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5 hours ago, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

I know nothing about guns. Whats a good price for a "self protection" gun, for say use against robbers? Would a novice be able to use and aim one? I'm just concerned about the increase of crime in my neighborhood (including some in broad day light).

The Taurus G3 can be bought for around $250. USD.  https://youtu.be/7tiS59eejvE

That's the first part of your question. The rest has a lot of variables in it. Body mass, Upper body strength, eye sight. Note I didn't say anything about gender. There's a lot of women that shoot better then a lot of men.

Just a tiny bit of training and you should be able to hit a man sized target at 15 feet no problem.

Unless someone is shooting at you. Is anyone more that 15 feet away really a threat?

Now if they are running at you with a knife or bat. Then yea, empty the mag into 'em. It's amazing how quickly an attacker can cover that distance. So don't wait until they are 5 feet away before firing. 

Don't get hung up on capacity. FBI says most civilian gun fights take place at 'bad breath' range and under 3 shots fired.

Remember you are not trying to kill anyone. You only want to stop the threat of violence to you or your family.

Usually a couple of holes in someone that are leaking blood with normally stop most attackers. If not... Then there's 3... 4... 5.... 12.

If you need more specific help just ask, or PM me.



Uh, Ramseys, I've a pretty good idea which end of the gun the bullets come out of.  22 years In, Expert Rifleman with I believe 20 stars (Air Force Expert, very easy course).  The fowling piesces are at ready in the closet.


Most of my comments here are aimed at the general audience 

Due to the CCPvirus and the "Peaceful Protests", many folks have acquired firearms, sometimes for the first times in their lives.

I hope my comments are received in the spirit in which it is given.

Wanting to have everyone become safe and competent gun owner.


If you hadn't never you ought to go practice.  We learnt in gravel pits  at tin cans or bird hunts.  Today you about have to be In or hit the local range in the gun store.  But either way, learn how to go be safe.  When you were twelve and had convinced your parent/mentor you got a shotgun.  Life and weapons scaled up from there.




I remember being about 12 and firing a 10-ga the first time.   That left an impression.  Fortunately someone was standing behind me..... 


Thanks for the advice Ramseys. I think a gun would pay for itself if it prevented a robbery/carjacking or heaven forbid a death.


For new gun owners, everything <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/11-ramseys/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="11" href="<___base_url___>/profile/11-ramseys/">@Ramseys</a> has said, in spades. Most want to go the "Home Defense Shotgun" route, and they're fine, but get one up at 2 feet or less. I've got a couple, but my go-to is still a handgun, and knowledge. That second being the absolute most important. Thanks Ramseys.



I'm going to hold off on the gun due to my current living arrangements. But everything everyone has said is good info


Option 2:  

Get a big well-muscled dog.




Seriously.  A number of places up and down this country road have been broken into.  Not here in 35 years, in spite of having tools and equipment.  (Knock on Masonite.)  But I'm known in the area for having and breeding very large, fast dogs.  With very deep voices.  

I had a guy tell me later that he came by to "pick something up" while I wasn't here.  He said the "big one" put him back in his truck after he started rattling doorknobs.  

Whose a Good Doggie...... 


2 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Option 2:  

Get a big well-muscled dog.



2 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

A number of places up and down this country road have been broken into.  Not here in 35 years,

A dog is a great deterrent, and protection, from burglars.They're an early warning system for the other kinds of criminals we have to worry more about. They aren't foolproof though, just like any security system. A good gun in a steady, trained hand is an effective back-up that may well save your, and the dogs, life. I have good dogs, one who hears a mouse two buildings away. I still lost half the farm to a fire caused by drugged out teens she didn't hear or grew used to hearing & accepted as 'friends'. I patrol the place before bed now, despite the dogs, new cameras, new fences, and booby-traps of my own wicked design.. with a gun.



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