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What animal would you be? - Printable Version

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What animal would you be? - Dane layer - 07-01-2017

I was wondering if you could,  what animal would you like to be for a day or so and why?  
Me personaly  I'd love to be a dog, just to see what the world smells, taste like and general looks like.  I think it would be a neat thing to get their perspective.    You would get to keep all the experiances with you and have control over what you would do as said animal.   

What animal would you be? - silverwolf1 - 07-01-2017

A Wolf, for all the reasons you mention for a Dog, plus the independence and wild nature. And just 'cause Wolves are cool. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img] 

What animal would you be? - Dane layer - 07-01-2017

Quote:A Wolf, for all the reasons you mention for a Dog, plus the independence and wild nature. And just 'cause Wolves are cool. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img] 
Yes they are

What animal would you be? - Cynolove693 - 07-02-2017

I have to agree with silverwolf1 Definetly a wolf if I had that opportunity; mainly because the wolf is my spirit animal so I already have a close connection with them..

What animal would you be? - Ramseys - 07-06-2017

Buck Goat.
Nothing like having a harem AND having the balls to do something with it. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]

What animal would you be? - Actaeon - 07-15-2017

If it's just for a day, my first choice would be either a stallion or a white-tailed buck. In either case, I'd want to be surrounded by a harem of females in estrus. ; )

What animal would you be? - Vermilion - 07-18-2017

Propably the "not so popular" choice, but human. There are to many downsites in beeing another animal.
Quote:If it's just for a day, my first choice would be either a stallion or a white-tailed buck. In either case, I'd want to be surrounded by a harem of females in estrus. ; )
Have fun, if you're lucky enough the be a member of the 5% of stallions or bucks, that  get the opportunity to mount a female and survive the permanent stress to keep your harem together.
I know, I'm really unromantic. I would like to temporary switch places with a breeding stallion (natural mounting off course), if I would be able to keep my brain.

What animal would you be? - rodentheart - 07-18-2017

Honestly not sure what I would want to be. Only for a day, probably a mouse or another similar rodent. Long term, though, maybe not... Since mice are so vulnerable to just about everything, be them a pet or wild. And the pets are rarely kept properly. ?
I think I would be best suited to be a dog, though, just because my personality matches them best. 

What animal would you be? - Toffee's Lover - 07-18-2017

DOG... duh! X3

What animal would you be? - heavyhorse - 03-28-2018

Bearing in mind the proposal was for just a day or so, and most of the time male animals spend waiting around for -someone- to go into estrus, I would have to say:

Draft horse stallion, on some farm with my own field (so I don't have to whup-ass some other horse), with females provided by humans for natural service.  

I have some reservation with being a dog; male dogs always seem to have a sort of awkward look on their faces after they tie.

I also wouldn't mind standing in for a boar hog, or a jack donkey.