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Just admit it already! - Printable Version

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Just admit it already! - Ramseys - 01-22-2020

Just admit it already!

Depending in what part of the world you are living, in the not too distant past, (or maybe even today) people shagged animals. A lot.

But no one wants to admit that their ancestors bumped nasties with the livestock.

Why did Great-great Grandma stop have kids at number 7 or 8 or 9? Did Great-great GrandPa finally figure out how to put that new fangled rubber thing on? Or did the morning milking's start taking longer? (I firmly believe that there been much more human semen squirted into cow cunts then bovine.)

And speaking of the "Family Cow". How many different meanings can you come up with?

With those 9 or so kids, we can assume several would be boys. With their own ragging hormones...

The "Nanny Goat" may have had more duties then just a 'wet nurse'.

There were cities, but for the most part, the population lived on farms. And what do farms have on them?

Bulls, bucks, rams, dogs and stallions. All eager to demonstrate the wonders of life to wide eyed kids.

How can a young lad look at the rear end of a ewe or doe, after seeing a ram or buck stuffing his long red penis into their pussy... The same way... Ever again?

Where does cow's milk come from? From bulls of course. He shoots it into the cow and later when she has her calf, presto, milk.

Spend the day riding on a mare checking fencing and such... Spend the evening riding her around the stall.

With a sow, she pumps out 10 or young'uns. With feed and care,  you'll have meat for months and sex for hours.

Even without farm critters, there are plenty of kids seen plenty of dogs, "Stuck Together".

You can't tell me that there wasn't more then a few young boys that noticed the huge mound when the family bitch layed on her back for belly rubs.

With all this sex being shoved into young faces, figuratively and literally, you're telling me, that not one didn't try something?

I know most of this has been aimed at males, but it's hard to know what is real and what is wistful thinking when it comes to female involvement. I do hope the ladies got to enjoy the simple, loving, joy of animal sex.

So come one folks. Just admit, that in your family's history, one of your ancestors had four legs.


[Image: hqdefault.jpg.e3b102a8943622ad5e2b57ec5480cdd8.jpg]

Just admit it already! - heavyhorse - 01-23-2020

You'll get no denials from me.  But I grew up on a farm.... 

Just admit it already! - Hiway - 01-23-2020

Guilty as charged, your honor! 

Rural upbringing with lots of animal encounters.

Just admit it already! - heavyhorse - 01-23-2020

According to Kinsey — you knew he was going to get dragged into this, it's the most extensive surveying ever done — “some 17 percent" do it.

More recent surveys put it at 11% to 15%.  So not a honkin' big decrease regardless of "morals police".

 The courts of colonial times were "overrun" (very specific term) with bestiality trials.  Prosecuting and executing the animals as well (so also about the same as modern times).  Although the animals' crimes were "seducing" innocent young fellows, rather than today's excuse of being "hopelessly corrupted".  

So yeah, humping critter booty is as old as, well, humans.  There's DNA evidence that modern humans were "doing" other hominids; the neanderthals didn't as much go extinct as go "critter hybrid".  

And personally, I'm pretty well convinced that there's a good reason domestic dogs have huge "critter bits" compared to all the wild canids.  It's called "selective breeding".  Waaaay before anyone understood genetics, they were keeping and breeding their favorite critters in preference to the less favorites.  You think those "tame wolves" in caveman times didn't have "favorites" among the guys?  And they didn't keep back their puppies preferentially?  Hey, the nights were pretty cold back then....

Just admit it already! - silverwolf1 - 01-24-2020

18 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

There's DNA evidence that modern humans were "doing" other hominids; the neanderthals didn't as much go extinct as go "critter hybrid".  

I read that study too. The Indo/European races share dna from neanderthal samples, as do some of the Indo/ Asian. Asian races shared some "Java Man" dna as well. Only the Sub Saharan African races were found to be pure of any 'mixed' dna. Indigenous tribes worldwide had purer dna than more 'modern' societies. Hitler would have had a heart attack. Interesting read though. 

18 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

And personally, I'm pretty well convinced that there's a good reason domestic dogs have huge "critter bits" compared to all the wild canids.  It's called "selective breeding".  Waaaay before anyone understood genetics, they were keeping and breeding their favorite critters in preference to the less favorites. 

Farmers invented genetics. For millennia we bred and planted, and chose the best for our purpose, not just the fittest for survival. WE circumvented evolution for personal preference, and that is genetics in it's simplest form. Did we do so for ease of inter-species sex? Foremost on our ancestors mind would have been survival; of self, the animal, the animals offspring. Period. Next would be ease of breeding; for the STUD or COW (sow, bitch, mare, etc), not US.  Third would be a long breeding life to get as many healthy offspring with the same points. Somewhere we 'might' breed for our own ease, but it'd more likely be ease of handling. You want a calm tempered, friendly animal.

18 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

And personally, I'm pretty well convinced that there's a good reason domestic dogs have huge "critter bits"

Ease of delivery of the pups. 

