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Attraction to urine? - Printable Version

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Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 12-29-2017

I know, this ones gonna get ewws from certain people because it's not normal human behavior, (although it is common animal behavior) but I was wondering if anyone else here has ever tried to taste pee from an animal in heat?

I have and can understand why male dogs like to lick up a bitches pee so much, it has a rather unique taste, I'm not going to lie the one time I let a bitch in heat pee on my hand and i licked it up, I got instantly hard, and we proceeded to have sex once we got back inside..

I'm not into tasting males urine though, which is the weird part because I've had certain males dominate me by marking me, and that was a turn on, but I've never had the urge to taste it..

Attraction to urine? - silverwolf1 - 12-29-2017

Not intentionally. I was once eating Tippy so vigorously that she pissed in my face though. Not a turn on at all for me, kinda bleh actually. Maybe because she wasn't in heat, but more likely just that it did naught for me. We still had sex after a quick clean-up and change in location, because the thought of having turned her on that much WAS a turn on for me. She quickly got "back up" from finger-play, as did I, and the sex was as fantastic as it always was.

Long story short though, I never had a desire to intentionally repeat that accident for flavor or turn-on. A similar incident happened with Shadow though, in heat, and again it did nothing good for me. Still doesn't sound appealing.

To each their own though, I guess, as long as no harm's involved.


Attraction to urine? - 30-30 - 12-29-2017

You need to be more precise with your wordings, man. I still can´t figure out whether this is about actual heat pheromones or just plain , full blown urophilia/urophagia.

Nonetheless, no, I haven´t intentionally tasted urine. Neither clean urine nor urine mixed with heat pheromones/slime. And I don´t have to because mares tend to produce quite a bit of the pure slime which you can sometimes see oozing out of their vaginas in long threads glittering in the sunlight ,often drying up on either side of their buttocks or totally crusting the hair of the tail. So, what would you do if you had the choice between the "polluted" version (urine + heat scent/slime) and the "pure", undiluted version dribbling out between the labia? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


Attraction to urine? - Dane layer - 12-29-2017

None I can remember really

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 12-29-2017

3 hours ago, 30-30 said:

You need to be more precise with your wordings, man. I still can´t figure out whether this is about actual heat pheromones or just plain , full blown urophilia/urophagia.

Nonetheless, no, I haven´t intentionally tasted urine. Neither clean urine nor urine mixed with heat pheromones/slime. And I don´t have to because mares tend to produce quite a bit of the pure slime which you can sometimes see oozing out of their vaginas in long threads glittering in the sunlight ,often drying up on either side of their buttocks or totally crusting the hair of the tail. So, what would you do if you had the choice between the "polluted" version (urine + heat scent/slime) and the "pure", undiluted version dribbling out between the labia? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />


I was referring to both I guess, it would be considered a fetish either way, but to each their own; if a dog likes to lick up pee why can't I?? [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />

I on the other hand only prefer a bitch in heat when it comes to that, even though I've never tried it any other time, or with any other animal..

To answer your question straight from the tap would be best and only while she's in esterus, I've let dogs in heat pee on me, after they realized they were allowed to do so, (all it took was me putting my hand under them while they were outside taking a leak and spreading the scent on myself) and find it dominating, it adds to the eroticism of the sex.. (plus every dog your around for at least a week after wants to bone you [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":P" width="20" />) In a sense though everyone that has done oral has tasted at least a little pee before, that much can't be denied..  [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

I can say it is part of my sexual attraction when it comes to females not so much when it comes to males other than being marked occasionally, (I'm not suggesting the phermones have an semiochemical affect on me, but a bitch in heat does have a smell to them and I do find it attractive) I enjoy giving oral right after a dog has emptied her bladder while in heat (which happens quite frequently so it's hard to avoid), it adds to the uniqueness of her taste..

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 12-30-2017

12 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

Not intentionally. I was once eating Tippy so vigorously that she pissed in my face though. Not a turn on at all for me, kinda bleh actually. Maybe because she wasn't in heat, but more likely just that it did naught for me. We still had sex after a quick clean-up and change in location, because the thought of having turned her on that much WAS a turn on for me. She quickly got "back up" from finger-play, as did I, and the sex was as fantastic as it always was.

Long story short though, I never had a desire to intentionally repeat that accident for flavor or turn-on. A similar incident happened with Shadow though, in heat, and again it did nothing good for me. Still doesn't sound appealing.

