Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
Parrot Joke - Printable Version

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Parrot Joke - Ramseys - 04-18-2018

There was this guy that bought a male parrot from a shop for $2000.00 USD.

He knew they were expensive but then they did live a long time. 60 or 70 years.

And since it was such  a pretty and exotic bird, he figured women would go crazy over him.

At first all went as planned. He said the normal parrot things.

"Polly want a cracker" and the like.

But then his language turned a bit 'salty'.

Which got worse and worse.

Soon only a strings of fowl words issued from this beak.

Which soon drove the women away, since they thought the bird was only repeating what his master said. But that was truly not the case.

IN desperation he took the bird back to the pet shop to ask for help.

"Yea, we sometimes see that behavior in solitary male birds".

"How much for a female parrot?" The man asked.


"$5000.00!" Exclaimed the man. "I only paid $2000.00 for my bird".

"Well females are worth more, what with laying eggs and all that". The shop owner said.

"I can't afford that... Ahhhh.. How much if you just let him be with a lady parrot for a few hours"?

"Well... Need at least $500.00".

"$500.00!" said the man.

"$500.00!" exclaimed the bird.

"Well ok... if it buys me some peace and quiet".

So the three went into the back room and deposited the fowl fowl in to a large cage with a very pretty lady parrot. And quickly left the two love birds alone.

While the two men stood out in the front of the shop talking about the price of parrot food, when there came loud screeching from the back room. Upon entering the room the two men saw the male parrot was holding the female parrot down on the floor of the cage, ripping out feathers, and screaming...




Saw this photo posted elsewhere on the forum and thought of this old joke.

[Image: featherless-bird-thumbnail.jpg]

Parrot Joke - Resident Hyaena - 04-18-2018

This should do even better

[Image: 5ad7b8025452c_BlueandGoldMacaw.thumb.jpg...3f6377.jpg]

Parrot Joke - heavyhorse - 04-19-2018

It's amazing how small the critter inside all those feathers actually is.