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Sex deprivation

10 hours ago, arcticwolf said:

they got a t shirt <a data-fileid="3074" href="https://zoowg.org/uploads/monthly_2018_01/t2420.jpg.b489c83371baa3cfbf95b7b7e7f2d526.jpg" title="Enlarge image">[Image: t2420.jpg.b489c83371baa3cfbf95b7b7e7f2d526.jpg]</a>https://www.bigdogs.com/

they used to sell really nice super heavy duty collars and leashes , bought a few for my mastiffs over the years about the best i can find since is http://blockydogs.com/cmsbd/index.php

Omg!!! [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />


Thanks for posting this arcticwolf that made my morning better [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/laugh.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title="xD" width="20" />


On 1/26/2018 at 6:44 PM, silverwolf1 said:

Insults and clone accounts are not allowed here, by any member including Staff. To Cynolove: I'm not sure what you hope to gain with posts like these, but I do feel posts on your health should be confined to one thread rather than several. I'd recommend it be in the General Discussion forum. I've edited the Mod reply in this thread, as well as removed the clones replies and account. The Mod has been warned, but will remain a staff member. I fully understand his motive if not his method. Your post came off like a threat of suicide and he feared for you. It still reads so to me. We are all allowed one mistake though, both he and you, and I if that wasn't your intent. Hiway will remain in charge except the few times I might get to pop in. I remain confident in his ability.

My own thoughts on your post and your being here: First, sex isn't everything, nor is reciprocal love. I too have gone long times without either and with feeling it to be a lost cause. We survive it, or we don't. If we spend each day pitying ourself for it, we lose that day, and eventually that week, month, year, etc. On the topic; Sex Deprivation is easy enough, you just don't get any. Intentionally depriving is harder though, as you then think of it ALL THE TIME! I did that for 7 years after Tippy died, failing only after looking in Shadows eyes one too many nights...


Silverwolf I wasn't trying to gain anything by this post, was venting my feelings instead of keeping them in, and was simply trying to seek advice.. Clone account?? I'm confused now?? If your talking about the person that responded here with the name of Nobody, that was an actual different member as far as I'm aware at least, I had a long conversation with him via the pm's here.. I 100% realize sex isn't everything, damn, say one thing about missing sex and everyone and their brother gets offended!! Seems everyone ignored the fact that I said my depression stems mostly from lack of love in my life and the fact that I repressed my love for a friends dog (a year after my own passed away), which I may add was the strongest bond I've ever had before, so that alone was very difficult to do, and only made the deppression I've had for quite sometime now worse.. If you look into it from a psychological point of view; yes reciprocal love is a big part of keeping a healthy mindset; without social interaction or love a persons mental health can be greatly impacted.. I'm not depressed just because I haven't had sex, Ive went years without it in the past and was fine, I'm depressed because of my current situation, but I'm done trying to explain myself on here, because everyone else wants to misread what my intentions are.. I'll keep what's on my mind, there in my head from now on [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=";)" width="20" />

21 hours ago, farellfoxx said:

I beg to differ, I've never been in "true love" or had sex, and I still get depressed about it.

My point exactly, belittling someone just because they are depressed, should NEVER be an acceptable behavior, especially if they posses suicidal tendencies or threaten suicide; people need to remember that depression can be the same as other mental illnesses and impact your ability to think clearly, see its not just me who suffers from depression from lack of love, or feeling something physical, although I have loved and had sex before, farellfoxx is another person here who could relate to my situation, I understand entirely what your going through man, I've been there, lack of a partner in your life can be really difficult, especially in your situation as you haven't even got the chance to love, I can imagine how that feels, I was in that same situation for years until I got my first dog when I was a teenager, I felt extremely alone up until the point I got my first lab pup, she was so adorable and cuddly [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wub.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":x" width="20" />


On 1/26/2018 at 5:44 PM, silverwolf1 said:

My own thoughts on your post and your being here: First, sex isn't everything, nor is reciprocal love. I too have gone long times without either and with feeling it to be a lost cause. We survive it, or we don't. If we spend each day pitying ourself for it, we lose that day, and eventually that week, month, year, etc. On the topic; Sex Deprivation is easy enough, you just don't get any. Intentionally depriving is harder though, as you then think of it ALL THE TIME! I did that for 7 years after Tippy died, failing only after looking in Shadows eyes one too many nights...


