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Calling Bullshit - Printable Version

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Calling Bullshit - caikgoch - 06-29-2017

I am an old worn out Zoo (north of 60 years) and I have observed some things.  Certain myths and allegations keep sufacing when a group of professional crusaders start working toward a given goale.  I have direct knowledge of many of these stories and for the benefit of the youngsters among us, I will share some of this knowledge.
One of the common reccuring myths is sex with mice and other small rodents.  Sometimes it's called "felching" or sometimes they just talk about small animals coated in Vasoline.  The reality is that this just isn't possible.  Have you ever seen the places that rodents have chewed or dug through?  They can go right through solid wood.  How do you think it's going to end if you confine something like that inside your body and cut off its air?  Snopes has an excellent article (http://www.snopes.com/risque/homosexuality/gerbil.asp) on the subject.  It seems that we aren't the first target for this particular barb.

From Snopes:  "Origins:   Contrary to widespread public belief, "gerbil-stuffing" is unknown as an actual sexual practice, nor are we aware of a verified medical case of a gerbil having been extracted from a patient's rectum. Despite the assiduousness with which doctors record unusual items removed from patients' rectums in order to write them up as illustrative cases, we haven't yet found a medical journal article involving a gerbil removal. (Doctors, like most people, often repeat urban legends and stories told to them by others as first-person experiences, hence our standard for declaring this true is a peer-reviewed journal article rather than anecdote.) The notion of gerbilling (not necessarily restricted to homosexuals, as the insertion of items into the rectum for purposes of autoeroticism is practiced by heterosexuals as well) appears to be pure invention, a tale fabricated to demonstrate the depravity with which "faggots" allegedly pursue sexual pleasure."

I had regular corespondence with the guy that died after horse sex in Washington state.  We had very similar tastes in sex partners.  He was boarding his horse in the barn where the incident happened because he lived in town with his family and there was no room for a horse there.  The other people involved were there to help (handling a sexually excited horse is no small task).  There was no money paid or fences hopped.  He just did a little too much partying before and got careless, things you should *NEVER* do around any horse much less an excited one.  He could have survived experience (I did) but fear of the questions that would be asked at the hospital and the effect they would have on his job caused him to try to "tough it out".  He refused any aid until he passed out.  By then it was too late but his friends took him to the hospital anyway.  During the investigation it was determined that the horse was completely healthy and unhurt so no criminal law applied to the situation.  <sarcasm>This prompted the State of Washington to pass a strong new law to protect all of the animals.</sarcasm>

I have a history with the guy that was the other big bust in Washington State, but, no matter what you think of Doug's personal ethics, he is a Zoo and has made sacrifices to keep his animals healthy and with him.  When he was raided he was living on some largely undeveloped rural land because it was all he could afford that had room for horses.  He got the "mice coated in Vasoline" treatment from the local media despite the obvious fact that mice would be inconsequential to anyone who regularly experienced stallion sex. 

The cry of "Bestiality Brothel!" was raised because he had a foreign visitor when the raid happened.  The fact that the visitor was on a publicly announced vacation was ignored as was their long term aquaintance.  It is my belief (because the visitor is a well known amateur photographer) that they were planning to make and sell some vids to pay some of the farm's bills which were overdue (so much for the highly profitable enterprise theory).

Please notice that there are some common denominators here.  For instance, the humans and the animals are all familiar with each other.  This is the first reason that an animal brothel will never be a commercial enterprise.  Female animals are extremely selective about when and with whom they will permit sex.  Many require the hormonal changes of heat to open their bodies to the possibility and that may only happen for a few days a year.  Animals that are large enough to accomodate a human at any time are generally larger than the human (think horse).  Simply grabbing the butt of a strange animal like that will probably get you into the kind of fight that you can't possibly win.  

