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so how is everyone surviving the pandemic

got a year supply of animal food....are your shelves all stocked...what are you doing for entertainment...



Just another day in the neighborhood here, other than running low on toilet paper, we're fine.

Still have to go to work every day (essential services).


Pretty much the same here for me Hiway.

More or less, just another day in the neighborhood.



I can hunker down here for an eternity if I have to, but I'm still checking in on a couple neighbors who can't take full care of themselves no matter what my Governor says. It's the right thing to do, and can be done safely so I can see they're supplied and healthy too. Each of us up here have a family or two to look after, or take turns on one. We can't travel to the city Wal-Mart now to stock up, so what folks have is what they're stuck with as of today. Yesterday, most of us donated any big stockpiles of paper goods and canned foods and divided it among the families by size. I wasn't hoarding anyway on TP, but had a lot of canned and sent it along. 

I'm also playing farrier for 20 farms because the farrier has drastically reduced his area of travel, and lives 250 miles away. The feed store and farms pooled everything he had left, and split it up by need though so if this lasts more than a month or so and grain shipments stop the horses will go a little less well fed. The dogs can eat meat with me, and I can still hunt for it when the freezer empties.

Other'n being statewide and the 'social distancing' shit, and undetermined time, we do this for every blizzard. It's nothing new. This state has a load of cases though, and though none are in the mountains, it's scary...

Entertainment wise, The horse training and care falls all on me now. The girl who works here and her two friends can't come. She calls every day. She misses her horse. Then there's the dogs. The Border IS learning to herd... two miniature sheep. The Lab is a fool who must have ball fetching time. There's still work to do rebuilding from the fire, little things here and there, and with the state on lock-down workers can't come so I dabble instead. I'll remain entertained...



Not a whole lot different.  I had 95-masks already, for work stuff I don't want to breathe, I haven't used any so far for this.  I always buy hand sanitizer in the half-gallons to fill all the bottles by all the sinks, barn, kennel; this is an animal reproduction farm, my hands and arms go places.....  

There is always food and feed for weeks or months, in case we get snowed or flooded in.  And it's about spring anyway, the hoofstock will soon be in more grazing than they can eat.  I have a pallet of dog food (Danes eat a lot, though they don't need as much as I feed them I admit).

I always have more than 90 days supply of pharma, when I get down to 90 days worth I order another 90 days, my life depends on it, it comes by mail.  You can order curbside pickup from Walmart; I have a sterilizing wand for before mail or packages enter the house.  

And I'm not a People Person anyway, I'm a critter person.  And in spite of a couple of incidents in Hong Kong there's no evidence it's transmittable from pets or domestic animals.  Our internet sucks way too bad for streaming, but I record stuff from Sat TV and have several old sci-fi movies and series.  (Remember Firefly?  Terra Nova?)

I did lay in some bulk popcorn however... 


well you folks have put a lot more thought into it than i have but i live in a reasonably well stocked small town so for now everything is ok...pop. 4000 10 minutes from 110,000 but in 14 days things could be very different...so things are cool in chicago....i wonder about stl...


[Image: 6ac57167c54094cd05b5cbd8a36944da.jpg.2c4...b344e8.jpg]

14 hours ago, Ramseys said:

[Image: 6ac57167c54094cd05b5cbd8a36944da.jpg.2c4...b344e8.jpg]

Find myself kinda drawn in by those eyes.. strange..



17 hours ago, Ramseys said:

[Image: 6ac57167c54094cd05b5cbd8a36944da.jpg.2c4...b344e8.jpg]


My point exactly... 


Day by day......not a lot to say really......


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