Please believe me, I have tried both ways and it is much tougher going forward when you have to face leaving that part of your life on the operating room floor.      There is no reprieve and no second chance.    I think it's important to talk about it because this is going to happen to everybody here sooner or later.     If you are lucky you may have no more than a few seconds to live with the idea but the odds say that most will have years


20 hours ago, caikgoch said:

Please believe me, I have tried both ways and it is much tougher going forward when you have to face leaving that part of your life on the operating room floor.      There is no reprieve and no second chance.    I think it's important to talk about it because this is going to happen to everybody here sooner or later.     If you are lucky you may have no more than a few seconds to live with the idea but the odds say that most will have years

Very true.

I am also on the other side of sixty. And though *so far* I have avoided the more dire medical and physical debilitations, I have noticed a definite decline in the functioning of my own reproductive system, in conjunction with, or perhaps because of, a decline in those specific reproductive neurological functions. Reduced tissue elasticity and associated circulatory efficiency likely also has a role.

Currently, I have one male Avian partner. Because of a physical constraint on his part, not related to cloacal compatibility, I cannot engage in genital-to-genital contact with him. He is also at a comparable age to my own, and his own responses are beginning to ebb.

I am not currently in a position where I would be allowed to acquire an additional partner or partners, though I do see that changing in a couple or three years or so. But by the time I can gain a partner that can engage in such activities, it is very likely that my equipment "down there" may no longer be up to the task.

But I still have full function of my mouth, and full tactile, olfactory and gustatory sensitivity, with no signs of any of them diminishing at all. So even if my equipment "down there" can no longer couple and share my genital fluids, I can still use my equipment "up here" to bury myself into a Bird's soft, warm under-tail, take their vent into my mouth, feel their thrust & draw, their rub & grind, feel their shiver, hear their sounds, and taste what they give me.

And indeed, despite our mutual decline, my current Avian partner and I still engage in regular and intense oral-ventral activity!

I know that sooner or later the loss will happen, and I will regret that day. But as long as i can still bring pleasure and joy to a Bird's life, I will be happy.


Resident Hyaena ^..^


Give me your answer, fill in a form

Mine for evermore

Will you still need me

Will you still feed me

When I'm Sixty-Four?


John Lennon, Paul McCartney - "When I'm Sixty-Four"

from the album "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" by The Beatles

Parlophone 1967



I prefer Pink Floyd.

"The memories of a man in his old age

Are the deeds of a man in his prime

You shuffle in the gloom of a sickroom

And talk to yourself as you die

Life is a short warm moment

And death is a long cold rest

You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye

Eighty years with luck or even less"

Luckily the giving of pleasure has always been a priority for me.     I can still do that so life isn't over yet but I most certainly miss the merging of the flesh, the exchange of living essence.


Everyone for the most part has been thru similar circumstances ..  it sucks but life goes on and gets better

Always remember that likely on this very forum are folks that are envious of your partner situation ... you at least have a partner ... many do not and can not at the moment have one for various reasons.

Many many years ago when i was in very similar sit with an akita .. i came across this catchy little song flash animation and just now remembered it and where it was ... this person felt sexlesss at this point as well, as we all will at some point or another.

YOUR NOt ALONE feeling such things



Hm.  Another 60+ guy here where things don't work like they once did.  Medications for diabetes and blood pressure make it worse still.  I do have a dog, a neutered male who is still up for private playtime.  He's an old guy like me who has his own assortment of medications and supplements which render him distasteful for oral, which has always been one of my favorite things to do with male doggies.  Best I can do for him is the occasional handjob; it's a decent stress-reliever for both of us.


Well, I've never had any sexual contact with an animal.

So, there's that.


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