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Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Printable Version

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Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Mfkfznfp - 03-02-2018

So far, in 2018: Wisconsin, West Virginia, Hawaii, and California have bills to ban sex with animals (four bills). It is already illegal in Wisconsin and California; the bills in Wisconsin and California would change the status from a misdemeanor to a felony. The California bill would make it a felony and with a $20,000 fine (it would also ban possession of zoo porn). Below are links to the four bills:





This is such crap. Last year there were 5 bills (in Texas, Kentucky, West Virginia, Vermont and Nevada), and 3 of those bills became law (in Nevada, Vermont and Texas). New Hampshire and Ohio also banned it last year. No one ever does anything to stop these new bills, and the anti-zoos always get their way. Once they become law, they never get repealed.

The West Virginia bill passed with NO representatives saying no to it. This isn't good.

Probably special interest groups are the reason there are so many bills.

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - 30-30 - 03-02-2018

Oh my, oh my, our little crybaby strikes again....sheesh, that´s so boring, I really hope for fast "anti zoo" legislation in all of your 50 states, simply for not having to read another of these braindead threads anymore.

"No one ever does something to stop these new bills..." Why should anyone? 

"..the anti zoos are getting their way" Bullshit, if that actually was that way, punishment for "zoophilia" would be like death penalty, castration (non-chemical) or life long imprisonment. That´s what the real anti fraction usually demands for "zoophilia". Most of the representatives that have voted to implement those "anti zoo" bills (they´re NOT "anti zoo", they´re actually anti bestiality) are average folks with an unfavorable opinion towards the whole "animal fuck" issue and partially justified concern about the involved animals´ wellbeing. I see no point in vilifying every simgle person that hinders "the zoos" to "get their way". But that "we vs. them" narrative , the trench fight mentality is admittedly attractive...for all the simpleminded folks in our community. Yawn! So boring! So utterly ineffective!  

Have you EVER even tried to view this whole "zoophilia" thing through an average guy´s eyes, Mr Wannabe revolutionary? No? Thought so....of COURSE, these laws never get repealed because these laws are not coming out of nowhere, but from multiple incidents involving "zoos" making it to the headlines. Those folks aren´t getting active out of nowhere, they have good reasons to get active. I really hate the complete blindness towards our own faults and mistakes as a community once again displayed by you...maybe you could just get that one step ahead with your "argumentation" here and paint one of those beautifully decorated conspiracy theories , one of those that usually follow when people simply won´t accept the harsh reality and need to make up fairy tale stories about some evil conspiracy ("Special interest groups") that is out there to bring down "zoophilia"...come on, Mr MfkFZoinZGZGUPZ, you can do it! I can provide you with a nice schematic of folding some tin foil into a hat....interested? 

Honestly, get your shit together, man, and simply realise that fucking animals has NO lobby whatsoever. It is the democratic will of the vast majority to make sex with animals illegal and it is an overwhelming majority that wants to have that banned.And the representatives voting for these bans are just doing what the majority wants them to do. It´s reality check time, Mr MfgKNUUUZguvbhi....animal fuckers are not nearly as popular these days...they never were. Would you please end all this crap that´s doing no more than to reassure the more reasonable community members in here what a terribly easily recognisable shill you are? I´m fed up with that BS. Yes, they definitely WILL close the gaps on the US map with more "anti zoo" laws and they will only stop when all 50 states have a law against "zoophilia". Get the f* used to it, that´s where all this loudmouthed "activists" and the morons among the animal fuckers have led us...don´t blame any government for its reactions, blame all those who couldn´t live up to the huge ethical and moral demands this orientation involves. WE screwed up big time in the last 20 years and what we´re experiencing now is just the expectable repercussions for what we as a community have done, what mislead total permissiveness we have put our faith in, what we turned a blind eye to as a community. Simple physics...every action will cause a reaction. 


Lots of new bills in the U.S. - littlejohn - 03-02-2018

"Oh my, oh my, our little crybaby strikes again....sheesh, that´s so boring, I really hope for fast "anti zoo" legislation in all of your 50 states, simply for not having to read another of these braindead threads anymore."

Out of curiosity, if you find them whining and braindead, howcome you lower yourself to that perceived level to comment at length as opposed to simply shining it on and going to the next post?


