Zoo Community & Writer's Guild
Reintroduction - Printable Version

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Reintroduction - FoxDogCatWolf - 04-30-2018

Based on the last thread I made, I will try to keep my machines open. The problem is I need to produce a new Live-CD on a new OS because everything is broken, so my security is not very good at the moment. But nobody is doing that much anyway.

Reintroduction - Cat - 05-04-2018

On 4/29/2018 at 9:48 PM, FoxDogCatWolf said:


I'm writing this because I have to shut down my machines for a couple weeks. My life is fucked up and I can't do this anymore. I try to be there for people but the truth is I am failing. People are literally dying and I don't have to the capacity to help them. I have some significant knowledge about health issues but not nearly enough about cancer to be able to help someone with stage 3-4 cancer, much less be there emotionally every step of the way. Some things are too difficult to communicate.

I think Cynolove is dead or on life support. It's hard to trust you guys with this, because record shows some you have really strange reactions to very human situations. I'm not blameless myself; I've had borderline autistic tendencies, and done very bad things in the past, but thanks to science and drugs I'm able to step outside my proverbial schrodinger's cat-killing box (I love cats; schrodinger was a fucking asshole) and able to feel more empathy than I was ever able to feel in my 20s. It's not about how old you are but about the experiences you have + what you do with them. For the record the following users posted some things that I felt were of empathetic value: arcticwolf, caikgoch (you're a little rough around the edges but I know you try), silverwolf (you had some really fucked up reaction to my first post here - it's hard to forget - but I can see you're trying; it takes everything I have to put it all aside, but you're the admin and if I don't make peace with you, we can't move forward), eagle; some others I just can't list right now.

I was so distraught by this today, I got drunk and starting chugging shitty local provincially-promoted discounted Riesling wine in the middle of a pharmacy. I don't even like alcohol and live in a country where it's overpriced (basically the government profits off the next most damaging drug known to man); I just wanted to see if anyone gave a shit. Well, one guy stood there and looked at me dumbfounded. But otherwise, either nobody noticed, or nobody cared. I got through the checkout no problem. Then I left 2 empty bottles on the store shelf. Some employee is going to be scratching his head. This is something I normally would never do. I can still write perfectly fine so you know it's not that bad. Ethanol is a GABAA agonist or sorts, similar to a Benzo, meaning it can actually help with social situations such as writing this, but it's also only a 1/3 partial solution, and ultimately it's extremely damaging to health and I don't recommend it to anyone, let's be clear on that. It's just that after watching Rannoch , Cyno and 1 other guy bite the dust, I'm not sure I have much time left, so it's hard to give a shit about myself much less the trivial stuff I witness around me.

Here is the only song I know of that's appropriate for this situation:


It's quite literally about someone who died from a medical condition. If someone could lookup the context (songmeaning.com is giving me nothing) it would mean a lot to me and I would be grateful.

My cat loved the intro to this song when they were a kitten. I would hold them in my arms and it would drive them to sleep. My cat is an amazing being and I know when they finally pass - assuming I don't pass first - I will listen to this song non-stop for 2 years.

But to say this Cynolove fellow is worthy of this song is an understatement. He was not proud of everything in his life, but I can tell you I've done some shit and seen some shit, and it was not as bad as he thought. He was really a good guy. He brought me here because he seemed like a very genuine person and it's hard to go through so much in life only to lose that again.

I have to stop here. I hope some of you get what I'm trying to say. Bye.

So you finally came into the same conclusion I did, even when you articulated it differently; I today came back to take a peek around, very pointlessly but I've got no other release when I feel "zooey", and as you can see people don't care, we cannot find each other, it's like if none of us existed; I cared, I tried to talk to cyno but trust doesn't take us anywhere, I offered him support but we both knew that it won't go far; so I eventually went away, because we are powerless, each one of us is, so I couldn't get to contact him, I was probably one of the last people to talk to rannoch when that happened, it pisses me up, this lack of unity, brought by the risks of being public. So you can blame the laws for that, and people claiming it has no effect, I call it BS, of course it does, do you have an idea how many zoos are scattered around? millions?!... yet each one in their own tiny bubble, wondering if they are alone; because even if they are in a community like this, they are truly still alone.

So unless any of us envision a framework of community and communication then the bubble will persist, words can be exchanged but not emotions, due to trust.

I can stand it, I have to stand it, there's no choice; there are no other runways; I've seen awful shit as well, and people tend to be highly individualistic, people tend to be indifferent as it's their coping mechanism, specially in situations like this, the more underground you go.

It is said that taking action speaks a lot about yourself, but also gets you in trouble, however you need not to take a toll on yourself for this, you want to act, but there's nothing you can do, so you drink.

I am probably more used to this than you nevertheless, so I can understand what you are going through to some degree; I once lost everything, and a lot of people died, I cannot go into details; but this powerlessness factor, and people's indifference is something that you can expect when there's a trust barrier, cyno's situation is sad, but with this scenario, where he is an unknown person living somewhere, what can I do?...

