Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
A little something to start us off - Printable Version

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A little something to start us off - Hiway - 07-03-2019

2 hours ago, Bruno caballo said:

Hola comparto su opinion yo tambien tengo pasion por los equinos machos y por su campo de adan

Hello Bruno,

The language of this forum is English.

Please note that if you can only speak in your native tongue you must add a translation to English. 

If you cannot read this text, ask Google!


[img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" /> Hiway

A little something to start us off - heavyhorse - 07-03-2019

Google is your friend:  (Your really snoopy friend.  Recommend using VPN for anything Google).


A little something to start us off - Hiway - 07-03-2019

13 hours ago, Bruno caballo said:

Hola comparto su opinion yo tambien tengo pasion por los equinos machos y por su campo de adan

Google says you said:


"Hi, I share your opinion. I also have a passion for male equines and for their field of adan"

A little something to start us off - littlejohn - 07-05-2019

First, I'd like a bit of a C.V.    Also, given what information you provided us, you could be employed by PETA or HSUS.  Which would bias anything you wrote greatly.  Or you could be an HNG looking for stroke material.  In what way might you dispel these thoughts?

A little something to start us off - Ramseys - 07-05-2019

1 hour ago, littlejohn said:

First, I'd like a bit of a C.V.    Also, given what information you provided us, you could be employed by PETA or HSUS.  Which would bias anything you wrote greatly.  Or you could be an HNG looking for stroke material.  In what way might you dispel these thoughts?

I agree with the first part. But the HNG (who says that any more? How old are you?) [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />

Anyways, this is a writers forum, so there should be plenty fap stories. (I know, I write a bunch of 'em) [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ohmy.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":o" width="20" />

A little something to start us off - Bruno caballo - 07-06-2019

3 hours ago, littlejohn said:

<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Primero, me gustaría un poco de un CV. Además, dada la información que nos proporcionó, PETA o HSUS podrían emplearte. </font><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Lo cual sesgaría cualquier cosa que escribieras grandemente. </font><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">O podrías ser un HNG buscando material para el golpe. </font><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">¿De qué manera podrías disipar estos pensamientos? </font></font>

hello where to use me? I'm 24 years old I have that passion, I do not feel it inside

A little something to start us off - heavyhorse - 07-07-2019

12 hours ago, Bruno caballo said:

hello where to use me? I'm 24 years old I have that passion, I do not feel it inside

@ Bruno:  I don't think Littlejohn's comments were directed at you, rather at the O.P.

I could be wrong but that's the way I took it.  

Bruno, if your comments were more detailed they might translate better so we could reply more accurately.  I am not trying to be difficult, but your meaning is being lost.  

A little something to start us off - littlejohn - 07-07-2019

You took it right.  They're aimed at the writer.


A little something to start us off - Bruno caballo - 07-07-2019

On 3/7/2019 at 0:22, Bruno caballo said:

<font style="vertical-align:inherit;"><font style="vertical-align:inherit;">Hola comparto su opinión yo también tengo pasion por los equinos machos y por su campo de adan </font></font>

I would like to do a doctoral thesis, I have been in the subject for a while now, I share the same knowledge

A little something to start us off - heavyhorse - 07-08-2019

Hmmm--  Interesting.  You and the O.P. should get together.....