Lots of new bills in the U.S. - silverwolf1 - 03-02-2018

"WE screwed up big time in the last 20 years and what we´re experiencing now is just the expectable repercussions for what we as a community have done..."

<span>I've been saying this for years.</span>

<span>sw </span>

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - egoldstein - 03-03-2018

6 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

"WE screwed up big time in the last 20 years and what we´re experiencing now is just the expectable repercussions for what we as a community have done..."

<span>I've been saying this for years.</span>

<span>sw </span>

So tell me silverwolf, what have I done to cause such legislation?

I have harmed none, I have maintained my life outside of public view and yet you have repeatedly agreed with 30-30 that *WE* are to blame.

I'd ask 30-30 directly, but he never responds, so maybe you will. What is it you think I've done to make such legislation happen?

Don't blame the dumbasses who get caught and appear in the news, it's disingenuous at best to blame us for them unless you also hold all men to blame for every reprehensible action performed by another man; we are responsible for the actions we perform or support, nothing more.

If one man rapes a woman, are all men to blame for this?

If one man abuses a dog, are all men to blame for this?

If we assume we are indeed responsible for this, how EXACTLY are we to prevent these problems. What could *I* have done to prevent the situation?

If one American commits an atrocity, is it right to mete out vengeance arbitrarily onto other Americans? If not, why not? How is it any different than what you've been supporting?

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - silverwolf1 - 03-03-2018

I was referring to "We" as an online community. What have "we" done? Nothing more than bring it to the general publics eye that we exist, in fairly large numbers. At least in greater numbers than was generally thought. Folks were comfortable enough with the thought of the random farmboy fucking a cow and the jokes of such things because they could deny they really existed, but "we" have made it clear that we do exist. And that has made the average "joe" highly uncomfortable enough to try to eradicate us. "We" also popularized the act of having sex with animals in my opinion. I believe at least half of those in the community today would not have taken the step into zoophilia/ bestiality were it not for our little 'club'.

The sad thing is "we" cannot change this much, nor was it necessarily preventable once the internet was created. "We" can prevent further damage by disappearing though that seems a step unfair to us. So, what did you do? You delurked, same as I, and helped create a community that enabled, highlighted and fostered such things as popular among other fringe communities. 

I agree only with the line from 30-30 btw. I'm sure he has his own reasons. I may or may not agree with some of them, but I do think for myself. I have, as I stated above, believed this for years and I've seen nothing to change my mind. I remain online and in this community because there is really no other place to go. 

Finally, all voices and points of view are welcome here, and some will leave a bad taste in your mouth. My stance against pushing for more attention frequently does with folks. That is all I was referring to in agreeing with 30-30s line in his reply, and one point I know he is in agreement with. I don't like his methods, nor his belief that we should have absolutely no voice. I think voices of reason will prevail, though slowly. I never see us having a "Zoo rights" type of legislation, only because it would be one-sided (the human side) and we as a community cannot even agree what those 'rights' are. 

OK, I've gone well beyond your question and I'm sorry for that. I leave it only to educate folks as to who and what I am. 


Lots of new bills in the U.S. - 30-30 - 03-03-2018

Egoldstein, I second silverwolf´s comment and like to add that I´ve been telling exactly why we as a community failed so miserably with all our attempts regarding gaining tolerance. I´ve laid it out quite often in reddit and I will repeat it here, for you and the last time now: We as a community are blinded by "tolerance". We literally crave to see "the good" in each and every caught "zoo" perpetrator like it happened in more cases than I can remember. And when it comes to light that someone of these perpetrators wasn´t exactly the "nice, harmless and totally persecuted zoo", but a genuine arsehole with , for example, child porn also on his hard disk or causing actual harm on the animals he has fencehopped on like in the Espenau case or any other case that turned out NOT to fit into the usual " we zoos are all inherently good people" narrative sported by the entire community, we as a community always stand there , with nothing else but our "tolerance" narrative. It´s like this for decades now. "Tolerance" has made us blind, tribalism ("my tribe" vs. them) actively inhibits any progress. Say, do you remember this LadySaberCat? She summed it up quite well when she was writing that we, the "zoo" community, always get loud when "one of us" is under fire for all kinds of reasons, but we actually seem to totally forget our very basic principles. She accused our community of being blind towards suffering animals...and I have to subscribe this. Everybody focuses on the "unjustly persecuted zoos", but hardly anyone care for the animals who were mistreated, abused and even hurt by "zoophilia".

