Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
zoo forum - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: zoo forum (/showthread.php?tid=877)

Pages: 1 2

zoo forum - shortleash - 07-08-2017

i tried to log into to zoophiles and it timed out so i guess they are finally gone...

zoo forum - Cynolove693 - 07-08-2017

Same here, I got can not connect to server... Goodbye zf [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/sleep.png[/img]

zoo forum - silverwolf1 - 07-08-2017

Yeah, it looks that way.

zoo forum - Ramseys - 07-09-2017

I know it's rather vain of me, but I've always been proud of having member number 16.
In the early days of the forum, there used to be part of that 'name box' you had.
I wonder how long before folks start to forget there ever was a Zoophiles Forum.

zoo forum - Vermilion - 07-09-2017

I wonder how long it takes for me to erase the bookmark...

zoo forum - ferritlove - 07-09-2017

That's sad Ramseys,  it's tough being part of something that long and seeing it go.  It's trite to say... but that's how life seems to work.

zoo forum - threelegs - 07-09-2017

It was great while it lasted.

zoo forum - Hiway - 07-09-2017

All good things must come to an end... unless you have a supply of Viagra!

zoo forum - Dane layer - 07-09-2017

I wasnt there long, but it is a sad day

zoo forum - Rannoch - 07-09-2017

I wrote them a nice goodbye, but they deleted it.  Some day I'll figure out how I managed to piss in their bowl of cherios so bad.... lol
I'll miss them all the same.  It sort of signifies the end of an age, in a way.  It is very very disheartening to see them go.