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Bestia Amore: a new Zoo Podcast!

Yeah I'm out. I wish you the best but we have a forum. And that is this one.

Podcasts, especially ones by voice scare me. Because you never know who can identify you by that medium alone. The people closest to you will find a way to harm you the most. Voice recognition is a thing...it's coming into technology and you don't even know when it's activated.

Now is not the time to be independent. Way too much violence going on. Wrong time for activism. We will get there, but starting a venture like this is not just about who will come against you. It's about everything that is you. When you're off the air. When you've fallen out of favour with someone. And when you've thought you seen it all.

The time to speak out, is when you literally can blackmail the anti's into silence. That goes for your listeners as well. You don't need to take responsibility for them, but you do need to be responsible for what advice you tell people. Because they will reference you by proxy, and then that's when people you don't know will be knocking at your door.

We are a very small community with no safety in numbers anymore now that beast forum is gone. It protected us by its shear size alone, back when many of its users posted when it was legal to engage in bestiality. Not safe for work content aside, the internet spies on people in real life. So like I said, I'm out.

Whatever you do, don't own an animal and make sure your friends don't either before you even go on the air. This is a safety precaution in case someone uses unrelated evidence to pin on you. Just, be careful. I won't tell you to stop. Just that I wouldn't in a million years even be supportive of any independent projects right now. Least of all voice traceable ones.


3 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

I personally don't care if you screw up and get yourself caught, that's on you. You've been warned to take every step you can to protect yourself, but you seem to have a blase attitude about the issue and feel you're smarter than everyone around you and that the dangers don't exist. You believe that because you personally don't know any zoo that has been jailed that means no zoo has ever been jailed, none of his animals executed, none of his family shamed..

I'm not saying here "Don't do your Podcast" or "I don't believe you are protecting yourself". I'm saying maybe change your attitude when you're given experienced advice. Maybe folks won't feel like giving it so honestly the next time..

Someone's a little full of HIMSELF now, no? Listen Silver, I respect you and the older members of the community who've seen a lot more shit than I have: but you're sounding like I've not seen the exact thing you mention. The purity push was for-sure a bad one, I do remember EXACTLY what you describe.

Before you assume, you may have wanted to ask me about some of what I have, and haven't seen. It strikes a particular nerve when someone tries to call me stupid, or 'blind' in this case.

I'm not saying I don't appreciate the input, what I'm saying is, in this case, the lot of you are being EXTREMELY paranoid, for no real major reason.

Just an aside, my co-hosts have every right to turn down the venture, at any time, and we'll sure as hell stop if something starts to go pear-shaped.


6 hours ago, elshara said:

Voice recognition is a thing...

Dammmmn--   Hadn't even thought of that one.  That's broadcasting your fingerprints worldwide....


6 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

 being EXTREMELY paranoid, for no real major reason.

As the old saying goes, "It's not paranoid if they actually are after you".


And by the time it starts to go pear-shaped, it's already too late, that means they already have enough evidence to proceed.


8 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

Someone's a little full of HIMSELF now, no? Listen Silver, I respect you and the older members of the community who've seen a lot more shit than I have: but you're sounding like I've not seen the exact thing you mention. The purity push was for-sure a bad one, I do remember EXACTLY what you describe.

Before you assume, you may have wanted to ask me about some of what I have, and haven't seen. It strikes a particular nerve when someone tries to call me stupid, or 'blind' in this case.

I'm not saying I don't appreciate the input, what I'm saying is, in this case, the lot of you are being EXTREMELY paranoid, for no real major reason.

Just an aside, my co-hosts have every right to turn down the venture, at any time, and we'll sure as hell stop if something starts to go pear-shaped.


I'm a younger member. I used to have a dream to reach out to the zoophile community and, I still care.

I've had to accept some hard truths about who makes up our community. Not everyone you meet will out themselves as a naysayer, and will even support you or pretend to do so if you tell them certain things that you enjoy.

I've listened to enough podcasts in my time, to appreciate things about them. Hosts can be very funny, informative, and even get very nice discussions going. Zooier than Thou is a recent example. In a world where you aren't worried about what you say, it's almost like anything goes.

A close friend of mine, I'm talking 10 years now, knows a personal friend to a famous radio host for 40 years. I'm talking millions of people know his name kind of fame here. This person took over his paranormal, non political, non religious talk show after his health took a turn for the worse. To this day, she's getting death threats, blackmail and all because of the fact that they didn't like she is female. It's gotten to the point where her audience, controls the narrative and she screens contact just to stop her life from being in danger. I won't go into details, especially because it's non zoo related. But there's a group of trolls who want her to simply, disappear and have gone as far as to lie to law enforcement to try to get her investigated by the FBI for being the untrue reason behind the original famous person's unfortunate death. Where he made millions and signed a deal with several networks, she had to go independent to save herself from the very same people because they were afraid to take her on due to the audience she was unintentionally attracting.

When I say it's not a good time to be independent, I mean it to anyone I talk to. You will absolutely have to have a heart of steel to even get noticed, let alone respected in this, any small business industry. Even web blogging now has to be done through invitation only, because trolls will target you with spam, scam and social engineering, not to mention fishing for information if any contact area is left unattended.

People who run independent news networks even with the backing of millions of dollars crowd funded now, are being arrested on public property for trying to tell a story, because they aren't a recognized news authority. It's to the point where brand recognition will make, or break you. And if you're thinking a few friends will strive to do their best to be with you on this journey, you're not taking into consideration people's bitterness and unwillingness to forget they aren't innocent anymore. In the sense that being a slut is a fairy tail version of a good life. I two, remember the days when that was like one of the worst things that could happen to someone. They're long gone. And they can't come back in today's world. No matter how hard you try to just be there for a little fun.