We all claim to be "the real animal advocates", but in fact, the most of us are acting and speaking as if the animals are mere accessoires of their lust and hardly anyone even tries to find a non partisan, non biased position that includes the rights of ALL parties included. Plus we all make it extra difficult for the outsiders to see differences in our pretty heterogenic group....and when someone like me proposes to set some rules that would separate the "good" from the "bad" zoos, the autistic screeching immediately starts. An automated reflex in the name of misunderstood "tolerance", that´s what our community can be perfectly summed up under.   That impenetrable wall we face when dealing with society, that is just the logical result of that stupid "all inclusive" agenda this community applies to almost anyone interested in sex with animals...everybody´s a "zoo" a priori. The same word used for everyone in this will naturally result in being thrown into the same drawer with literally anyone else, regardless of intention, action and philosophy (or the total lack thereof) of the people involved. "Big zoo unity" has turned out as a huge pile of crap....and no one wants to see the obvious because the feelgood agenda in this community "shall not be infringed upon"....is it really still the animals we´re doing all this for? Or has this entire stuff mutated into a fandom, a peer group of bestialists long ago? 

I´ve been preaching it for so long now, but because of what I preach is self reflection instead of childish mutual shoulder patting, everyone continues with the easier option. It´s not about animals anymore, it´s about "zoo rights", the imaginary "right" of friggin HUMANS to fuck whatever they want, without any respect for their quadruped partners. You all made it into a HUMAN issue and abandoned the animal rights long ago...self centered and blind to your own mistakes. Perceived superiority (" I have superior knowledge because I fuck animals!"), an allergy to anything that could disturb the various "zoo" hug boxes and echo chambers, the loudmouthedness whenever you feel "persecuted", but the almost complete silence whenever your agenda of "we´re all a happy animal fucker community" gets shattered by reality...all of that contributed to the vast schism between the zoos and society. As I said it so many times before: WE ARE BLIND TOWARDS OUR OWN MISTAKES AND WRONGDOINGS. 

Most of us seem to be interested only in mutual reassurement when we really should be more interested in finding the hell out what is going on, with us, with the animals we claim to love, with society, with the "zoo haters"....all we seem to be able to squeeze out of our head are semi-logical apologies and self victimisation instead. Where are the real discussions? Where is the exit of this comfy hug box? Look, I too see the necessity of building up fellow zoo´s self esteem, but we as a community fell into one of the usual trapdoors of social media. Affirmation seems to be valued higher than acknowledging reality and act accordingly to all the issues and doubts we zoos face. The filter bubble....the trench fight mentality. If we want to create functioning and well prepared members of our community, we HAVE to get rid of that "all inclusive" attitude. If we want to gain some traction in society, we HAVE to change something in what we do, how we deal with everything. We´re doing the same failed experiment for more than two decades now and all we got is more and more backlash, more and more opposition. When is the time to put all of our dearly held beliefs onto the test. When if not now? How long will we perpetuate walking down the same wrong paths before we *en gros* realise we´re walking the wrong paths?

The "stupid and unfair" laws didn´t come out of nowhere, Egoldstein. There were reasons to create and apply them. Only a fool could deny that we had something to do with that...we failed to clean up our community from all the troublemakers and idiots mistaking "zoophilia" as a sexual playground. We failed to issue strong and distinctive rules that protect our entire community for exactly that what we´re now facing...and we failed to put pressure onto the "dissenters", the ones who think their ego has more say than our rules. And the sad thing about it all.....we already were at the same fucking point some 25 years ago! We veterans have seen it coming like it is today, we wanted to prevent that by what you all know as the zeta rules...and what thoughout the years has been left of them after the "I know it better" folks have had their say on these rules. Complacency, "tolerance", corps mentality, the taboo of criticism...we as a community have become a disgrace. The only thing that keeps us together is the animal fucking thing...we don´t even share the same few basic principles anymore and even if someone blatantly shows that he/she is abusing an animal as a mere sex toy, anyone clearly saying that this isn´t zoophilia gets scolded and belittled "in the name of the holy tolerance". We got drunk on "tolerance" and thus have become unable to fight for anything. Complacency, "team spirit" and the hug box mentality have made it this way. What we need are soldiers, well trained soldiers...but what we got are angsty teenagers, fantasizers and roleplayers instead.And all of them are "real zoos"..."don´t let that grumpy intolerant hater tell you otherwise"....We are our own demise, our own worst enemy...and all of that in the name of "tolerance". We "tolerated" ourselves into meaninglessness. Each and every single individual in our community who is also parroting the "tolerance" mantra is equally guilty of that. Many of us can´t actually function correctly as individuals....how could we veterans be so blind and even presume that a lot of us could ever function as well prepared, well trained and dedicated group? I just don´t know...the "we" is used when it comes in handy, the "I" when using the "we" isn´t . But I say: If we want to be a community, then we have to be accountable for what "we" do...either there´s no zoo community and everybody is entirely to blame for his own fuckups...or we could grow some balls and interpret that "we" as what it is. What one of "us" does is OUR responsibility, no matter what.

