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What makes YOU a zoo?

real simple .. deep love and emotional attachment to animals that includes sexual attraction.


OK, though I'm loving the honest, open replies I'm getting here, my original intent is still being misunderstood. The second and third part of the query especially. Let's try this.

What do you feel you do in your personal relationships or personal conduct that in your own mind has you model the label Zoophile? I don't want the "why" here in other words, but the resulting "how". Even a simple " I take care of my animals the best I can, put them first and keep my sexual choices to myself for their safety." suffices. That's my best answer.  I should rightly make this a separate topic, but... 



I mean, the how's and why's are really the same for me.  Why?  I like animals, so it's a natural progression.  How did I get there?  Well...  I liked animals, so it was a natural progression.


I think what he's looking for is something like I said above.   I like animals (some of them) but so do lots of humans.   Some humans like dildos too and have great sex with them.

What make me different is that I value some animals in the same manner as I value some other humans.   It is possible for me to value an animal higher than a human.  

It isn't just that I like a given animal or that I like them in a sexual way, it's that I see them as equal in worth.


22 hours ago, cervids said:

I mean, the how's and why's are really the same for me.  Why?  I like animals, so it's a natural progression.  How did I get there?  Well...  I liked animals, so it was a natural progression.


21 hours ago, caikgoch said:

I think what he's looking for is something like I said above.   I like animals (some of them) but so do lots of humans.   Some humans like dildos too and have great sex with them.

What make me different is that I value some animals in the same manner as I value some other humans.   It is possible for me to value an animal higher than a human.  

It isn't just that I like a given animal or that I like them in a sexual way, it's that I see them as equal in worth.

<a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="153" href="<___base_url___>/profile/153-caikgoch/">@caikgoch</a> is on target. 



Sure, guess the word "love" would've been more appropriate in my wording.


My interpretation:


I like animals, as much if not more than people in some cases, more  often horses. I feel an innate and natural bond and kinship with them. We are alike, the same and of one spirit. We understand each other, pure and simple.

My sexual attraction to them is not universal. Just like people find some folks attractive and others not so, it is with me and animals. Some hold no attraction , others are incredibly attractive to me. Just like people.

This to my mind makes me Zoo, I have the same desires and feelings for my animal partners as I would for a human female and in the same way. It not a universal, bestial attraction to all animals, but those I feel drawn to in spirit and nature, as well as looks and shape. Just like human partners. I am particular and selective in my partners, or those I would like to have as a partner.

I am Zoo because to all intents and purposes, I behave and model myself in my animal relationships, in the same way that society would see an equal and balanced human/human relationship as 'good'.



I'm more at ease with animals then humans. I would rather be with animals in most things then with humans. There is no lies or mind games just pure nature. 


What doesn't make me a zoo?


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