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I'd like to apologize - Printable Version

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I'd like to apologize - Cynolove693 - 03-08-2018

To anyone I may have offended on here; I'm sorry; I haven't been my self lately with the chemotherapy and cancer and all the stuff that built up to it; I was depressed for along time, even considered giving away my dog to be with another persons dog, (I honestly thought I wasn't gonna pull through this hell, and I figured my dog would be better off with someone else because he'd have to be rehomed if I died anyway) which now I realize would have been a bad decision; even if I fell in love with him and still love him greatly (my friends dog) I love my dog too and I made a commitment to him when I adopted him, things are going great between the two of us, he's being a lot more affectionate, and occasionally ask for sex, our bond is slowly growing strong, he's really happy, and playful, a loyal companion which is all I wanted; as for my cancer; the docs say I have at least 3-4 more weeks of treatment left but it has diminished greatly; anyways hope everyone has a good day! Figured I'd inform everyone of what's up. Seeing as its been a minute since I've been on the forum

I'd like to apologize - silverwolf1 - 03-08-2018

I'm glad to hear the cancer is receding. I know the depression that comes with that well, and fully understand. Your commitment to your dog has grown stronger, and that's great to hear as well. Thank you for the updates, and I hope things continue to improve. Remember, "Survive" is also a state of mind.

Another Survivor,


I'd like to apologize - Dane layer - 03-08-2018

Good to hear that it is receding 


I'd like to apologize - threelegs - 03-09-2018

Good to hear you're doing better. Get outdoors and move around as much as you can; that helps.

I'd like to apologize - arcticwolf - 03-10-2018

Glad to see you hung in there and gave things a chance to get better .... and that they have in fact gotten better

As far as offending someone .. most of us have had those why the fuck is this shit happening to me days, and we whine about it ... it happens

People that actually get offended by such things are quite often the very first to take offense at the slightest perceived offense ...  i think ,just so that they to can have something to WHINE about themselves, and get but sore over.

The majority of us actually felt bad for what was happening and actually wished things better for you ... and some even tried to be supportive to try and get you to hang in there and let the worst of the storm pass.

Apologies are welcome, but i think you will find for most of us, not truly needed.

I'd like to apologize - Ren Houk - 03-13-2018

I don't know you beyond what you have shared here, but I'm glad to know you are on the mend on several different levels.  You have my respect and admiration for bearing such a heavy burden.  I've been around the block a time or two and I'm happy to lend an ear if you need someone to connect with. Something amazing happens when we connect with others that heals mind and spirit.  Humanity spends so much energy on divisive behaviors that it's at least a small check mark in the plus column when we lend each other a helping paw.

I'd like to apologize - heavyhorse - 03-17-2018

Hey, we all have good days and bad days, some a great deal more than others.  

"Never judge until you've walked a mile in the other guy's moccasins."

Hang in there.

I'd like to apologize - Saturnine - 03-22-2018

I know how it feels to have your whole world turned upside down by an illness. I don't know how much longer I have to live, due to the complications of my own physical issues.

So far I haven't been able to do much of anything, and it makes me feel like nothing even matters. Other people can also be too judgemental when it comes to this sort of thing, but they don't understand what it's like.