument. These have not been published anywhere, only shown to interested friends, though I might be willing to rework them and put them up. As an author, my main influences are probably Edgar Allan Poe in his pomposity and flowery prose and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (the Sherlock Holmes canon) in the way that a plot works and how it can be revealed slowly over the course of the work.
I should also mention that most of my creative experience has been theatrical, particularly in the past few years. I have performed improvisational comedy, complex musicals, and silly satires with a couple local theaters and been complimented on my comedic timing and wit, as well as my tenor voice. This has also informed the way I view zoo fiction, as there are a few famous plays relating to it directly, while the only mainstream zoo references I know of in prose are Balzac's "Passion in the Desert" and some snickering at a photo of a woman with a Shetland pony in the works of Kurt Vonnegut.
Bringing this together, my goal is to write a zoo comedy play (it would likely be a farce, but that's not clear yet) suitable for general audiences. All of the zoo plays I've read are tragedies or tragicomedies, and I'd like to see at least one with a happy ending. With some luck and hard work, I might even get it performed somewhere locally, albeit for an avant garde and artsy crowd. I have the skeletal plot of the play written out, as well as a decent idea of who the characters are and how they'll behave, but as it's the first comedy I've written, I'm sure it will be a challenge. But I think there's plenty of material in the arguments between zoos and those who misunderstand them to make an unaware audience laugh if treated well.

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - silverwolf1 - 08-05-2015

Welcome to the forum Kynophile

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - Ramseys - 08-07-2015

Greetings, my name is Ramseys T. Bull
I first used this name was when I sent film off to be processed of the bull riders I had taken. A separate account, and all that.
It originated with a bull that used to be on, in the early days of cable TV. When most anything was put on to fill content. And one of those 'something-to-fill-time' was bull riding. Some of those bulls... to quote George Taki, "OH MY!" There was one bull that had very pretty markings, nice set of horns, and balls that swung wider then his body when he trotted from the ring after ditching another bull rider, anyways he sure caught my eye and so I took his name.
When the internet came along, for me it was a 'no brainer', I became Ramseys the Bull.
As far as my writing goes... Well yeah it's still mostly 'whack-off' material, but I wanted to have a bit more of a story then, "How I spent my summer at my uncle's farm".... "Where I slipped and fell and my dick landed in an (insert animal) pussy". or "I bent over to rescue the kitten from the well and Ol' Blue jumped me". Not to say those can't be good stories, but I felt I needed something more of a plot. Hence the three stories I've written so far have all had a Sci-fi under story.
I've been an active zoo for nearly 50 years now.
I'm 'pan-sexual'. Meaning I don't, to put it bluntly, discriminate what I shag. (except people)
I'm mostly into the females, but I rarely pass up an opportunity to 'lend a helping hand' to a male.
If you need technical help about a cloven hoofed critter.... I will try my best.

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - silverwolf1 - 08-07-2015

Welcome Ramseys> Glad to see you here!

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - BlackKitsune08 - 08-07-2015

Hello, I am Black Kitsune. I chose the name, because at the time, I liked all things Japanese, and Foxes. And since Kitsune (pronounced Keet-soo-neh) means Fox, and my furs on a is a black fox, eh, you get it.
I have not written anything for a couple of years now, but I used to write fanfictions. It was fun, but people were harsh critics. Some were trolls, but some were really enthusiastic fans, and wanted more.
I would love to write again, but have no computer, other than my cell phone. 
Anyways, I am at this time, 27. Male. I heard about this site from ZF. And decided to check it out and join. Thank you for having me.

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - Jedidiah - 08-07-2015

Glad to have you, mate!  I for one would love to see some of your work here.  Would you mind posting?

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - myloverhasfur - 08-07-2015

Hey all!
I'm currently in my early twenties and am exclusively attracted to canines (particularly malamutes, huskies, GSDs, labs and such).  I currently have an older (castrated) male lab mix.  I'm not much of a writer, but I've written a smidgen of poetry, so you might see a bit of it on here eventually.

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - Jedidiah - 08-07-2015

LOVELY profile picture!

Intro Thread. Tell us a bit about you - myloverhasfur - 08-07-2015

Quote:LOVELY profile picture!
​Thanks.  I can't claim it as my own; I found it on wikipedia and it's licenced free to use.  It resembles my dog, though.