Male animals, on the other hand, will gleefully screw anybody anytime.  The problem is that few humans are ready for that kind of high energy, no limits sex.  A lot of newbies show up on internet sites planning things like oral sex with a stallion.  It kinda kills the mood when they learn that a stallion's glans will expand to the size of a small melon during orgasm.  It would take at most a few days for the local emergency room to become aware of anyone who allowed untrained and inexperienced humans to stand for just about any male animal.

But even more basic than that is the simple fact that no animal will co-operate with a stranger that doesn't "speak the language".  Think greenhorn on his first horse ride then multiply it by the intensity of sex.  So why do these myths and misrepresentations keep cropping up?  Simple.  Money.  The people spreading this bullshit are professionals that make a comfortable living raising money for high drama causes.  Every time one of these groups posts a picture as an example of the kind of horror they are fighting, do an image search on it.  Google will be glad to show you how.  You will be amazed how many different causes a single picture can represent.  Not a one of them has ever been proven to originate with a Zoophile.  But with a few pictures of horror and some terrible stories the donate button just starts a clickin' away.  By choosing a group that depends heavily on secrecy to survive they are assured of little to no resistance to their plans.

Doesn't really bother you because you aren't part of that group?  Then think on this for a minute or three:
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
 Martin Niemöller "

<a class="ipsAttachLink" href="http://www.zoowg.net/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=57">Calling Bullshit.txt</a>

Calling Bullshit - caikgoch - 06-29-2017

Please don't be nice.  I'm putting all of these up in front of other writers for help polishing them.  That's why there's a text file included.  Make red lines all over it.

Calling Bullshit - ferritlove - 06-29-2017

Awesome!  I think that summed up the state and reality of things pretty directly... especially the money angle.  It's unfortunate, but the only way to stay a safe zoo is to fly under the radar.  Thanks for the thought provoking piece.

Calling Bullshit - silverwolf1 - 06-29-2017

"Animals that are large enough to accomodate a human at any time are generally larger than the human (think horse)." 
I only disagree with this line, based on my own experience with canines, but not enough to have you remove it. My girls were 'unusual' and thus uncommon in the zoo world.
Fairly well written (could use a grammar check here and there) thought provoking piece, whether one agrees with it's conclusions or not.

Calling Bullshit - arcticwolf - 07-03-2017

nothing more true can be truly said, unfortunate, that there is no way to actually get such a thing out there for the haters to actually see. Also unfortunate that if you could place it in a high traffic area, the site would could quickly need to take it down because of the massive amount of violent protests about how seriously untrue THIS is. And the TRUE FACTS, are what was perpetuated.
People wish and prefer believing the lies about it, refusing to ever accept the possibilty that (beastiality), is not the big boogeyman.
Zoophilia and people that claim to actually LOVE animals, are just delusional and trying to create this belief to make themselves feel better. No person that has the slightest actual feelings of love for an animal could ever possibly fuck one or let the animal fuck them. It is not love, they just animal fucking perverts.
Have seen such comments many times.