To each their own though, I guess, as long as no harm's involved


I've only had a dog squirt like that ounce during oral, and it caught me off guard, so I only got a slight taste of it because I backed off, so most of it ran down the wall, next to us, and soaked the bedsheets.. was so not expecting it, but that instance was solely the reason I got curious enough to try to taste a in heat bitches pee.. (that and watching male dogs do it so frequently)

I guess I'm more animalistic than others.. and yes it's a harmless "fetishism" some zoos have, no harm can really come from getting peed on, or tasting pee as in just a small amount, (I wouldn't go over board and try to drink it, that can be harmful to humans) the only thing you really have to worry about is making sure a dog knows when and where it's acceptable behavior; that's why if I wanna be marked, I'll wear specific clothing that I used for that sole purpose, dogs will only mark what they've already peed on..

Attraction to urine? - DingoJay - 12-31-2017

  I haven't tasted urine from a bitch in heat, but I did once have a (spayed) bitch get a little over-excited while I was eating on her and she squirted a bit as she leapt into her "happy dance."  I have a LOT more experience with males.

 One of my previous dogs was an elderly neutered male who still loved oral from me, but he would sometimes ejaculate pee when he came.  It was rather startling and distasteful at first, to say the least.  If I planned ahead, I could walk him and make sure he had emptied himself before we did anything, but sometimes things happen on the spur of the moment and I would get an occasional mouthful.  He was otherwise quite "suckable" and he was always so relaxed and happy after a BJ that I didn't want to stop.  I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I got used to it.

 Once, when I was young and stupid, something possessed me to sample some "yellow snow" made by an intact male Doberman x GSD with whom I was having an illicit romp in the woods.  It had a powerful, burning taste of bitter musk that took a long time to go away no matter what I did.  Now, I have had dozens of male dogs of various breeds, ages and gonad status in my mouth and there's always the chance of getting some leftover pee when one does that, but I haven't experienced anything quite like that before or since.  I have to wonder if there's something they can turn on when they're doing some serious marking that isn't there when they just need to take a leak.

 I do apologize if I've grossed anyone out...

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-01-2018

On 12/31/2017 at 1:20 PM, DingoJay said:

  I haven't tasted urine from a bitch in heat, but I did once have a (spayed) bitch get a little over-excited while I was eating on her and she squirted a bit as she leapt into her "happy dance."  I have a LOT more experience with males.

 One of my previous dogs was an elderly neutered male who still loved oral from me, but he would sometimes ejaculate pee when he came.  It was rather startling and distasteful at first, to say the least.  If I planned ahead, I could walk him and make sure he had emptied himself before we did anything, but sometimes things happen on the spur of the moment and I would get an occasional mouthful.  He was otherwise quite "suckable" and he was always so relaxed and happy after a BJ that I didn't want to stop.  I didn't particularly enjoy it, but I got used to it.

 Once, when I was young and stupid, something possessed me to sample some "yellow snow" made by an intact male Doberman x GSD with whom I was having an illicit romp in the woods.  It had a powerful, burning taste of bitter musk that took a long time to go away no matter what I did.  Now, I have had dozens of male dogs of various breeds, ages and gonad status in my mouth and there's always the chance of getting some leftover pee when one does that, but I haven't experienced anything quite like that before or since.  I have to wonder if there's something they can turn on when they're doing some serious marking that isn't there when they just need to take a leak.

 I do apologize if I've grossed anyone out...

Your fine man, who cares if anyone is Grossed out or finds it too taboo, it happens lol wouldnt be the first time won't be the last, especially with being zoo..

You know a year or two ago I would have had the same reaction "ewe, why would you like the taste of urine or like being peed on" but after the first time it happened to me I realized, it was kinky and a big turn on.. there is really nothing wrong with it, so what if people see it as gross, were already seen as gross people by a huge majority of the population anyways..

I'm sure you have little to worry about here though, most people here aren't going to judge you, a majority of us are open-minded about things...

Attraction to urine? - Cynolove693 - 01-02-2018

1 hour ago, Cynolove693 said:

I'm sure you have little to worry about here though, most people here aren't going to judge you, a majority of us are open-minded about things...

I mean you have to be open-minded atleast to some point to even consider acting on zoosexual attractions/feelings; don't ever let others opinions of something change your view of yourself, as long as your animals are happy, and you are, that's all that really matters; good rule in this crazy experience we call life [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/cool.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="B|" width="20" />

Attraction to urine? - 30-30 - 01-03-2018

You surely display some serious signs of fetishism here, Cynolove. 

