Anybody here therian
Yes I am
I\'m not
I don\'t know what that is
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Who else here is therian, I believe that my soul is a wolf, I obviously know I'm physically human, but I feel I have more animal characteristics than I do human


Nope. I have no idea what kind of alternate critter I'd be. Maybe spoiled lap-cat would be good at my age, LOL!


Mm, an interesting topic for sure.. Whilst I identify very closely with canines, especially wild ones I don't believe I'm therian. Then again, I believe we're *all* just animals.. I don't believe in things like religions or souls.. My beliefs revolve around nature and it's cycles.

That being said, one of the sort of 'side attractions' for me about being a Zoo (besides my 'inlaid' exclusive attraction to canines.. Which has been with me since puberty..) is the fact that I can be more 'primal', I can form baser level connections to my animal partner.. I can have sex just to have sex.. It's rough and with intent.. With virtually no strings attached.. 

Sometimes, especially with the 'Anti' crowd: they forget we're *all* animals in the animal kingdom.. We're all instinctual.. Humans are just tricked by their own brain sometimes. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":)" width="20" /> 

If I -had- to identify as another species, canine for sure.. No super specific one though.. Coyote, Wolf, and even German Shepherd all sort of 'fit' with me and my own observations of my personality.



I am as much a wolf as a human can be, as much a human as a wolf may be. I do believe in souls and higher states of being, and have studied many religions. One that has stuck has it's roots in my own Native American roots (a small part of my make-up). Among those relations however I am known as a wolf. Coincidence? I don't know.

At any rate I chose "I'm not" in your poll as I don't label myself as such based solely on the above.



I have deep personal spiritual conections to animals, that would make me therian but I'm not Otherkin.


I am.

Interestingly enough maybe, I discovered the zoo community while trying to figure out what therianthropy even was.


I'm too scattershot to identify as a particular species.  I've had friendships bordering on family with a couple of horses (mare and stallion) and a Dane bitch.  I still tear up when a song reminds me of one of them.  But a personal identity as a particular domestic or wild species?  Um, no, not there. 

If it goes backwards, I'm a non-human human (no sexual attraction to humans, little emotional or philosophical connection with them).



12 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

I'm too scattershot to identify as a particular species.  I've had friendships bordering on family with a couple of horses (mare and stallion) and a Dane bitch.  I still tear up when a song reminds me of one of them.  But a personal identity as a particular domestic or wild species?  Um, no, not there. 

If it goes backwards, I'm a non-human human (no sexual attraction to humans, little emotional or philosophical connection with them).


Curious but do you feel like "otherkin" is a label that suits better? Not as defined by cringe culture.


22 hours ago, OtterConfusion said:

I am.

Interestingly enough maybe, I discovered the zoo community while trying to figure out what therianthropy even was.

What species do you identity with?


3 hours ago, OtterConfusion said:

Curious but do you feel like "otherkin" is a label that suits better? Not as defined by cringe culture.

Nope.  Quite human, but not much attracted to humans.


Saw a t-shirt I rather liked recently:

"DOGS MAKE ME HAPPY.  You, not so much."


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