Calling Bullshit - Actaeon - 07-17-2017

Quote:there is no way to actually get such a thing out there for the haters to actually see.
Caikgoch​'s essay is well-written and quite true, but sadly, Arcticwolf's statement is also true. It seems no amount of exposure to the truth can offset the comfort derived from the way people have learned to view their world, and from accepting blindly what they've been told never to question. It's true in politics, religion, and a thousand other areas of everyday life, from the mundane ("sushi is raw fish") to the mainstream ("abortion is murder") to the malevolant ("Arabs are terrorists").
If the mainstream public is comforted by the belief that all zoophiles shove gerbils where the sun doesn't shine (like the Pacific Northwest : ), then they'll go right on believing it, no matter what (or how many) people say otherwise. And, to paraphrase "Pulp Fiction," the public may "strike down upon [us] with great vengeance and furious anger" should we attempt to change their beliefs.
As dismayed as I often am at how crazy the human race seems to be, and at all the stupid things they believe, say and do, I'm generally of the opinion that ignorant people should, for the most part, be allowed to remain ignorant. Losing our ignorance is part of growing up, but everyone grows at a different rate, and no one ever grows up completely. Everyone on Earth, including you and I, will always be ignorant about something. This will never change. To quote "Q" from "Star Trek: The Next Generation," humanity is a "savage child race." Our written history goes back mere millennia, and we've only been technologically adept for a few centuries. To the cosmos, we're not yet as old as the blink of an eye. Is it any wonder we can't make up our minds about the nature of things like religion, politics, or sexuality? Of course we're confused: we've just been born. Sometimes, I think the human race is thousands, perhaps millions of years away from being as "civilized" as most of us think we already are.
So, should we therefore stand idly by while the innocent suffer needlessly, letting the chips fall where they may and chalking the tragedies up to mere growing pains? Of course not. When possible, we should do what we can to protect the innocent and prevent suffering. But above and behind all of that, we should never forget that, no matter our diligence, some injustices will always slip through our fingers...and the persecution of zoophiles is probably one of those. Zoophilia is too far beyond the pale to have a champion in its corner, and the prejudices against us are buried far too deep to be dislodged by even a thousand well-written essays.
So I think it's best in the short and long run to just be kind to our animals and to each other, behave sensibly, keep a low profile and stay out of the newspapers. The less attention we draw to ourselves in the here and now, the more likely a future generation of zoophiles will find the acceptance we seek.
And to bring this post *slightly* back on topic, you may find this article of (dis)use:
Enjoy...if you dare. : )

Calling Bullshit - 30-30 - 01-20-2018

Sorry for the thread "necromancy", but falsehoods were uttered in here and I feel the need to respond to those in order to correct some of the misconceptions.

First, yeah we zoos always complain about "the unjust" public, but has anyone ever wondered why this whole gerbil inserting myth has gained so much traction? Could it be that we ourselves gave the impression of such an "anything goes!" mentality as the predominant one in our community, with all of those "zoos" shamelessly writing down ever their weirdest and most twisted kinks in forums like BF? When our scene has individuals like this Janis Benda guy, the one who taped down and tortured this German Shepard for his own sexual gratification, is it really so far fetched to assume that some of us might consider squishing a live gerbil into their rectums? Try to shift your perspective to a "nomal" persons viewpoint, just for a minute....read through some "zoo" forums like BF and then reconsider that whole gerbil thing again? Really so far fetched? When we´re under attack from the outside, we´re all like "Noooo, we despise things like that! No way somebody in our community does such a retarded and cruel thing!"...but the "music" totally changes once we´re "among ourselves"...then, criticism of some people´s actions suddenly becomes "intolerance" and "hate". What our community suffers from and what this gerbil myth is but a symptom of is the Grand Canyonesque type of bigotry we display as a community. No "vetting" was and is done in our community...and this gerbil myth is just a logical result of that...."they", the society have no means to differentiate the "good" from the "bad" ones due to the extended overuse of the z-word...plus, "they" can absolutely imagine us doing that because there literally is nothing, no sexual practice that can´t be found in our "community" unwithspoken,uncontradicted and cheered at.

Second point: Caikgoch said that bestiality brothels are non existent just because "female animals are extremely selective"....well, that´s not an argument against brothels, that´s just a smoke grenade thrown. Of course there are many ways to force a female into submission, into tolerating intercourse. There´s training that can be done, there are many means to make a female animal "tolerate" intercourse. If it wasn´t , there wouldn´t be so much "zoo friends" visiting animal owners the first time and resulting in animal porn made thereof. With "extremely selective female animals". The bestiality scene has a shitton of this to offer, you just have to take off the "zoo blindfold" to see it. It´s there, plain in the open. And if female animals are so selective, why are there idiots invading other people´s pastures at night then and get what they want on "first contact"?  And why does any zoo think that zoophilia/bestiality, among all the other sexual "sectors" of mankind is the only one that won´t create brothels? What makes "us" so special? There are kiddie brothels although child abuse is prohibited almost worldwide, so illegality also isn´t a "reason" not to assume that some people try to make a happy and easy buck out of "zoophilia". There ARE lots of people pimping out their animals to strangers/"zoo friends"...that´s a fact. Even female animals are pimped out to them...so all this "female animals are extremely selective" is only partially right, if it is right at all.


