Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - Printable Version

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Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - Beowulf - 10-28-2018



Now that I am in my 60's, I guess I am considered an old zoo. 

I started connecting with folks a year or so before the internet was available.

We would make a "long-distance" call bulletin in Nebraska called "kennels & stables".

The phone costs were about $15 per hour in the evenings.

Now, if we want to chat live, we have Skype, Whatsapp, signal, google hangouts, & telegram. That app is now completely inaccessible to folks using screen readers.

I'm glad to be he

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - heavyhorse - 10-28-2018

Yeah well, several of us "old zoos" hanging out here.  Welcome!

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - silverwolf1 - 10-28-2018

Welcome to my forum. Hope you enjoy yourself here. 


Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - Hiway - 10-28-2018

Hello again Beowulf,

Great to see you here... long time no see!

Good to see you well. Many of those oldtimers are here too... including me! lol

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - Eagle - 10-28-2018

Good to see you again, Beowulf.

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - WinterGreenWolf - 10-29-2018

Well, welcome to our modern phone-line chat my friend. Hope you enjoy your stay!

I'm not a super-old-time-zoo,  but I've lurked for ages.. I enjoy Discord for 'outside' contact..

But yeah, welcome aboard!

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - littlejohn - 11-01-2018

Welcome.  Geez, K&S, PN's, Bighands" etc. 

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - shortleash - 11-05-2018

howdy...hope you have a good time here...i have...

Greetings from the Pacific Northwest - Pattakesknot - 01-18-2019

Hello. Just joined. Loving it here so far.