Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
Hello! - Printable Version

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Hello! - MeliorC - 02-17-2019

Hello there!

Just someone who finally decided to move on over after the reddit ban a while ago (I was mostly a lurker).

I'm a young guy from the UK, just fyi.

While I know that I'm a zoo I've never *actually* had a proper zoo experience (or any experience for that matter), soooo yeah...

I like to think that I am quite friendly, so if anyone has anything else to ask, just send me a PM or post it below!

Hello! - WinterGreenWolf - 02-17-2019

Welcome to our little cozy corner of the internet.. I hope you enjoy your stay here.

We don't bite, mostly just nibble. ^o..o^

Hello! - Hiway - 02-18-2019

Welcome, and hope you stick around a learn some things (by reading posts and asking questions) and educating yourself for when that time comes! 




Hiway. (Uk Ex-Pat)

Hello! - Equilibera - 02-18-2019

Hi there!

Plenty of folks who haven't consummated things yet with their partners of choice. Nothing to be ashamed of. I think there is wisdom in waiting until the time is right for you (whenever that happens to be, even if it isn't totally a voluntary wait!). I wish I hadn't rushed into my first experience with a mare, for sure. What's your species orientation?

Hello! - MeliorC - 02-20-2019

Yeah, although I come from a semi-rural area, my family didn't have pets or anything growing up, and I didn't think that fencehopping was a smart idea, so I decided to just kind of wait until it feels right I guess?

My species orientation is towards horses, and I guess you could say I am male-leaning bisexual towards them. I am, however, not entirely zoo-exclusive, but with other humans I am completely homosexual. (Hope this makes sense in some regard) 

Hello! - Equilibera - 02-21-2019

13 hours ago, MeliorC said:

my family didn't have pets or anything growing up, and I didn't think that fencehopping was a smart idea, so I decided to just kind of wait until it feels right I guess?

The temptation is tough to overcome sometimes, but I think you made the smart and right decision. Good for you. Also, preparing and waiting as far as stallions are concerned is very warranted, for a bunch of reasons.

13 hours ago, MeliorC said:

My species orientation is towards horses, and I guess you could say I am male-leaning bisexual towards them. I am, however, not entirely zoo-exclusive, but with other humans I am completely homosexual. (Hope this makes sense in some regard) 

Another for the herd! And, yes, you totally make sense. Interesting how there seems to be frequently at least a little homo-hetero sex crossover when one breaks the species barrier. For example, I'm the equiphile opposite of you...human-hetero, zoo-bi with a strong lean towards hetero. What a fascinating world we live in.

Hello! - shortleash - 03-08-2019

hello and welcome....