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I guess I never made one of these, whoops

AvianRaptor, twenty-few vegan dude. I don't know if I really have a sexuality, but I do find nonhuman animals a lot more aesthetically pleasant than humans, and consider myself a zoosexual/zoophile ally if anything. I don't come around often, partially because I don't think I have anything exciting to add. I have a big interest in animal rights but largely feel like I can't approach other activists about accepting zoosexuality. I like getting zoophilia research links and making them more digestible but haven't brushed up on that lately.


Hello AR! As for being vegan, I just got done eating 10 minutes ago some Vegan Chili and Vegan Chicken Tikka Masala (while I'm not vegan, I only eat meat once a week). Do you have a favorite species?


31 minutes ago, HeartBeatOfTheBeast said:

Hello AR! As for being vegan, I just got done eating 10 minutes ago some Vegan Chili and Vegan Chicken Tikka Masala (while I'm not vegan, I only eat meat once a week). Do you have a favorite species?

Any attempt is good, honestly.

Thank you for the question! I can't answer that at all. I am the kind that goes through entire Wikipedia lists looking at lesser-known animals, and there's just so many gorgeous ones. The one in my icon is an Ornate Hawk-Eagle, who are absolute lookers, and other birds I really like are pufflegs (the cute hummingbirds), most doves, pallid harriers, ocellated turkey, couas, crested jays... I could go on for a while. I also really like cervids, rodents, lemurs, marmosets, sharks, dolphins... I'm indecisive. I do assume yours are horses, lol


1 minute ago, AvianRaptor said:

I do assume yours are horses, lol

Yes, and also wolves!


Well Howdy!

Have a look around, see if something strikes your fancy..... 


Howdy and Welcome to the forum.

4 hours ago, heavyhorse said:

Have a look around, see if something strikes your fancy..... 

Or we can have one of the members of the staff come by and strike it for you. [img]<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wacko.png[/img]/emoticons/[email protected] 2x" title=":S" width="20" />


Thanks for the Intro <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/2915-avianraptor/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="2915" href="<___base_url___>/profile/2915-avianraptor/">@AvianRaptor</a>. Nice to get to know you a bit. Vegan is OK, I guess. I sorta tried it once and lasted a week, heh, but like my Spirit the Wolf, I am an omnivore. Too many folks call them Carnivores with a capital C, conjuring images of taking down Bison & Elk daily in bloody battle. I've studied and felt them, and know half their diet is carrion, the other split between fresh kills and grasses, berries, roots, tubers and even bear poop. I avoid the bear poop, but eating meat some-one else killed is technically 'carrion', so when on rare occasions I buy mine it is still their diet..

Anyway, I digress. I see many Avians in your list of species. There are others here who share in those attractions. As for myself, I have over 50 feeding stations of various types scattered around the farm, feeding at least 10 different types of food, and provide both natural & artificial nesting and roosting areas for songbirds, woodpeckers, raptors, herons, ducks & geese and loons. I  photograph them and study their mating and breeding behavior. I also find most species to be quite beautiful. My World would honestly be lessened severely without their daily interaction.

Don't avoid visiting or participation out of feeling you have little to add. You never know when what you say will be the one thing that makes the most sense, or how much response your words will generate. Join in, you are a valuable voice.



Welcome, AR!


Hi AvianRaptor,

Welcome to the forum. I look forward to seeing you around!


hello and welcome.....don't peck out my eyes...



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