On 1/22/2020 at 6:31 PM, Ramseys said:

Just admit it already!

Depending in what part of the world you are living, in the not too distant past, (or maybe even today) people shagged animals. A lot.

But no one wants to admit that their ancestors bumped nasties with the livestock.

I grew up on a farm, a "breeding farm" full of beautiful mares. We were a 'live cover' farm, unlike so many today who think AI is the only way (you pretty much only see live cover with horses on Thoroughbred or 'hobby' farms now). We also raised and bred Jersey cows, three breeds of sheep and Border Collies, all purebreds. And we had grades in horses, cows, sheep, goats, dogs and unfortunately cats (I hate cats). I saw a LOT of animal sex, a lot. It wasn't the animal sex that had me playing with my favorite dog at night though. I admit living in a rural environment 'normalized' sex for me some from a young age, though it really didn't help when I was raped by the neighbor girl at 7. That still hurt & confused me though I knew what sex was. 

I think the percentages in Kinsey should be looked at with the newer studies, their samples considered, yet they be taken as fairly accurate over time. I'm sure bestiality existed at about the same rate in the past as it does now. Folks, especially in this community and with wishful thinking, point to myth and imagery of ancient times as an indicator of a greater instance of it in distant times, but I hold that that also is not true. Look at the myths & legends attached to that bestiality. They are tragic, they are warnings, they forebode rather than condone. The very few that do not are the realm of Gods and Kings, not mere mortals, to undertake this bestiality and the animal is either a Goddess or is sacrificed. 

The emphasis until VERY RECENTLY has been on population growth in every civilization worldwide. If a mans wife was not in season, he found one who was, and was expected to. 20 children, in and out of wedlock, were not too many even into the early 20th century. My own grandfather had 13. The more on the farm to share the work, the better. Remember that until the mid 1800s the life expectancy was the early 40s for most folks, and farmers could expect die before their city cousins because of the hard work and lack of access to health care. 

Did it happen? Sure. Did it happe more often than now? Doubtful.

Now, Did it happen in MY family? Here's the tricky question. Is Bestiality hereditary? Is it a genetic "thing"? I say an emphatic "No!". Why? A simple, unsupported and unsupportable, if it were hereditary that would make it something forced upon me and it is not. I CHOOSE to have sex with individuals who are of another species. It is NOT genetic.


Just admit it already! - heavyhorse - 01-24-2020

2 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Now, Did it happen in MY family? Here's the tricky question. Is Bestiality hereditary?

I'm not sure that the one follows the other.  

More along the lines that my direct ancestors were farmers for some generations back.  So the odds favor it (Kinsey noted near 50% rate among people living near farms).  

If it were hereditary, it would likely decrease over generations; critter sex doesn't result in descendants.  


2 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Ease of delivery of the pups. 

Quite possibly so.  One of the main objectives of managed breeding operations is to improve on the often abysmal reproductive success observed in the wild.  Wild animals only need to produce 2 individuals that survive to breed during their entire lives for the species to continue. 

Just admit it already! - WinterGreenWolf - 01-24-2020

I really dig the OP here Ramseys! It makes me laugh, but also has a lot of truth to it. I was always allowed to see the dogs breed when my parents bred Great Danes / Jack Russel Terriers (obviously, not cross paired.. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" /> ). I never felt ashamed of sex, and grew up on a farm. Of course, being canine exclusive I've seen horses, pigs, goats, sheep, even watched plenty of human porn: none had the same effect on me as a good ol' dog rutting and a calm, relaxed tie at the end.

Has my family tree shagged an animal or two? Oh, I'm sure of it: but as I've stated it elsewhere, I think it's just as much genetics as it is 'figuring out hole / pole feels good'.

I also agree too: stop denying it, sex is for sure a strong mammalian ritual with significance, regardless of species. It's bonding, play, dominance, reproduction, custom / culture... it all fits together very well. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />

Just admit it already! - Oregon - 01-24-2020

I really hope some of my ancestors were Zoo or at least took we a little more 'hands on'. I can think some of them didn't experiment at least, it was a much more rural culture years ago... I would be sad to think I am the first of my line to enjoy such pleasures!

Just admit it already! - Oregon - 01-24-2020

2 hours ago, Oregon said:

I really hope some of my ancestors were Zoo or at least took we a little more 'hands on'. I can think some of them didn't experiment at least, it was a much more rural culture years ago... I would be sad to think I am the first of my line to enjoy such pleasures!

What was my keyboard doing ? Typo city!!

Lets try again shall I ...

I really hope some of my ancestors were Zoo or at least were a little more 'hands on'. I cannot believe that some of them didn't experiment at least, it was a much more rural culture years ago... I would be sad to think I am the first of my line to enjoy such pleasures!


Just admit it already! - littlejohn - 01-24-2020

Stumping a cow or topping a pony mare was a rite of passage when and where I grew up.  I simply took it farther... and I expect others did too.