Reintroduction - shortleash - 05-04-2018

man these welcome...or introductory threads sure take weird turns...maybe you guys should start a "where is he" or "who has heard from this guy" thread in the general....



Reintroduction - Resident Hyaena - 05-04-2018

1 hour ago, shortleash said:

man these welcome...or introductory threads sure take weird turns...maybe you guys should start a "where is he" or "who has heard from this guy" thread in the general....



There are two related threads:

General Zoo Discourse - page 1 - Zoos who are missing from the community

Rainbow Bridge - Zoos who have passed - For Zoos we KNOW have left for the Rainbow Bridge.

I must wonder though if those - or even another purpose-made thread - can stay reasonably well on track.

Resident Hyaena ^..^

Reintroduction - FoxDogCatWolf - 05-05-2018


Reintroduction - FoxDogCatWolf - 05-05-2018

I gotta say I was damn upset when I wrote all that stuff last week. It didn't help I was drunk and on a drug (they say it's a dangerous combination but 'they' are a collection of parroting internet blogs) but doesn't matter much if I can still write lucidly, does it? For the record alcohol is terrible on the body and I avoid it and you should too. There are way better things. I would say "sorry" but I don't feel too torn up about it.

I am though fairly convinced he's dead because the story lines up well and medically. That said I still can't help but login every week. It's like a curse...

8 hours ago, Cat said:

So you finally came into the same conclusion I did, even when you articulated it differently; I today came back to take a peek around, very pointlessly but I've got no other release when I feel "zooey", and as you can see people don't care, we cannot find each other, it's like if none of us existed; I cared, I tried to talk to cyno but trust doesn't take us anywhere, I offered him support but we both knew that it won't go far; so I eventually went away, because we are powerless, each one of us is, so I couldn't get to contact him, I was probably one of the last people to talk to rannoch when that happened, it pisses me up, this lack of unity, brought by the risks of being public. So you can blame the laws for that, and people claiming it has no effect, I call it BS, of course it does, do you have an idea how many zoos are scattered around? millions?!... yet each one in their own tiny bubble, wondering if they are alone; because even if they are in a community like this, they are truly still alone.


In the past I would have downplayed all those politics, because "zoo rights" was never my idea of a top priority issue for civilization, and a lot of the harm is long-term psychological (as in, manageable with time and social life). But when I see these guys like Rannoch and Cyno who didn't have too many friends left in real life (and I can only pray their families were there in the end; Rannoch is likely; Cyno I'm not so sure) - well just try to picture what your last moments would be... there's no "manning up" for that... it's doing more undeserved harm than I gave it credit for.


8 hours ago, Cat said:

It is said that taking action speaks a lot about yourself, but also gets you in trouble, however you need not to take a toll on yourself for this, you want to act, but there's nothing you can do, so you drink.

I am probably more used to this than you nevertheless, so I can understand what you are going through to some degree; I once lost everything, and a lot of people died, I cannot go into details; but this powerlessness factor, and people's indifference is something that you can expect when there's a trust barrier, cyno's situation is sad, but with this scenario, where he is an unknown person living somewhere, what can I do?...

Some of the stuff I had to go through since 5 years has been cartoonishly horrid, out of this world, so it's not like I was born yesterday, it's merely in a different way of horror from all the horrors in the world - but a bunch of people dying at once is a different beast, and it took me by surprise, and worse, it's not going to stop - and if something that grave happened to you, I'm sorry to hear that, and I don't know where you're from but it's very possible you have more experience than me on that front, and on other fronts. I'm sure some 60-80 year old zoos have gone through watching all their friends die too - only it's not supposed to happen when you're half that age.

The powerlessness and indifference are two separate states of mind though. The prescribed medium we're forced to use certainly doesn't help the latter but it's not an excuse for it.

The community could always make better use of available (anonymizing) technology, to make communication more personal. The barriers to that have always been poor ease-of-use/accessibility combined with laziness and stupidity. In the end there's not much anyone could have done for Cyno except call him over voice... but that might have been of real value depending on his state of mind. You have to have been on that bed to get that fully. My hope is they put him on a non-stop morphine drip so he wasn't too distraught. That's how I want to go.

None of this is for the sake or arguing, I appreciate what you're saying, and this guy probably would too.


Reintroduction - Cat - 05-05-2018

7 hours ago, FoxDogCatWolf said:

I gotta say I was damn upset when I wrote all that stuff last week. It didn't help I was drunk and on a drug (they say it's a dangerous combination but 'they' are a collection of parroting internet blogs) but doesn't matter much if I can still write lucidly, does it? For the record alcohol is terrible on the body and I avoid it and you should too. There are way better things. I would say "sorry" but I don't feel too torn up about it.

I am though fairly convinced he's dead because the story lines up well and medically. That said I still can't help but login every week. It's like a curse...

In the past I would have downplayed all those politics, because "zoo rights" was never my idea of a top priority issue for civilization, and a lot of the harm is long-term psychological (as in, manageable with time and social life). But when I see these guys like Rannoch and Cyno who didn't have too many friends left in real life (and I can only pray their families were there in the end; Rannoch is likely; Cyno I'm not so sure) - well just try to picture what your last moments would be... there's no "manning up" for that... it's doing more undeserved harm than I gave it credit for.


