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Questions About Stallions

Not sure this is the right place to post this, but I've been wondering this for some time now. I know anal sex with stallions can be dangerous, but I'm interested to know the logistics of say instead of taking his flare up the butt when he mounts you,  you take his cock between your LEGS. Is their enough pressure for him to cum? Or would things not work out. Again I'm just curious, I've never even lead a stallion on a lead rope before.


Hmm.  Well, I've seen stallions miss the mark when mounting a mare and ejaculating between her legs.  But there's a lot more "correct" stimulation going on there than there would be with whatever human scenario you worked out.  And stallions (like the rest of us) are all over the map with what they will do, won't do, have no interest in doing, will go nutso trying to do.  So one may, one may not.  

How unhelpful is that?    

And yeah, you're going to need professional training before buying or handling a stallion for the safety of all involved.  But keep feeding your curiosity.   :-)  


Thanks for the reply. It's more of a fantasy then something I would try myself.


Had more than one cover me.  I suggest you start with a mini.  And use a big toy to loosen up before hand. And have an experienced friend help the first cover.  They're quick and intense.  And wonderful [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" />



Never been there in person, but I've watched SO many vids. In so many of them, the human would grab the horse's shaft and yank it back and forth like they were jacking off a male human. And I noticed that nothing usually happened because of that. There was one vid that enlightened me so much about how stallions get off; it was of a man giving one a hand-job. I can't post it here, so ...

The camera was on the floor right under the horse's belly; the stallion was pretty aroused already, but not entirely. The man approached him from the side and reached down and rubbed the belly itself a little; horsie started getting more excited. The man may have stroked the dick once, but what really got results was the man wrapping his hand around the head and squeezing it; prancing and squirting of pre-cum began at once. Then the guy pressed backward against the head. Horsie began thrusting hard and his balls pulled up into his abdomen somewhere, leaving his sac shriveled and empty and revealing the contour of the horse's penis behind the sheath. Horsie shot off, jizzem hit the camera lens, camera got kicked over. The camera got righted somehow (and cleaned; I'm thinking it had been covered with a pane of glass or something) and by then it was pretty much over.

Bottom line: What I saw was the horse responding to pressure against the end of his dick, and maybe some restriction just behind it, rather than any manipulation of the shaft.

So, if you find yourself in this situation, first, I'd say to try to keep your legs together as tight as possible, but he's gonna punch through anyway, and then just slap a hand over the flare and press backward on it. And be ready to clean up afterwards.


That's called "crumping".. look up "stallion crump method".

11 hours ago, threelegs said:

first, I'd say to try to keep your legs together as tight as possible, but he's gonna punch through anyway

You need really good lube.   Stallions do not like dry friction.


Another quick question: Do any other species flare? Or just equines?


Of domestic species only the equids.

There's a wild critter I can't think of the name of..... 


Rhinos have wings.   Tapirs flare large for a horse despite having a much smaller body.  


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