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - Mfkfznfp - 03-04-2018

On 3/3/2018 at 3:02 AM, egoldstein said:

So tell me silverwolf, what have I done to cause such legislation?

I have harmed none, I have maintained my life outside of public view and yet you have repeatedly agreed with 30-30 that *WE* are to blame.

You're right egoldstein, zoos are a persecuted group; these new laws are wrong and need to be stopped, but no one is doing anything to stop them.

There are a few bad people in the "zoo group", just as there are bad people in every group — that is not a reason to ban all sex with animals. One of the reasons anti-zoos give for trying to ban sex with animals are propaganda "studies" of prison populations — the "studies" say that zoos are likely to abuse humans, but what they ignore is that correlation is not causation. Anti-zoos also say animals can't "consent" (even though animals don't "consent" to anything humans try to do to them). So there are a number of reasons anti-zoos want to ban it (including prejudice).

Also, the anti-zoo premise is that all sex with animals is "abuse", which is wrong.

In your opinion, how are zoos supposed to fight these kinds of laws when zoos are hiding?

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - 30-30 - 03-04-2018


The jews in the Third Reich were a persecuted group, the blacks in Apartheid South Africa were a persecuted group....the "zoos" (or whoever is unjustly calling himself that) are not. Only because a law that is banning your favourite sexual practice is issued doesn´t turn you into a "persecuted" person...or are thieves a persecuted group now?

It´s quite the opposite, without all the fuckups from so called "zoos" making it to the headlines, no ordinary politician would´ve wanted to deal with animal fuckery, the headline guys and the ever growing animal porn mafia made them do something against it before it totally gets out of hands. It doesn´t take any "one sided" studies conducted solely on prison inmates anymore to paint a dim and dark picture of "zoos"...the impressions on which our public image is shaped now are vastly those you get when you 1) read all the cases that make it to the headlines 2) take a good and close look on forums like Beastforum and 3) get to know people like Aluzky and the OP guy of this thread. Nothing more is needed to get the notion of braindead, mentally challenged, exploitative and abusive sexfreaks only thinking about themselves, not wasting more than a second of thought on the animals they claim to "love" . Funny though how this Mfkhwifn guy is trying to discredit real studies that surely have a certain selection bias involved, but totally accepts that bogus crap produced by Miletski , Beetz et al...all studies that don´t even stand the basic checkup regarding scientific methodology.

Even funnier how this Mfknnefefwn dude always tries to make us "come out to speak up"...must be the worst *agent provocateur* in all history...

Guys, if you really want to "fight for zoophilia" , you´re already getting it wrong. We don´t fight, we convince. And if convincing people isn´t possible, we leave society alone with our crap. Forcing it onto people who don´t even want to shed a thought on animal fucking is counterproductive...as the past decades have proven. Idiocy won´t be gifted with "the prize" for stubbornness at the end. Leave people alone with this BS , for god´s sake...those who are in dire need of public reassurement for their "zoophilia" should first learn how to cope with themselves and their orientation without reassureance from the outside. What you seek isn´t "out there", it is in you...once you have solved your own personal issues with zoophilia and grown some man balls, we´ll see what we can do as a community. 

Lots of new bills in the U.S. - littlejohn - 03-04-2018

I note the reply starts with a dis of the other poster.  I assume this is your normal approach, since it's done fairly regularly/  Interesting approach, did you learn that form the current crop of pols?.