"I guess I´m more animalistic than others..." No, you´re not. Quite the opposite, urine/pheromones distributed with urine for animals is some sort of roadsign leading them to their "destination" while for you, the "roadsign" itself IS the destination, as it seems. Not at all "animalistic", just full blown human fetish. I highly recommend reading some psychoanalytical theories regarding excrements as a sexual trigger, such as Freud, Jung, Reich....it may shed some light onto you and also gives a good idea why you´re anything but "more animalistic" than others.

Still wonder why you´re saying that drinking urine can be harmful to humans...it cannot as urine usually is sterile. 

"I mean you have to be openminded at least to some point to even consider acting on zoosexual attractions...." Nope. You just have to have a raging boner and an additional complete lack of self restriction to act on "zoosexual" desires. No "openmindedness" needed here....and I´m not sure whether you´re misinterpreting openmindedness in the usual way of the sex lib or not. Anyway, you seem to be way too excited about this whole "piss thing"....I´m active with mares for nearly three decades now, would consider myself rather openminded (in the non sex lib way, with a basic level of rationale still intact), but that openmindedness never played any role for me in my decision to act on my desire; I´ve come into contact with mare urine quite alot but still haven´t developed any form of attraction to it. It just is a rather unimportant detail for me, I don´t actively involve it into my sexuality and am not drawing any kick from it at all. I´ve been peed on during intercourse, I´ve had some unwanted extra moisturising during cunnilingus, but that never built up into a source for additional sexual arousal...it´s just there. I won´t stop pleasing a mare that pees during cunnilingus, but I also don´t actively try to make her pee for the "extra kick".  

"...don´t ever let others´ opinions of something change your views..." Well, that´s called egocentrism, I guess. Self absorbance. Sure, some sort of personal independence from others is vital to develop your personality, but completely dismissing input from the outside of your personal bubble basically is what brought our community to the current state of blockhead trench fights, mind you. Individualism surely is a fine thing...but if it becomes self serving, if it is mainly done because of erecting personal safe spaces, numbing and fading out any form of criticism , even justified criticism, then this advice becomes toxic. Real openmindedness also includes signals from outside, signals that are not pleasant to recieve, and combine all of this into a weltbild that takes everything into account, not just your rather subjective and probably very biased self perception. Advice like that tends to support and sustain exactly the wrong ones in our community. If you really want to live at peace with yourself AND society, then for god´s sake, DO let others´ opinions influence your way of thinking and percieving certain issues....especially in zoophilia, constant self testing and self actualisation are VITAL virtues. Don´t ever make the same mistake as those solipsists ( sole ipsum = just yourself) and doubt everything except yourself....the real form of ratinal scepticism is zetecism, doubting everything INCLUDING yourself.  

"...as long as your animals are happy..." and that is where it starts to get debatable....how do you know beyond a reasonable doubt that your animals are indeed happy and you´re not just projecting your expectations onto them? Wouldn´t be the first time of "subjective blindness" occurring...too many zoos still believe that fucking an animal will make you into a legit animal communication expert when it honestly doesn´t at all.   

"...there is nothing really wrong with it, so what if people see it as gross, we´re already seen as gross people by a huge majority of population..." Well, we Germans have a proverb "Ist der Ruf erst ruiniert, lebt sich´s gänzlich ungeniert" (Once your reputation is destroyed, you don´t have to care about anything anymore)....there still is something wrong with "it" when you´re already part of a despised minority that already is heavily and falsely connected with fetishism. It adds up to the already existing negative public image of zoophiles, that´s what´s wrong with "it". To have zoophilia recognised as a legit sexual orientation, it would be better for anyone if we´d keep out any form of fetishism that might reassure any outsider of his unfavourable notion of zoophilia being a "fetish" itself. Not to mention the slippery slope argument that gets reignited by too blatant displays of real urophilia fetishism...

I really wonder where this idea comes from...this notion that "if you´re fucking animals, you MUST be openminded towards EVERYTHING else bizzarre/fetish/ pervo too". I am an exclusive , hetero zoo, no fetish, no "bucket list", no other twists in his mind. I just want to sleep with my beloved mare every once in a while and that´s it. This alone is enough for me, there´s no need to search for another "kick", another "kink", another novelty. But I´ve already understood that I´m a minority within a minority, what is quite sad for an orientation that is so desperately trying to display itself as a non fetishistic one...."once you step over a line, linestepping becomes quite a habit for some"...more, harder, more extreme, "kinkier"....the slippery slope might just not be that imaginary as a lot of the ones leaning to the left side are insisting...