What Happened to Beasttracker.net?


New member
So what happened to beasttracker.net? Why does it re-direct to this page? I'm not sure what to make of this...does it exist at another link?

All I know at this time is that they are hosted on the same server we are. May be a temporary server glitch. I have no further answer for you at present.


I might also point out that one should be careful downloading over BitTorrent, especially with 'That Kind of Content (TM)". The reason is that without a good bit of trickery and planning your IP address is directly visible: causing problems in regions where it's illegal to share / posess / view 'bast stuff'.

As for the tracker, sounds like a bit of a DNS mix up to me. Maybe the 'A' record pointing at the wrong shelf or something. I'd also watch my back there as they require a registration I think, last I knew anyways. Sorry I'm not of more help.

True, but I doubt they would actively track people leeching beast stuff. Police is bussy searching people downloading CP, and private investigators hunting for media pirates.

Seems up, by the way.

8 hours ago, Vermilion said:

True, but I doubt they would actively track people leeching beast stuff. Police is bussy searching people downloading CP, and private investigators hunting for media pirates.


BitTorrent is an Asynchronous protocol though, meaning unless you are smart enough to clamp your client down it shares what it receives.

Police may not get involved directly but your ISP isn't going to be happy: and may 'report the crime' if they catch you sharing Beast (which is illegal in most US states).

Not trying to completely scare people away, just be careful.

On 12/16/2018 at 1:57 AM, WinterGreenWolf said:

I might also point out that one should be careful downloading over BitTorrent, especially with 'That Kind of Content (TM)". The reason is that without a good bit of trickery and planning your IP address is directly visible: causing problems in regions where it's illegal to share / posess / view 'bast stuff'.

As for the tracker, sounds like a bit of a DNS mix up to me. Maybe the 'A' record pointing at the wrong shelf or something. I'd also watch my back there as they require a registration I think, last I knew anyways. Sorry I'm not of more help.

I know this is an old post. But figured I put something. Registration is kept. But it's just username and email. Of course the common sense thing is use a throwaway. Using torrents in general. It's best to use some sort of protection like a VPN. 

Right, VPN with a firewall / PF / IPTables 'kill switch'. If the VPN goes offline so doesn the entire internet connection. Fair play too, didn't know such little info was kept on them.


On 12/16/2018 at 1:02 PM, WinterGreenWolf said:

BitTorrent is an Asynchronous protocol though, meaning unless you are smart enough to clamp your client down it shares what it receives.

The word you are looking for is not "Asyncronous" but "peer to peer."

anyways good VPN/proxy setup will potentially save you lots of head ache. I use Nord VPN with their proxies and no ISP notices in last 2 years. 


Not, apparently, a true replacement but someone else's (Zooville connected) answer to it no longer being there. I've looked a bit into it, and it is a member sharing torrent site as stated, so far. As you know though, I've recently removed or disabled any links here that led to porn sources rather than informational sources. I'm leaving this one, for now, but do remind the membership to take care in visiting. This is NOT the same tracker. The host, servers, security and personal information sharing will be different. Be aware of the second and last in particular, and as always, play safe. Torrent sharing is a dangerous endevour in any community, and even beast porn creators will protect their copyright. It's been done before.


How many people here are too young to remember before iTunes re-wrote the music industry?

Music stealing P2P torrent sites like Napster (the original, not the current user of the name)?  Lawsuits for tens of millions $, and individual users for tens of thousands $ for their sharing of material?

And that's not even addressing the legal exposure for P2P transmitting of critter sex.    

Is your porn addiction really that important? 

Geddoverit, dude-- 


