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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Printable Version

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Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-13-2017

I Making this thread because I want to point out the link between pagan deities and zoophilia.. A good example of this is the Roman God pan, who was often displayed as a half man half goat, and on numerous occasions was portrayed having sexual intercoruse with goats..
  Another example is the story of Leda and the Swan that comes from Greek mythology. As the tale goes, the god of thunder; Zeus, assumes the form of a swan and seduces Leda, the wife of the king of Sparta. She then bears Helen and Polydeuces, children of Zeus.
  Now I personally worship Curnunos the lord of beasts; but in a sense he is Pan or Zeus, they are all one God with many names but at the same time different.. (reincarnats of the same God)
  These among various other examples does in fact point to a link between  zoophilia and paganism.. Now my personal belief is that tantric magic (sex magic) is more powerful when animals are involved as it symbolizes a closer link to the gods (as they are part animal)
  Ive actually done various casting of Magick with animal familiars that involved bringing each other to orgasm with a intent of spell work.. And I can confirm that these spells were twice as powerful than my normal magickal workings...
   Also most of my animal spirit guides that I use for my shaman practice, over the years have copulated with me either in dreams or in a state of meditation or Astral projection...
  So my belief is that yes paganism and zoophilia is connected and to a certain point brings you closer to the gods and a animalistic nature...

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-14-2017

Now don't get me wrong; I've always had a affinity with animals, and have been zoo sexual all of my life.. I've been pagan for nearly ten years and I feel because of the closer connection I have with animals and nature is what called me to witchcraft in the first place; nonetheless witchcraft is a highly misunderstood religion; no I do not worship the devil, I do not believe in him or acknowledge his existence.. I worship the forces and energy of nature, the sun and the moon.. and the ancient gods and goddesses of the old (the oldest religion I've found and I've studied several others) ... Also I believe In the neo-paganism rede and it harm none do what ye will; this is a basis for everything I do, (unless it's for the sake of survival, because even in nature their must be a balance) and not just the craft; because for every action there is a reaction..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Dane layer - 07-15-2017

I really never thought about paganism or really have any idea about it to be honest, i try to go by the native way of thinking. But from your description i can see the zoo connection 

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

In a sense the Native Americans practiced a form of witchcraft, as they called animal spirits and practically worshiped animals, and nature itself.. Not to mention many Indian tribes used ritualistic sex with animals and it was generally accepted as a normal practice.. In a sense witchcraft has reformed itself throughout history in many different cultures, it's existed for 1000s of years and has been found in ancient cave paintings throughout the world.. The oldest cave painting dates back 40,000 years ago and is of a shaman, with the body of a human, and the head of an animal..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Dane layer - 07-15-2017

Correct me if im wrong its been awhile sence i heard the story  but thats how the some of the native tribes believe the werewolf came along, is that a tribes cheiften didnt love her and was disinterested in her, so  to pass time she spent it  with the wolves untill one day she fell in love with one of them and he with her, so they joined spirts and she then took the form of the wolf, but can still take human form to warn of to warn others of the chiefs behavior 

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Ive actually never heard that story before.. Its interesting nonetheless.

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Quote:Correct me if im wrong its been awhile sence i heard the story  but thats how the some of the native tribes believe the werewolf came along, is that a tribes cheiften didnt love her and was disinterested in her, so  to pass time she spent it  with the wolves untill one day she fell in love with one of them and he with her, so they joined spirts and she then took the form of the wolf, but can still take human form to warn of to warn others of the chiefs behavior 
Now I don't know if I believe in shape shifting; I've never seen or heard proof of it, I feel as if it is a common myth about shamans, as I am a shaman but have never attempted something so esoteric.., but I do believe souls can merge, and there is no barrier between species.. We're I heard that zoophilia was accepted among Indians was from distant relatives of mine, and also from various reliable sources online..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

I can tell you that you'd be surprised  by what u can accomplish with your mind, by just taping into your subconscious along with calling spirit guide animals.. it's entirely possible to manipulate energy; which can bring healing, and also alter reality to your own will.. I know it sounds crazy, but I sware it is 100% real, but it only works with dedication and tons of meditation..

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Dane layer - 07-15-2017

I believe you, there is plenty of things out there that we dont know about or are not willing to say we know and shrug it off as a dream or some other coping device so it doesnt break the preceived reality we live in

Paganism/shamanism & zoophilia - Cynolove693 - 07-15-2017

Hmmmm not many people acknowledge the existence of something hard to believe like Magick; you sound like you have a lot of wisdom.. I agree with what u said as well; a lot of people deny the existence of Magick because it does change your view of reality and everything around you, and that alone can be to hard to grasp; but if you think about it in a more direct way; isn't reality just a thought up concept people created??