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I think I just learned something about a friend. - Printable Version

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I think I just learned something about a friend. - Cat - 05-16-2018

6 hours ago, DingoJay said:

Though I have yet to meet another zoo in RL, there have been a few individuals who I have suspected.  A former co-worker who I have known for decades has always kept a larger, intact male dog.  He would sometimes make jokes, remarks and innuendos that vaguely suggested he might be zoo, or was it just wishful thinking on my part?  ("What do I need a woman for, I have a dog!  No, wait...  That's just sick, forget I said that.")

 At one point I was visiting the guy and he went out for a case of beer, leaving me alone with the dog.  While I was (innocently, really!) petting the dog, he tried every way he knew how to get my hands on his junk.

 Now, had he been a neighborhood mutt that showed up at my house at random, chances are I would have been head first under that big boy in a heartbeat.  But given the circumstances and adding in my suspicions, I left him alone.  Oh, well...

 This fellow now lives in another state, quite far from here and I've lost touch with him.  I sometimes thought about broaching the subject in a roundabout manner but never had the nerve.

I had a friend (as a kid) that was just like that, surprise surprise, he was into dogs; nevertheless I'd say he was more of a confusion from his side than anything at that point, like a phase nevertheless, but each time someone says zoo jokes often that's a warning sign; I've found a lot of people that do zoo jokes on themselves have interest in animals that way, zoos also tend to be targets of zoo jokes more often, but usually the joker is unaware that he just found something that triggers the person, I had a random dude joking about me watching dog porn (he made it up just to fuck with me, and I got scared as fuck for a split second since that shit was sooooo random and unexpected, and so the joke sticks, but I am sure he is clueless), and this happens quite often that people try to pick on me about animal stuff; this is the joker being unconcious about stuff but the subtle hints that it "triggers you".

So incredibly your gut is a good start point for when you suspect it from somebody, but know that it could be hidden and the person could not even be aware of it, that it could just be something else, but awkward constant zoophilic jokes, are usually a dead giveaway, 4 out of 4 times (as I've found out since I was an edgy teen and just asked them), the person has an interest on zoophilia, but you can't tell wheter it's a fetish or it's their whole life, and usually it's a fetish, otherwise they'd be more careful.

Nowadays I've not found anyone else like this, those were my experiences as a teen in a way more liberal place regarding zoophilia; so I cannot risk it anymore, and nevertheless I haven't found anyone else that shows those signs, and usually, they are not really into it, just some fetish of them.

I think I just learned something about a friend. - Actaeon - 09-02-2018

Humans are pretty good about picking up behavioral cues from people, but we're also good at wishful thinking and "seeing what we want to see." Sure, the mini jenny referred to in the OP could have been her 2-legged owner's lover, but I think it's just as likely, if not more so, that she was simply in season. Mares in heat can be blatantly slutty, and although I have no personal experiences with mules, I've heard they can be even worse (or better, depending on your point of view ;). Her being in season would also explain the stallion's response.

About the only reliable way to find out if an animal is "experienced" with zoo sex (other than catching them in flagrante delicto), is if she has a used condom sticking out of her. Beyond that, it's easy for us to mistake a bitch that's had a couple of litters for one that's had a couple of people. Stretch marks from something coming out look a lot like stretch marks from something going in. And with something the size of a horse or cow, it's almost impossible to tell, because the human wang is simply too small, and our hip muscles too weak, to cause any obvious damage.

I think I just learned something about a friend. - caikgoch - 09-02-2018

1 hour ago, Actaeon said:

Humans are pretty good about picking up behavioral cues from people, but we're also good at wishful thinking and "seeing what we want to see." Sure, the mini jenny referred to in the OP could have been her 2-legged owner's lover, but I think it's just as likely, if not more so, that she was simply in season. Mares in heat can be blatantly slutty, and although I have no personal experiences with mules, I've heard they can be even worse (or better, depending on your point of view ;). Her being in season would also explain the stallion's response.

About the only reliable way to find out if an animal is "experienced" with zoo sex (other than catching them in flagrante delicto), is if she has a used condom sticking out of her. Beyond that, it's easy for us to mistake a bitch that's had a couple of litters for one that's had a couple of people. Stretch marks from something coming out look a lot like stretch marks from something going in. And with something the size of a horse or cow, it's almost impossible to tell, because the human wang is simply too small, and our hip muscles too weak, to cause any obvious damage.

She was definitely in season but she has been around me in season many times before and never acted like this.     And she had a real stallion in his prime standing right there and she ignored him.       Of course it's all speculation .  .  .  but damned, what a coincidence.