Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
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Hello - wildone - 09-27-2019

Hi I'm wildone

Very new to all of this, have a v handsome german shep, started v recently with him after a bit of help

female in UK

Not sure if I am going to keep doing this or not having some guilt problems

Hello - caikgoch - 09-27-2019

Get snacks and drinks.  Just read the forum for a while.

You are very far from the first.   Start by making decisions based on how it affects you and your dog.   Guilt is mostly someone else's problems intruding into your life.

Good luck.

Hello - HorseHoof - 09-27-2019

Hello and welcome. I hope you can find the support that you need here.

Hello - silverwolf1 - 09-27-2019

Hello and welcome to the forum. This is probably the best place you could have come to feeling how you do. You won't be told you have to do anything here, you'll only be given advice and support to help you make your own decisions and deal with your own feelings. Take your time here, as <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="153" href="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/">@caikgoch</a> suggested, and as he said start by thinking about what the choice you make does for and to you & your dog. Think also on why you make that choice. Begin there, and you'll have time for thinking on why you feel guilt and where it comes from later on. I think you'll find the answers to the first questions will lead naturally to answers to the latter. None of those answers will come in a vacuum. That is where this forum comes in, whether through a direct question or reading past posts it may help. I hope it does. That's why it's here.


Hello - wildone - 09-27-2019

Thank u everyone for being so lovely. I will think about everything people have said and do lots of reading.

I do feel a lot better now than I did yesterday and guilt is gone. He is fine, I am fine and it feels ok now. I am calmer

We are v new to doing this and I think it surprised us both how it felt when we were together for our first time.

There have been lots of belly scritches and lots of snuggling since then


Hello - shortleash - 09-27-2019

hello and welcome...your isle seems to be in some turmoil...maybe nobody will notice what you do....

Hello - Ramseys - 09-27-2019

Howdy and Welcome to the forum.

We hope this form is helpful for you.

And while we hope not, if anyone gives you any problems, Please tell an Admin. 

Don't just leave.

Hello - heavyhorse - 09-27-2019

59 minutes ago, shortleash said:

hello and welcome...your isle seems to be in some turmoil...maybe nobody will notice what you do....

Like the fertilizer isn't hitting the rotary oscillator here?  *Pulls up stadium seat*  

Hello - Oregon - 09-27-2019

Hello and welcome...

Your among friends now. Take you time and go at your own pace. Its been said before....guilt is someone else's supposed disapproval of your choices. Your choices, your life. Not theirs. As long as everyone is having fun, you have nothing to worry about.

Hello - ferritlove - 09-28-2019

Good to have you. Welcome!  I dealt with guilt for being active with animals...  for years.  Im sure many others here have struggled with it too.  You need to find whats right for you, and that takes time.