Some may call you out for being the fool, I choose to respect your innocence. Please don't get caught up in being responsible for a podcast. It might just be the last we ever hear of you. That's why I'm out, because I don't want to get attached like I did to somewhere I thought would be too big to fail despite my issues with the place. I tried to save Beast Forum, naively so. It was when I was realizing, the community today was not the one that started out in 2001. If you truly want to be independent, don't let your audience control your narrative. Be bold, recognizable and strong in your convictions. That's what everyone needs to see in you. It won't change your enemies, but it will endear you to friendship even if all you get out of it, is a memory.

I'm sure we can all think of 1001 ways this can and likely will crash and burn. We can't prepare for everything, but we can stay true to the person at heart that we are. It's this faith in pure self understanding between others of like mind, that has stopped me from throwing in the towel altogether. We're very blessed to have met one another in a time full of indifference and high steak living.


First, I never called you stupid or blind. Don't put words in my mouth. I said, and still say, you aren't seeing the whole picture. You have this idea that the only people to be wary of are powerless fools. You have another that you know better than anyone how to protect yourself, thus need no advice. That's neither blind nor stupid, it's arrogant, and unfortunately that arrogance harms others as well as yourself. Thus my concern. As I said, I don't care if you harm yourself with this venture by not taking it's dangers seriously. That is your choice, and your responsibility. I do care though if you harm others, such as your Shepard pup, with your foolishness. 

I'm still not saying "Don't do a podcast.", though your qualifications may be in doubt to some. I am saying take the dangers much more seriously, the advice given in the spirit it is intended, and protect yourself, those you love, and the members of the community who you have decided you now represent. If you choose to be a Voice,as I have, you MUST consider every word, every action, every step you take as a full and complete view of every zoophile in existence, because all the people around us will. There is no turning back, even if the podcast stops, once you start. You will always be That Voice of the community, and have that responsibility..



Ugh.  Yes, unfortunately.  As a visible public representative, if you fart flames after Texas Chili, it will be automatically assumed that all critter people of every persuasion are starting wildfires.... 

To paraphrase the song:

Every breath you take and every move you make<br style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#222222;font-size:14px;text-align:left;" />Every bond you break, every step you take, they'll be watching you<br style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#222222;font-size:14px;text-align:left;" />Every single day and every word you say<br style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#222222;font-size:14px;text-align:left;" />Every game you play, every night you lay, they'll be watching you



I hear both sides of this. Please be careful, but I am also grateful that there are people like you, prepared to put more Zoo casts out there for us to listen to.

Good luck and stay safe !


2 hours ago, silverwolf1 said:

First, I never called you stupid or blind. Don't put words in my mouth. I said, and still say, you aren't seeing the whole picture. You have this idea that the only people to be wary of are powerless fools. You have another that you know better than anyone how to protect yourself, thus need no advice. That's neither blind nor stupid, it's arrogant, and unfortunately that arrogance harms others as well as yourself. Thus my concern. As I said, I don't care if you harm yourself with this venture by not taking it's dangers seriously. That is your choice, and your responsibility. I do care though if you harm others, such as your Shepard pup, with your foolishness. 

I'm still not saying "Don't do a podcast.", though your qualifications may be in doubt to some. I am saying take the dangers much more seriously, the advice given in the spirit it is intended, and protect yourself, those you love, and the members of the community who you have decided you now represent. If you choose to be a Voice,as I have, you MUST consider every word, every action, every step you take as a full and complete view of every zoophile in existence, because all the people around us will. There is no turning back, even if the podcast stops, once you start. You will always be That Voice of the community, and have that responsibility..

Yet for such a strong 'voice', I don't hear much about, or from you now, do I?


You still don't get it do you? You still think I'm NOT accounting for everything, that's the problem here. Or, the problem I have with the 'advice' given.



2 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

You still think I'm NOT accounting for everything,


If you believe in deities, only God can account for everything.

If you don't believe in deities, no one can account for everything. 

 The law of unintended consequences has come to be used as a warning that an intervention in a complex system tends to create unanticipated and often undesirable outcomes.

<p style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#202122;font-size:14px;">
Akin to Murphy's law it is commonly used as a warning against the hubristic belief that humans can fully control the world around them.

<p style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#202122;font-size:14px;">


18 hours ago, WinterGreenWolf said:

You still don't get it do you? You still think I'm NOT accounting for everything, that's the problem here. Or, the problem I have with the 'advice' given.


The "problem" is, I see you above denigrating every piece of advice that was given and treating the advisers (not myself) rather unkindly. Thus I spoke up. 

HH is right BTW, you cannot account for everything. There's always something, some little thing, so do be careful.

On to being a "Voice" though, continuing my advice there. The "Covering yourself just in case" , and this is more about having your words remain believed by those who listen to you, NEVER say one thing and be or do another. If the day comes, and I pray it doesn't, that you are outted and you are found to have in any small way lied to those who follow you, all of your words will have been for naught. Everything you have tried to teach, to express about zoophilia will go to the wayside and you will be seen in every way as a fraud, not just that one.

This was the hope of the the zoo, a man (if you can call the worm such) I once considered a trusted friend, who tried outting me. He found me exactly as my words and was disappointed in his attempt, but it still drove me offline in anger and silenced me for years. Had I been a fraud returning would have been impossible with any credibility, nor would any of my words in the past have had any meaning to those who had listened.

When you leave the 'public eye', keep your name. Even if you feel you screwed a few things up, be brave and take that responsibility. Your other words will hold more meaning if you do. I have been silverwolf since the start. Be WinterGreenWolf to the end.

Good luck.



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