On the entire Kenneth P. case, I won´t say anything more but what the Vice article presented as a final comment on this case. "Maybe those "zoophiles" don´t love animals, maybe they just love huge dicks"....for me, this is the perfect resumee of the entire Enumclaw case.

On Doug S., I won´t comment too...all things already have been said, but sadly some of us still feel the need to glorify him, show understanding where it is totally inappropriate to do so. If you can´t afford running a farm, then DON`T have a farm...if you need to shoot porn to "pay the bills", your entire concept might just be very selfish and not at all showing any concern about the welfare of the animals in your custody. There is that German saying "The only way to become a millionaire with horses is if you were a billionaire before" and it isn´t there without any profound reason. Horses cost money. If you don´t have it, then DON`T OWN HORSES!! What if Spinks horse gets a colic? "Hey, doc, you´ll have to wait for the money, I first have to shoot some animal porn to pay for the surgery"?!? Really? And I´m not even touching the concaine dealer issue here...

Summary: Folks, it´s incredibly easy to point fingers at "the unjust society". It seems incredibly hard for our community to open up its eyes for our own wrongdoings, our own bullshit. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why we´re not getting anywhere for more than two decades now. We´ve installed a "comfy zone", we created the "zoo filter bubble"...and sadly mistook those two creations of ours for actual reality. We will only change the status quo for us if we dare to leave our "zoo bubble" and rejoin actual reality, with all that is involved in doing so. We need a moral compass that is obligatory for ALL zoos world wide to get enough leverage on society or else, all our well thought arguments are easily dismissable by a few mouseclicks. We also have to abandon the incredibly misleading idea that we CAN TALK TOLERANCE into society...we can´t. All "zoo activism" I see out there is nothing but trying to force your head through a massive concrete wall...and it´s equally successful. A paradigm shift is overdue. We need to get rid of what is commonly and uncontradictedly accepted in our own community. We need to push the reset button and start all from scratch, with an extra eye on public image, effectiveness, tactical possibilities...we need to get this "activism" from a poor amateur level to a top 10 pro level or we won´t get anywhere and additionally will only invoke more and more disgust, rejection and repulsion in society. It´s not THEIR fault, it´s mainly ours as a completely unflexible, ideologically fixated community that isn´t able to assimilate to society. Not stubborn iteration of "zoo truth" will make us progress, only flexibility, compromises and placing the animals before EVERYTHING else might. TRUTH instead of PROPAGANDA, critical thinking instead of corps mentality, self criticism as well as criticism of our community as a whole. What we need isn´t just another "Go on!", what we need is "STOP! Let´s do some thinking, find another strategy, clean our own front porches before pointing fingers at society...." If we want to be taken seriously by society, we MUST become way more serious...the "happy fuck" and the "anything goes!" both have to go....or it will be us who won´t exist in the future. Wake up, folks....it´s about time you raise from your "animal fuck paradise" dreams.... 



Calling Bullshit - Rannoch - 01-22-2018

God damn that broken record...

Calling Bullshit - 30-30 - 01-22-2018

Anything more substantial you can contribute, Rannoch? I mean, except your usual "it´s all THEIR fault" rhetoric? And you still owe me an answer regarding the "glorious victories" you and your likeminded sycophants have achieved with your agenda...so, come on, what´s the achievements you folks have gathered with your approach?

Calling Bullshit - Rannoch - 01-22-2018

There really isn't, as every time I comply with your requests, you fail to acknowledge my answers.


You know my argument, I know yours.  Only one of us seems to feel the need to repeat it over and over and over...