Some of the stuff I had to go through since 5 years has been cartoonishly horrid, out of this world, so it's not like I was born yesterday, it's merely in a different way of horror from all the horrors in the world - but a bunch of people dying at once is a different beast, and it took me by surprise, and worse, it's not going to stop - and if something that grave happened to you, I'm sorry to hear that, and I don't know where you're from but it's very possible you have more experience than me on that front, and on other fronts. I'm sure some 60-80 year old zoos have gone through watching all their friends die too - only it's not supposed to happen when you're half that age.

The powerlessness and indifference are two separate states of mind though. The prescribed medium we're forced to use certainly doesn't help the latter but it's not an excuse for it.

The community could always make better use of available (anonymizing) technology, to make communication more personal. The barriers to that have always been poor ease-of-use/accessibility combined with laziness and stupidity. In the end there's not much anyone could have done for Cyno except call him over voice... but that might have been of real value depending on his state of mind. You have to have been on that bed to get that fully. My hope is they put him on a non-stop morphine drip so he wasn't too distraught. That's how I want to go.

None of this is for the sake or arguing, I appreciate what you're saying, and this guy probably would too.


Sadly indeed, but that's the effect of being in a platform of danger; there's simply a huge difference between say meeting IRL and having a couple of beers and figuring out both of us are zoo than some forum online; and that's why we got to lose contact with everyone once something bad happens; we can only assume that something bad has happened to him; and we got to move on, there's simply nothing we can do when there are such barriers on the way, it's sad, but true.

And well, I was a teenager then, I was born in a shithole country during the beginning of a dictatorship; 5 million people have escaped, including me; several thousand have died, and the government attempts to keep a dependency in them as in forcing an starvation state; I was kinda into shady slave labour for a while, until I broke free; I saw plenty shit, so I've learned to cope, but zoophilia was less of a taboo there where I was from, you could marry your horse if you wanted to, unoficially ofc lol, kids were proud of fucking their horses (it was weird), bunch of teenagers, so I am still getting used to this underground way of being whereas before a shitload of people knew I was a zoophile, it was a nice place before all that, it's sad overall; how politics can go to turn a normal beautiful 3rd world country to a complete shithole; gotta blame religion and communism for that one.

But yea, I guess, it's a different background, one that went from just a diverse community to become an ultraviolent community where everyone killed each other (and I mean it, I cannot remember how many times someone tried to kill me), some of my family members were killed; and a lot of this happens because of the needs people are going through; so you learn how people really don't care, how people act in desperation, and how people cope with this stuff. It is sad, but there's nothing you can do, you are powerless.

And that's the thing, I really cared of cyno, I wanted to be friends with the guy, just like I tried with rannoch (even when that took me by surprise), but he is unreachable, there's nothing I can do, there's just no difference from this and all the situations in the past; we are simply powerless to do anything, we got to move on, and appreciate the guy for what he was, even thought we know so little of him; but what can we do?... sadly only move on, and hope for the best for him.

And thing is that a tighter community can be obtained but only if there was no 5-year jail risk or some shit like that, because people can usually 99% of the time, detect who is trustworthy, it is a very accurate mechanism; but people here fear to give their numbers to talk, to keep in touch, or to make a meeting in germany (hell tell me if all EU zoos wouldn't just meet in germany randomly if there was no risk of a raid); with zoos is always a dead end because of that 1% of risk, it's like tossing a coin where you get a 99% change to make friends or a 1% chance of go to jail, none wants to toss that coin; the risk is too big for the benefits, toss the coin 100 times and you are fucked. And that is what kills the community?... that's what makes it not tight and people not to worry much about other's passing away, there's simply no community, we are all anonymous, we have the same values but we are not really close.

And if people want zoophilia to be mainstream, imagine what levels of coordination can be achieved in a tight community; so that as every person passes away his/her story can be told, or even as they get old and cannot be prosecuted anymore (a lot of us will get dementia and alzheimer, let's admit it); to tell real stories, not what the shit media wants to say, you see all the time these farmer or weirdo introverted stories, portrayed really bad; I am a fucking engineer, I am fit as hell, and highly extroverted, I came from the ashes of a dictatorship; and I am sure there are many of us that live what are successful normal lives or even exemplary lives out there; but the stories die with them, and it's only the losers that got nothing to lose that stand out; and this can be the key for normalization, the more exposition there is of something in the brains of the kids, the more they'll find it normal; and they are the next rulers and politicians.

Reintroduction - silverwolf1 - 05-05-2018

This thread is for introductions only! As mentioned by RH, there are other threads for such discussion already started, or start your own in GD. Any further discourse in this thread that is not a "welcome" message will be DELETED and the poster warned!


Reintroduction - shortleash - 05-09-2018

thank you silver wolf..i was trying to bring this up gently and having no effect...i like to greet people not talk death and philosophy...