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Porn Collection??

Just curious of peoples opinions on possessing a porn collection, on other zoo sites I've heard people talking about having zoo porn on their phone; which brang to mind, isn't that rather risky.. Seeing as if your phone is not encrypted in most states, if the cops want to they can search your phone without any reason or warrant, if for example they pull you over one day and said cop decides to be a douche.. Even though commercial (non-homemade) bestiality porn is legal to posses and view, the cops could still use it as probable cause to get a warrant to seize your animals, claiming that since you have the porn, your automatically are guilty of being a zoophile... 

When or if I feel the need to watch porn I usually stick to online videos, with a VPN being used, and nothing being downloaded, I feel its a smarter way to go..

Which is a BIG reason I don't have any zoo porn, neither on my hard drives or my phone anymore, I'd rather keep plausible deniability, its hard to prove something if there is nothing linking you to it.. The only thing I do have on my phone is regular nonsexual pictures of dogs.. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I'd rather keep low key, just in case.. 

What's your guys opinion on it? Do any of you keep a porn collection encrypted on a drive? 


I never managed to get behind what people find so goddamn intrigueing in pornography. It never worked for me the way it obviously is meant to work, it never excited me, it never helped me in any way. In the end,  all porn "enthusiasts" are staring onto and wanking to a couple of moving dots, it´s all second hand sexuality (pun absolutely intended) and thus not at all relevant for me. So I never have, don´t and never will own such a thing as a "porn collection".  I´m still puzzled about the fact that people mistakenly believe that comsuming pornography is more than a bland, shallow and stale substitute for the real thing; and a substitute that even can interfere with your natural sexuality´s development up to a point where "real" sexuality isn´t desirable anymore. For me, porn is a denigration of real sexuality, tiny bits for quick and consumer friendly consumption. The day I will store any of these shit flix is exactly the day when hell will freeze over...


Well since I write 'zoo porn', I tend to like it.



I collect it in my head, not in a physical format.  My preferred source is written experiences, real or fantasy.  If it's fantasy, I prefer the mechanics to at least sound semi-plausible. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />


amazon (dot) com/Kingston-16GB-Traveler-Automatic-DTLPG3/dp/B00HQC8WSM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1521399732&sr=8-1&ke

Can't be hacked or rewritten; the encrypt is on it's own firmware chip.  Attempts to do so will reformat your data.  And it's butt-easy to use; you don't have to know how to do anything, it walks you through setup.

Um, yeah.  Some of the best stories have a bad habit of going away if you don't save them to your own archive.


On 2/1/2018 at 6:06 PM, Cynolove693 said:

Just curious of peoples opinions on possessing a porn collection, on other zoo sites I've heard people talking about having zoo porn on their phone; which brang to mind, isn't that rather risky.. Seeing as if your phone is not encrypted in most states, if the cops want to they can search your phone without any reason or warrant, if for example they pull you over one day and said cop decides to be a douche.. Even though commercial (non-homemade) bestiality porn is legal to posses and view, the cops could still use it as probable cause to get a warrant to seize your animals, claiming that since you have the porn, your automatically are guilty of being a zoophile... 

When or if I feel the need to watch porn I usually stick to online videos, with a VPN being used, and nothing being downloaded, I feel its a smarter way to go..

Which is a BIG reason I don't have any zoo porn, neither on my hard drives or my phone anymore, I'd rather keep plausible deniability, its hard to prove something if there is nothing linking you to it.. The only thing I do have on my phone is regular nonsexual pictures of dogs.. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I'd rather keep low key, just in case.. 

What's your guys opinion on it? Do any of you keep a porn collection encrypted on a drive? 

I have a very similar setup. No porn on any of my hard drives or devices or backups of flash drives and the only computer that interacts with the zoo world runs tails linux from RAM and does not even save anything to a hard drive. On top of that new porn is rare anyway and I have seen all the old reposts of reposts of decades old porn. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" /> When I do go hunting for porn I would have to sift through a sewer of disgusting commercial porn, old known porn, blurry uninventive images, low light high noise videos and often even animal abuse all of which downloads very slowly over tor too. So I basically completely avoid any kind of zoo porn video sites. The same goes for most porn on zooville unfortunately. So I usually go for furry yiff and my real dog. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/biggrin.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":D" width="20" />


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