Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
What hobbies/ activities do your companion animals enjoy? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: What hobbies/ activities do your companion animals enjoy? (/showthread.php?tid=375)

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What hobbies/ activities do your companion animals enjoy? - 30-30 - 11-07-2018

On 6.11.2018 at 3:27 AM, Eagle said:

I think of it as all the proof I need that those who decry "anthropomorphizing animals is wrong" are themselves wrong.  Humans don't have exclusive dominion over thought, feeling or even creativity.

...and I think you need to look up what the definition of anthropomorpisation really is if you´re implying that anthropomorphisation excludes attributing animals with thought, feeling and creativity. Nobody I know does that, including me...animals do have feelings, thoughts and what you could call "creativity", but it´s far from the concepts humans have of these three words. Anthropomorphisation is pressing animal behaviour into these human concepts, mostly because "the fish aren´t aware of the water they´re swimming in"...

What hobbies/ activities do your companion animals enjoy? - silverwolf1 - 11-07-2018

Lets stick to what your animals do folks, not why they do it. Argue that in another thread. 
